Development Studies Research Papers/Topics

Roles And Challenges Of Decentralization By Devolution On Public Health Service Delivery: A Case Of Dodoma Urban District

ABSTRACT This study aimed at assessing roles and challenges of decentralization by devolution on health service delivery at Dodoma Urban District. The specific objectives were, to examine the role of Decentralization by Devolution in health service delivery in Dodoma urban district, to examine challenges of decentralization by devolution in health service delivery in Dodoma rural district, to examine the reasons of the identified challenges of decentralization by devolution on health service...

Land degradation and agriculture productivity in Dodoma: A case of zuzu and nghonghonha villages.

ABSTRACT This study was undertaken to examine the impacts of land degradation on agriculture in Dodoma. The study covered the villages of Zuzu and Nghonghonha. The first task was to examine the spread of land degradation and its effects on agriculture productivity. Secondly, was to determine the contribution of human activities in influencing the rapid growth of land degradation in Zuzu and Nghonghonha villages. The final task was to determine the efforts and strategies by the government to ...

Perception On Factors Influencing The Rate Of Primary School Girls Drop Out In The Eastern Zone Of Nakuru Municipality

ABSTRACT The UNESCO report of 2013/2014 shows that fifty seven million adolescents were out of school globally of which 55% were girls. Africa is the home of more than a half of the world’s children between six and eleven years who do not go to school. About thirty million children are out of school from this region. The Sub Saharan and Arab countries have the highest percentages where girls are also much more affected. The report observes that twenty two million adolescents are out of sch...

Correlating Family Income With Sexual Violence Against Children: A Study Of Kasarani Sub County, Nairobi County

Over time, children are presented to have borne the brunt of offensive cultural practices and conditions that perpetuate sexual violence especially in Kenya. Research gap shows existing uncertainty on the determinants of sexual violence and how the challenge is manifested in the dynamics of the changing economic conditions. This study examines the correlation between incidents of sexual violence and family income as an indicator of socio-economic inequalities at micro level. The study therefo...

The Effects Of Gender On The Economic Status And Social Interaction Of Hiv/Aids Infected Youth In Kamptembwo Location, Nakuru County

ABSTRACT Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a virus that damages cells of the body‟s immune system. Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is a collection of symptoms and infections resulting from damages caused by HIV in the immune system. HIV/AIDS affects both the young and the old regardless of their gender, economic or social status. It is a killer disease which has continued to pose a grave threat to the health, economic, social and living standards of the community and more so to the ...

Gender Implications Of Household Inaccessibility To Safe Water And Improved Sanitation In Kaptembwo, Nakuru County

ABSTRACT Inaccessibility to safe water and improved sanitation widens the gender gap since it takes a heavy toll on households and especially women and children. This study aims at determining the gender implications of household inaccessibility to safe water and improved sanitation in Kaptembwo of Nakuru County. Specific objectives of this study include determining the implications of household inaccessibility to safe water and improved sanitation on children. This study also seeks to analy...

Influence Of Gender Mainstreaming In Livestock Management On The Socio-Economic Status Of Turkana Pastoralists, In Turkana County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Turkana women have experienced gender discrimination in livestock management for a long time. Male dominance in decision-making, control and access over resources prevent women from participating and benefiting from livestock activities. This is attributed to factors such as cultural beliefs, illiteracy levels, and insecurity among the Turkana pastoralists. These factors cause low livestock productivity and income earning to both men and women. The result is endemic food insecurity...

Factors Determining Women’s Participation In The Management Of Co-Operative Societies In Njoro Sub-County, Nakuru County

ABSTRACT A lot of strategies have been formulated both nationally and internationally to ensure women participate in leadership. There is a constitutional provision in the 2010 Kenya Constitution requirement of two-thirds gender representation that institutionalizes direct gender-specific measures and continued efforts to empower women. There are also international instruments such as Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) and article 9 of the Prot...

The 2010 Fifa World Cup: Perceptions Of Its Sport And Development Legacy Potential

ABSTRACT Sport mega-events are a contemporary phenomenon which embody and unify global processes in an increasingly globalised world. Whilst the sport industry has grown exponentially as a result of global market forces envisaging extensive economic opportunities, hosting a mega-event has also been economically attractive for cities and countries. In aiming to be globally competitive and world-class, mega-events derive from an economic-growth centred model of urban development, whereby benef...

Factors Influencing Academic Performance Of Girls In Mixed Day Secondary Schools In Njoro Sub-County Nakuru County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Trends in academic performance show that girls’ performance is low compared to that of boys. This has been reflected in the low number of girls who qualify to join tertiary institutions and later reflected in the job market. The purpose of the study was to investigate factors influencing academic performance of girls in mixed day secondary schools in Njoro Sub-County Nakuru County, Kenya. The poor performance of girls at KCSE level in the Sub-County prompted the study. The study wa...

The Effects Of Obstetric Fistula, Impact And Coping Strategies Of Women In Kaptembwa – Nakuru, Kenya

ABSTRACT Obstetric fistula is complication of pregnancy that affects women following prolonged obstructed labor. Most instructive in this respect, is the continuous leakage of urine as well as the far reaching effects on, physical, emotional, economic and social suffering associated with it, which has a profound impact on women and men’s livelihoods. Therefore it was found imperative to evaluate the causes of obstetric fistula on affected women of Kaptembwa Nakuru, and appraise the impact ...

Socio-Economic Effects Of Refugees On The Local Community In Kibondo District

ABSTRACT The sudden presence of refugees significantly altered the lives of the local population in Kibondo District. The present study was carried out to determine the socio-economic effects of refugees on the local community. It was geared specifically to determine the economic status of local people in the Kibondo district after the refugees’ influx. Furthermore, the study investigated the social effects of refugees on the hosts, attitude of people towards the refugees and mitigation ef...

Perception On Use Of Contraceptives Among Households’ Heads In Low-Income Families In Kuresoi North Sub-County, Nakuru County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Family planning is widely acknowledged as an important intervention towards achieving Sustainable Development Goal 3 (SDG 3) as it has proven to reduce maternal and child mortality. Family planning has also been found to promote gender equality as well as educational and economic empowerment for women and men. Despite the enormous benefits of family planning services, the uptake of these services among men in Kuresoi North Sub-county still remains low in. The aim of this study was to...

The Contribution Of Micro Enterprises To Sustainable Rural Livelihood: A Case Of Mulobezi District

Micro enterprises play a crucial role in addressing the obstructions of poverty, inequality and job creation and ultimately achievement of the sustainable livelihoods in rural areas. They are an important source of employment, particularly for low skill workers and the youth. The purpose of this study was to ascertain the contribution of micro enterprises to sustainable rural livelihood in Mulobezi district of Zambia. Data was collected through structured interviews schedule and the use ...

Transforming Masculinities In The Context Of Emerging Family Crisis: The Case Of Selected Faith-Based Organisations In Nakuru County.

ABSTRACT Faith-Based Organisations (FBOs) are transforming masculinities in the context of family crises facing the modern family. This is because despite global, regional and national efforts by Governments and other agencies the incidences of family crises such as GBV, separation and divorce still persist. A growing body of literature links negative masculinities with family crises. Specifically this study sought to explore how Kenya Anglican Men Association (KAMA) and Presbyterian Church M...

421 - 435 Of 1134 Results