Economics Research Papers/Topics

The Impact of Inventory Management on Organisational Effectiveness, at Uganda Batteries Limited

ABSTRACT This study focused on the impact of inventory management on organization effectiveness. The study was guided by the following research objectives which were to identify inventory management practices employed by organizations, to examine the problems encountered in the use of Inventory Management Techniques and to establish the relationship between inventory management and organization effectiveness. The study used Uganda batteries Ltd as a case study; the study used 60 respondents f...

Assessment of Shortages of Funds On Effective Budget Implementation of an Organization the Case Study of Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority (Tfda) Headquarters, Dares Salaam.

ABSTRACT This research was carried out to assess the shortages of funds on effective budget implementation of an organization. The research was carried out in Tanzania food and drug authority Dar es Salaam headquarters The objectives of the study include the following: to establish the relationship between shortages of funds and effective budget implementation of an organization, to find out what types of funds are available for budgeting of an organization and to examine the effects of short...

Use of ICT and Staff Performance in Uganda. A Case Study of Jinja District Local Government.

ABSTRACT The general objective of the study was to determine the effect of ICT use on staff performance staff performance at Jinja District local government and the specific objectives were to determine the level of use of ICT in Uganda, level of staff performance in Uganda and to establish the relationship between ICT and staff performance in Uganda. The findings of the study revealed that the level of ICT use in Uganda has improved as respondents agreed to most of the statements that were ...

The Effect Of Training On Employees Performance In An Organization Case Sturdy Of (Cane Uganda Ltd)

ABSTRACTThe study was an investigation on the influence of training on the employee's performancewhere the specific objectives of the sturdy were to determine the effect of training to theperformance of employees in cane Uganda ltd, determine the reasons for training the employeesat cane Uganda Itel, determine the problems faced by cane Uganda ltd in training its employeesThe study employed cross sectional research and it used both qualitative and quantitativemethods of research. Cross sectio...

The Impact Of Government Revenue In Form Of Taxes, Inflation, And Government Expenditure On Economic Growth In Kenya From 1992-2012.

ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study was to establish the impact of taxes, inflation and governmentexpenditure on economic growth in Kenya. The study sought to establish the effect of taxes oneconomic growth, the effect of inflation on economic growth and the effect of public expenditureon economic growth. The study focused on a period of 20 years after major liberalization oftrade took place in Kenya.Secondary data was used and it was derived from various relevant bodies such as the KenyaNation...

Education Levels and Unemployment Rates in Tanzania, Case Study In Singida Regions

ABSTRACTThe research was purposed to investigate the relationship between education levels and unemployment rate in Tanzania and the objectives was to assess the living standard of the different groups of the people such as employed and unemployed, to find out solutions of thestudy or problem -this is essential for the society, to measure education sector performance to theTanzania economy.The hypothesis of the study was that there is no significant relationship between the relation...

Propensity To Work and Income Levels of Youths in southern sudan A Case Study of Napere Suburb-Y Ambio Town

AbstractThis study was meant to determine the propensity to work and income levels of youths in Southern Sudan by taking the case of Napere suburb in Yambio Town. The average hours worked per month here represents the propensity to work while the total monthly income characterizes the income level. The study particularly sought to establish and recommend the kind of relationship that should exist between propensity to work and theincome levels of youths. This was conceived...

Microfinance Institutions And Performance Of Small And Medium Enterprises In Ncora District: A Case Study Of Mukura Subcounty

ABSTRACTThe purpose of the study’ was to determine the effrct of micro/mnance institution services onthe performance of small and medium enterprises and the spec~lc objectives of the studywere; to examine effect of microfinance loan services on the performance of small andmedium enterprises in Uganda, to determine the effect of microfinance investment trainingservices on the performance of SMEs in Mukura sub county and to establish the effect ofmicrojinance saving services on the performanc...

Determinants of Variation in The Company’s Share Prices on The Stock Exchange Market. A Case Study of Uganda Securities Exchange.

ABSTRACTThis research sought to find out the determinants of variation in company share prices on the Uganda securities exchange. Data from Uganda securities exchange and the New vision Uganda limited website were used to establish the effect that these factors have on the company share prices. The data covers the period from 2006 to 2016.The data was run usingE-views sofiware which established a relationship between the share price and the determinants looked at in the re...

Access to Basic Necessities and Standard of Living in Bombo, Uganda

ABSTRACT This research was concentrated on the linkage between access to basic necessities and standard of living in Bombo, Uganda. The study objectives were: to find out the demographic characteristics of the respondents, and to determine the level of the respondents’ standard of living in terms of access to education, access to food, and access to health care. Data was collected using self-administered questionnaires. The study used simple random sampling technique to draw representative...

Naads Program and Food Security in Uganda a Case Study of Ddwaniro Sub-County Rakai District

ABSTRACT The study sought of assessing the relationship between NAADs program and Food security in Ddwaniro Subcounty Rakai District, determine the role played by NAADs program on food security and challenges to NAADs program and how to combat the challenges. The study used a descriptive reseach design and employing both qualitative and quantitative apporaches in the searching for the informaiton. The populaiton sample size was 196. The study findings indicated that the major challenges affec...

Tourism And Economic Growth In Kenya (2002-2011)

ABSTRACTThis research is set to investigate the relationship between tourism and economic growth in Kenya. Its objectives were; to establish the trend of Tourism in Kenya (2002- 2011, to establish the trend of GDP growth of Kenya (2002-2011), to investigate the relationship between Tourism and GDP growth in Kenya (2002-2011). The hypothesis of the study was there is no significant relationship between Tourism and GDP growth inKenya time series analysis such Correlation ana...

Tariffs And Government Revenue Productivity In Southern Sudan: "A Case Study Of Nimule Border"

ABSTRACT The research examines and establishes the relationship between tariffs and government revenue productivity in Southern Sudan. In achieving this, the researcher also found out forms of tariffs collected at Nimule, contribution of tariffs for the people of Southern Sudan and challenges facing the custom officials at the border. In the literature review, theories were used to support the study and concepts linked and analyzed to bring out and understand the objectives. In the research m...

Telecommunication Companies and Socio-Economic Development in Puntland State of Somalia: Case Study- Golis Telecommunication Company

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION .............................................................................................................. i APPROVAL .................................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION ............................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .....................................................................................

Effects of Monetary Policy on Economic Growth in Uganda (1991-2014)

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVAL iiDEDICATION iiACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ivTABLE OF CONTENTS vABSTRACT ViiiC~A~TE~ ~ ~no~uon~unuou,u,unonnuouNuo~ueu,mun,a ~ 1INTRODU~~ION ~ ~o~an~utnuuunuuuu,uuuqcnnuuuu~,n,o,u 11.0 Introduction 1.1 Background to the study 1.1.1 Current Macroeconomic environment in Uganda 1.2 Statement of the problem 1.3.1 General Objective 1.3.2 Specific Objectives 1.4 Research Hypotheses 1.5 Scope of the study 1.6 Significance of the study 1.7 Operational definitions of key term...

241 - 255 Of 1539 Results