CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION An organization can be defined in terms of the machinery used, but rather it is the human beings in the organization that make up the organization. For an organization to achieve its objective, it has to entail the utilization of the available resource such as time, money and material resources such as machinery, raw materials and human resources. The human resources of an organization are its most treasured reassured resources. This is because all other resources a...
TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page i Certification ii Dedication iii Acknowledgement ...
ABSTRACT As the economy of Nigeria is becoming a fast developing one, there is the need for every business man and woman to take advantage of the internal opportunities opened to them. This proposal is centered on consultancy service for small scale business. Consultancy this means the process of providing active training to small business owner. They are known as advisers. Consultancy services this means giving service, training or rendering assistance to small business enterprises. It descr...
PROPOSAL This is a proposal on a project topic: COMMUNICATION AS A MEANS OF ENHANCING ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT. This work is a part of requirement for the award of higher National diploma (HND) in business administration of Kwara state polytechnic, Ilorin Kwara state. In this project, the research would comment on the importance and significant of communication in an organization especially manufacturing industries. Also, effective communication process wo...
Abstract Government accounting is the process of recording, analyzing, summary; communication and interpreting financial information abut government in aggregate and in details, reflecting all transactions involving the receipts, transfer and disposition of government funds and property. This is the effect it his laid down in the audit ordinance in 1956 and the finance control and management ordinance of 1958. The provision of these two ordinances of 1958. The provision of these two ordinance...