Political Science Research Papers/Topics

Politics Of Tuberculosis Control Programme In Rivers State, Nigeria, 2001 - 2010

ABSTRACT This study interrogates the role of politics in tuberculosis (TB) control services in Rivers State, Nigeria. It raises questions about how the exercise of political power through the nature of the allocation and distribution of resources affects the effective implementation of the tuberculosis control programme in Rivers State, and its attendant implications for the populace. It draws on both qualitative and quantitative methods such as content analysis of documents and questionnair...

Political Economy Of Crude Oil Production And Nigeria’s Downstream Sector

ABSTRACT At inception, oil industry operations in Nigeria were limited to upstream and midstream activities comprising exploration, production, marketing and transportation of crude oil. Downstream refining activity commenced in 1965 as a joint venture between British Petroleum and Shell but with 50 percent equity participation by the Nigerian government. The technology of oil exploration and production, the transport and marketing infrastructure of Nigeria’s crude oil, as well as the cons...

Millennium Development Goals (Mdgs) And Poverty Reduction In Anambra State, Nigeria, 2006-2015.

Abstract This study has critically examined the Millennium Development Goals and poverty reduction in Anambra State, Nigeria. Specifically, the study examined how lack of good governance in the management of Millennium Development Goals funds undermined poverty reduction in Anambra State, and how the state implementation of neo-liberal economic policies impeded the programme of poverty reduction in the State. Literature reviewed are deficient in explaining the link between lack of good gover...

African Growth And Opportunity Act And Politics Of Textile Production In Nigeria, 2000-2012

ABSTRACT This study evaluated the impact of the implementation of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) on the development of Nigeria’s textile industry, particularly the export of Nigerian textiles and apparels to United States of America. It adopted the qualitative descriptive research methodology for its data generation and analysis. It anchored analysis on the framework of complex interdependence which refers to the various, complex transnational connections and inter-dependenc...

Arab Spring And The Challenges Of Democratization In Egypt

Abstract It is argued, historically that Egypt is the cradle of civilization. Unfortunately, Egypt has been in turmoil ever since nineteenth century (1879) to the popular 1952 revolution. All these were geared towards good governance and total independence for the people of Egypt. The recent Arab Spring that swept across the North African region made the populace too optimistic of enthroning government by popular sovereignty. However, this was not realized when they witnessed the failure of ...

Manpower Development And Utilization In The Local Government System In Nigeria: A Case Study Of Uzouwani Local Government Area Of Enugu State (2002-2010).

ABSTRACT This study examines manpower development and utilization in organizations using Uzo- Uwani L.G.A as a case study. The importance of personnel training and development in any organization cannot be overemphasize if we recognize the fact that the structure that sustains the organization depends on the individuals that operate it. The major aim for personnel training is to endow the staff with the required knowledge to qualify him for a particular position of employment. The theoretica...

International Criminal Court (I.C.C.) And Post Conflict Peace Building Process In Liberia 2003-2013

Abstract Liberia is a country located in West Africa, it has experienced two protracted civil wars, one from 1989 to 1996 and the second from 1999 to 2003. With the end of the first civil war, Charles Taylor emerged as the President of the country. His coming to power nevertheless came with lots of quagmire. However, after the first civil war, many peace building processes have been carried out to arrest the situation of incessant violence in the country, these processes to a relative extent...

Oil Exploration And Environmental Degradation In Rivers State: A Study Of Ogoniland

ABSTRACT The study examines the oil exploration and environmental degradation in Rivers State, with particular reference to Ogoniland. The resultant effect of MNCs activities has destroyed underground water, farmland, and fresh water ecosystem, killing animals and endangering human life. The unfortunate part of it all is that the Nigerian state has pitched its support with the MNCs and tries to use the instrument of force and coercion to bring the oil bearing communities to submission and ac...

An Analysis Of Nigeria- Us Relations, 1999-2009

ABSTRACT This study examines the political economy of Nigeria –United States relations between 1999 and 2009. This study has both broad and specific objectives. The broad objective of this study is to examine the political economy of Nigeria –United States relations between 1999 and 2009. The specific objectives are as follows: To ascertain whether oil is the centerpiece of Nigeria –United States economic relation between 1999 and 2009; To find out if Nigeria – United States economic...

Resolution Of The Niger Delta Crisis And The Enforcement Of Environmental Rights In Nigeria, 1999-2014.

ABSTRACT The study examined the extent the resolution of the Niger Delta crisis deepened the effective enforcement of environmental rights, between 1999 and 2014. The specific questions for investigation were: Did the establishment of the Niger Delta Ministry reduce the level of environmental degradation in the Niger Delta? Did the adoption of the Amnesty Programme fail to assuage environmental protests in the Niger Delta? Did the reliance on MNCs relegate the enforcement of environmental he...

Political Recruitment And Local Government Administration In Enugu State, Nigeria, 1999 – 2005

ABSTRACT The Nigerian constitution provides for there three tiers of government namely, Federal, State and Local Government tiers. The position of the local government administration was strengthened by the great reforms of the Murtala/Obasanjo regime in 1976, to enhance harmonization, uniformity and standardization of the local government structure and functions. The autonomy of the local government was further enhanced in June 1991 by the enactment of the local government (Basic Consti...

The Enforcement Of Economic And Financial Crimes Laws And The Reduction Of Economic And Financial Crimes In Nigeria: A Focus On Economic And Financial Crimes Commission (Efcc)

Abstract Corruption is recognized as the bane of the Nigerian society as it undermines governance. The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) was established to mitigate the menace of economic and financial crimes in Nigeria. This was informed by the upsurge of corruption by government officials and the need to enthrone probity in governance in the country. This study therefore appraises the performance of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission in reducing corruption in Nig...

The Paradox Of Voter Turnout In The 2010 Tanzania General Elections

ABSTRACT This study examined the causes of low voter turnout in the Tanzania 2010 general elections. The focus was on the general causes of low voter turnout and the influence of voter education and voter mobilization by political parties on voter turnout. The study adopted a case study strategy where Karatu, Ubungo, and Igalula constituencies were purposely sampled. Data was generated by conducting structured interviews with 150 respondents from voters who had registered for the 2010 genera...

Indigenisation In Nigeria,1972-1983 Resources And Income Re-Distrubution

ABSTRACT A major economic policy of the first military regime in Nigeria, 1966-79, was the indigenisation of the national economy. The aim was to put Nigerians, to a greater extent, in control of the economy of the nation. The history of the nation's indigenisation policy, close to policy flirtation by the colonial masters, was broached in 1946, and again in 1956. In 1964, under a post-colonial government, the policy was mooted, but a concrete formulation, perhaps delayed because of the polit...

From Functionalism To Regional Integration: A Critical Evaluation Of The Problems And Prospects Of ECOWAS

ABSTRACT This Dissertation analyses the functionalist assumptions and evaluates then in the light of ECOWAS experience. An important retionale for this is to ascertain the degree to which a European based origin of functional ist theory despite the underdevelopment character of the ECOWAS sub-region makes functionalism as a theory of integration an attractive policy guide in the sub-regions developmental process. An important proposition investigated in this dissertation is the contention tha...

151 - 165 Of 564 Results