Economics Research Papers/Topics


ABSTRACTInflow generous is a macro topic in coming, which is inevitable of lexicon. It persistent increases in the general price cover of community. Also, it could be described as a situation pursuing few gooses. Furthermore, it could be described as a site. Or where there is a full in the purchasing power on naira currency. Under this topic we will pay more attention to the effects and causes of inflation in Nigeria. The group information for the project, such as obtaining from the early eig...


ABSTRACT This study aims to examine analysis of agricultural financing in Nigeria (A study of Umuchinmere Procredit and First Bank PLC, Enugu).  It is believed that generalization will be made on the entire nation based on the results arrived at in the research.  The project is divided into five (5) chapter to enhance understanding and convenience.  In chapter one, an introduction of the study was made.  The statement of the problems were enumerated which includes lack of credit faciliti...

The Impact Of Liquidity On The Performance Of Commercial Bank In Nigeria Plc (A Case Study Of First Bank Of Nigeria)

ABSTRACT This study examined the impact of liquidity performance in commercial using First Bank of Nigeria Plc as case study. Secondary data used in this study were carried from text books, journals, magazines and newspaper. Our findings indicate that there was a positive relationship between liquidity management and the existence of any banks. Based on this findings we recommend that should be prudent in extending credit facilities to their client/customers to avoid problem of load loss mana...

The Role Of The Nigerian Stock Exchange On Capital Formation (1980-2011)

ABSTRACT This study was carried out to determine the effect of stock market on capital formation in Nigeria. The variables included in the model were, Gross Fixed Capital Formation, value of share traded, interest rate, inflation rate, commercial bank investment indicator, and Stock Market Capital. Data were sourced from CBN statistical bulletin (2011). The study employed OLS technique to determine the effect of stock market on capital formation. The empirical finding shows that stock market ...

Impact Analysis Infant and Child Mortality in Nigeria

ABSTRACT. The first five years of life are the most crucial to the physical and intellectual development of children and can determine their potential to learn and thrive for a life time. That is why it is specifically stated as one of the goals of the MDGs to reduce infant mortality by two thirds by 2015. Although there has been a substantial reduction in infant and child mortality rates in most developing countries in the recent past, it still remains a major public health issue in Sub-Saha...

The Impact of the Nigerian Capital Market on Economic Growth (1990-2010)

This paper seeks to examine the impact of the Nigerian capital market on its economic growth from the period of 1990-2010. This means that the performance of the stock market is an impetus for economic growth and development. The economic growth was proxied by Gross Domestic Product (GDP) while the capital market variables considered include; Market Capitalization (MCAP), Total New Issues (TNI), Value of Transactions (VLT), and Total Listed Equities and Government Stocks (LEGS). Applying Joha...


The capital market in Nigeria had been influenced by various factors which are associated with the level of development of the Nigerian economy The paper discusses the development of the capital market with emphasis on the period since  deregulation in 1986. The institutions that are crucial for the delivery of financial services in the market were analysed with focus on their evolution, performance and prospects. The. market in Nigeria was compared with other emerging markets with the concl...

The Impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) on Nigeria’s Development

The socio-political and economic world, as it exists and functions today, is increasingly shrinking and interconnecting itself into a globalized village; a veritable system or structure where all parts are assigned specific roles and functions  to play. It is increasingly and absurdly metamorphosing into a major theater, where the actors are assigned, again, specific roles to play. The multiplier effects of this symbiosis are enormous as some had profited from this relationship, whilst other...

Impact Of Capital Market Instability On The Growth Of Nigerian Economy

INTRODUCTION The growth and development of an economy, depends greatly on how the country’s capital market thrives. The capital market can be an important facilitator of economic growth (Applegarth, 2004). Osaze (2000) is of the view that the capital market drives any economy to growth and development because the long term growth capital formation stems from it. Economic growth in a modern economy hinges on an efficient financial sector that pools domestic savings and mobilizes foreign capi...

1531 - 1539 Of 1539 Results