Economics Research Papers/Topics

Determining Smallholder Milk Marketing Channel Choices For Enhanced Competitiveness In The Dairy Supply Chain In Kenya: A Case Study Of Nyandarua County

ABSTRACT The dairy industry in Kenya has faced and continues to face challenges in the inefficiency of linkages among supply chain actors. Despite this, the industry still plays an important nutrition and economic role in the lives of many people ranging from farmers to milk hawkers, consumers and processors. Since liberalization of the sector in 1992, a vast array of dairy marketing channels has sprung up, presenting smallholder farmers with multiple marketing channel options. Any choice of ...

Analysis Of Determinants Of Adoption Of Organic Fertilizer And Its Effect On Smallholder Farmers Income In Shashemene District, Ethiopia

ABSTRACT Ethiopia’s agricultural sector accounts to 40 percent of national Gross Domestic Product. This shows that the sector is important in improving the livelihoods of the bulk of the population. Despite its importance, the agricultural sector in Ethiopia is characterized by low productivity. To improve this and overall economic growth, the Ethiopian government has focused on promotion of organic fertilizer use. However, adoption of organic fertilizer remains low in most parts of Ethiopi...

Effect Of Malaria Ailment On Labour Employment Probability And Cost Implications In Nigeria

ABSTRACT Malaria incidence threatens human existence and reduces economic prospects in countries with high prevalence. Physical challenges caused by malaria can be a limitation to employment probability in the labour market. The co-existence of malaria with high rate of poverty in Nigeria has implications on income loss.  While the direct (treatment) and indirect (productivity loss) cost burden of malaria in relation to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has been examined in Nigeria, its effects ...

Effect Of Oil Price Shocks On Ugandan Economy

Introduction This study explores the effect of oil price shocks on Ugandan economy. In studying the effect of oil price shocks on Ugandan economy, the movement of Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Inflation, Unemployment and Net Official Development Assistance for Uganda as a result of world oil price shocks will be investigated. It will further analyse the determinants of oil imports in Uganda. The proposal is arranged into three chapters as follows: Chapter one is the introduction with te...

Employability Of Higher Education Institutions Graduates: Exploring The Influence Of Entrepreneurship Education And Employability Skills Development Program Activities In Tanzania

An overview of the study This PhD thesis explores the topic of employability of new graduates. Specifically, it examines the influence of entrepreneurship education and engagement in Employability Skills Development Programme (ESDP) activities and their role in enhancing the employability skills and competencies of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) graduates. Using triangulation, the thesis addresses the following questions: a) Do HEIs and particularly schools of education facilitate the ...

Oil Resource Abundance and Sectoral Performances in Nigeria, 1970 - 2010

ABSTRACT Oil Resource Abundance (ORA) has dominated the Nigerian revenue since the 1970s, contributing over 70.0%. Empirical literature have focused on the effects of ORA on aggregate macroeconomic variables (annual average growth in export to import price ratio, agricultural output growth rate, manufacturing output growth rate, public consumption, exchange rate and trade openness), while little attention has been devoted to the multi-sectoral dimension of the effects. This study, therefore,...

Commercial Egg Value Chain Analysis: A Case Study of Ilala Municipal Council, Dar es Salaam.

ABSTRACT The study was conducted to analyse the commercial egg value chain in Ilala Municipal Council. Specific objectives were (a) To identify the marketing and distribution channels for commercial eggs and relationship among marketing agents (b) To determine the profit margin accrued by different actors in the commercial egg value chain (c) To identify factors that influence profitability for producers in the chain; and (d) To determine the marketing efficiency for commercial egg value cha...

Quadratic Almost Ideal Demand System (Quaids) Estimation For Common Beans Demand In Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Beans production and consumption is common and form an important historical food and nutrition security in many parts of the world. In Tanzania, the availability of beans ensures food security because it mitigates or reduces hidden hunger since some families consider it as a dependable and complete meal during periods of food shortage. Due to its importance, the inquiry into production and consumption patterns is paramount. This paper contributes some insights in the consumption sid...

Effect Of East African Community-Common External Tariff For Selected Agro-Food Sensitive Products On Burundi’s Trade, Welfare And Tariff Revenue.

ABSTRACT The effects of the customs union are ambiguous and depend on different factors. The theoretical ambiguities raise a need for empirical studies to generate information for a particular case. This study looks on the effect of EAC-CET for selected agro-food sensitive products of Burundi’s trade, welfare and tariff revenue using the partial equilibrium model; specifically, the SMART model at HS-6 level. The analysis makes use of trade data of 2010-2016 from WITS database, and the EAC-C...

Causal Relationship Between Government Spending And The Gross Domestic Product In Zimbabwe (1960-2016)

ABSTRACT The thrust of this study is based on two debatable backbones that is the Wagner’s Law and The Keynesian hypothesis. The Wagner’s law states that the government spending is stimulated by the gross domestic product whilst the Keynesian hypothesis states that the reverse is true. The study examined the causal relationship between the growth in Government Expenditure and the Gross Domestic Product in Zimbabwe from the 1960 up to 2016, using data from the World Bank at current United ...

Comparative Performance Of Power Tillers As An Enterprise: Individual Versus Group Business Model Options In Arusha And Manyara Regions, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to undertake a comparative analysis of the performance of a power tiller as an enterprise owned under individual and group ownership business models in Arusha and Manyara region. Specifically, the study aimed to i) undertake an inventory of 2WT and ownership distribution; ii) assess and compare the physical performance and iii) financial performance of 2WT under individual and group business models; and iv) evaluate the effect of ownership and other factors ...

Demystifying Macro-Financial Linkages in Zimbabwe: A Panel Analysis of economic shocks and non-performing loans (2009-2017)

ABSTRACT This study investigated the determinants of non-performing loans as well as demystifying macrofinancial linkages in Zimbabwe using a panel of nine banks and semi-annually decomposed data from 2009 to 2017. A combination of panel regressions techniques and panel VAR analysis was employed to meet research objectives. Findings revealed that growth in non-performing loans is driven by both bank-specific and macroeconomic factors in Zimbabwe. Findings confirmed that the main drivers of no...

Perfomance Of Rice Value Chain In Kahama District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study examined the profitability and marketing chain of rice in Kahama district, Shinyanga Region. The study was a cross sectional design. A total of 216 sample of farm households was selected by using simple random sampling from the 18 villages for the interview. Subsector mapping analysis was done to map rice value chain. Results indicate that there were a number of actors i.e. producers, middlemen, traders, millers, wholesalers, retailers and final consumers. Structure, condu...

Coenurosis In Slab-Slaughtered Sheep And Goats In Ngorongoro District: Prevalence And Predisposing Factors Of The Disease.

ABSTRACT Tanzanian tobacco has significant contribution to GDP, employment, and industrial raw materials. This study was stimulated by the decrease in tobacco income in Mpanda District from 2010-2012. The decrease in income from tobacco production has made it plausible to conduct a study on tobacco profitability as low profit could increase poverty among smallholder tobacco farmers in the study area. The overall objective of this study is to analyse the economics of smallholder tobacco produc...

Economic Impacts Of Climate Change On Teff Production In Lume And Gimbichu Districts Of Central Ethiopia

ABSTRACT This study was carried out with the main objective of analyzing the economic impacts of climate change on teff production in central Ethiopia. Specific objectives of the study were: i) To analyze the relationship of income from teff (Eragrostis tef) production with biophysical and socioeconomic variables, ii) To determine the marginal impact of temperature and rainfall on income from teff production, iii) To predict a range of potential future impacts on teff production under a mid-r...

631 - 645 Of 1539 Results