Economics Research Papers/Topics

Determinants of International Tourism Demand For Africa

ABSTRACT  The tourism sector has increasingly become an important contributor to the growth and development of the Ghanaian economy. Identified as one of the key drivers of the service sector, the industry offers the country the opportunity to diversify her economy which over the years has been dependent on primary commodities from the extractive industry. Despite the potential of the tourism industry in Ghana, the country still lags behind regional leaders like Kenya, South Africa and Egypt...

Commodity Price Shocks And Fiscal Imbalance In Ghana

ABSTRACT This study investigated the impact of commodity price shocks on fiscal imbalance in Ghana. The study covered the period of 1990 to 2013 where the country experienced high fiscal imbalance and external debt that led to the HIPC initiative to sustain the debt burden and macroeconomic stability. The Vector Error Correction approach to cointegrationwas used with quarterly data from Bank of Ghana, WDI and ADI. The Impulse Response Analysis from a Bayesian VAR was done to analyse shocks of...

Export Diversification And Economic Growth In Sub-Saharan Africa

ABSTRACT Most economies in Sub–Saharan Africa (SSA) have been associated with low and volatile growth performance over the years. Export diversification is identified in the literature as growth–inducing. However, the assessment of the effect of export diversification on economic growth has not received much attention in Sub–Saharan Africa. The study provides evidence on the relationship between export diversification and economic growth using panel data of forty–two (42) Sub–Saha...

Comparison Of Technical Efficiency Between Foreign-Owned And Domestic-Owned Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Firms In Ghana

ABSTRACT This study compares technical efficiency levels of foreign-owned firms with that of domestic-owned firms using 2009 survey data of pharmaceutical manufacturing firms in Ghana. Thus, the study attempts to find out whether or not; (a) foreign-owned firms are more technically efficient than domestic-owned firms, (b) the technical efficiency of foreign-owned firms and that of domestic-owned firms are influenced by the same firm-specific characteristic (socio-economic) factors and (c) out...

Determinants Of Access To Credit By Women Retail Traders In The Mfantseman Municipality Of The Central Region

ABSTRACT The underlying objective of this study was to analyse the determinants of access to credit by women retail traders in the Mfantseman Municipality of the Central Region. The main aim was to provide a better understanding of the individual’s socio-economic characteristics and institutional factors, not only because they influence the individual’s access to credit but also due to the fact that potential lenders are likely to base their assessment of borrower’s creditworthiness on ...

Multidimensional Poverty In Ghana – A Gender Analysis

ABSTRACT Most multidimensional poverty measures in many countries use the household as the unit of analysis. This means that the multidimensional poverty status of the household is attributed to each member of the household. With this, these measures do not capture the intra-household differences neither are they sensitive to gender. Taking into account Goal 1 - End all forms of poverty everywhere, and Goal 5 – Achieving gender equality, of the SDGs, of which Ghana is committed to fulfillin...

The Correlates Of Childhood Health Outcomes In Ghana: Does Childhood Birth Weight Matter?

ABSTRACT Survival of children under age five has been a global concern over the years. It is therefore very important to identify the determinants of some adverse childhood health outcomes including perinatal mortality and acute respiratory infection prevalence so as to guide policy on addressing this global concern. Though a number of studies have been carried out on the afore-mentioned health outcomes globally, they received low attention among Ghanaian researchers especially in the directi...

Effutu-Ewutu-Senya District In The Central Region, Ghana

Evans and Stoddart (1990,1994) provide a clear model for describing disease, health and well-being and their determinants. In their model, disease influences health that functions to influence well-being, of these three medical care is related most naturally, only to disease. Other variables considered were economic prosperity, individual behaviour, biology and genetic endowment as well as the physical and social environments. Frank (1995, 233-237) asserted that medical care is not necessaril...

Employment And Household Welfare in Ghana

ABSTRACT The developing world is challenged with a large number of persons involved in less productive and vulnerable employment. Ghana is not an exemption. This limits the country’s effort towards a successful achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030, particularly Goals 1, 8 and 10 which relate to ‘no poverty’, ‘decent work and economic growth’ and ‘lower inequality’, respectively. This study broadly examines the role of employment in explaining welfare in Ghan...

The Population Growth - Economic Growth Nexus: New Evidence From Ghana

   ABSTRACT  Establishing the relationship between population growth and economic growth has become fundamental to the policy makers in developing countries and Ghana in particular. However, there has been no agreement whether population growth is beneficial or detrimental to economic growth. This study therefore examines the empirical relationship between population growth and economic growth in Ghana using time series data from 1980-2013. It specifically explores the short-run and long-r...

The Relationship Between Foreign Aid And Economic Growth in Ghana

ABSTRACT Ghana as a developing country is faced with low per capita income, low savings and slow development. Foreign aid acts as a supplement to domestic sources of financing to stimulate economic growth and development. This study examines the short and long run relationship between foreign aid and economic growth in Ghana spanning the period 1980 to 2013. The study also examines whether foreign aid in Ghana is subject to diminishing returns. The study employs the ARDL Bounds testing techn...

Interdependence Of International Trade And Migration In A Globalising Economy: The Evidence From Nigeria

ABSTRACT The connection between trade and emigration has received increased attention in the literature. It has been shown that trade barriers and lack of adequate technology contribute to low exports and high imports of developing countries. This partly explains their high unemployment rate which, by implication, generates tendency to emigrate. Also, remittances from emigrants tend to increase imports. Although, researchers have investigated various aspects of trade, the connection between ...

Natal Care And Its Implication on Child Morbidity in Ghana

ABSTRACT  The fundamental reason for this study is the issue of child morbidity of pre-school children in Ghana. The aim of government with the help of the Ghana Health Service (GHS) and other stakeholders has been to reduce the level of child morbidity which leads to child mortality in Ghana. This study on natal care and its implication on child morbidity would help the government in formulating appropriate policies to curb this problem. This study uses Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) wh...


This research study examined the determinants of exchange rate in Nigeria from 1980-2014. For this purpose, annual figures of interest rate, inflation and degree of trade openness at the economy were regressed on exchange rate in a framework of multiple models; ordinary least square (OLS) technique at estimation was employed. The result revealed that inflation rate was an insignificant determinant of exchange rate. Also interest rate was revealed to be insignificant determinant of exchange ra...

He Impact Of School Quality On Earnings In Ghana

ABSTRACT This study examines the role of school quality in Ghana (measured by pupil-teacher ratios and percentage of trained teachers in basic schools), and how it affects earnings of workers in Ghana by identifying the variations in school quality across the country. The Mincer earnings equation is modified to include school quality and other variables and employed to show the relationship with earnings. The study uses secondary data from the sixth round of the Ghana Living Standard Survey a...

961 - 975 Of 1539 Results