Political Science Research Papers/Topics

Challenges Of Proliferation Of Small Arms And Light Weapons To Peace-Building In Liberia And Sierra Leone

ABSTRACT This study focuses on the challenges of proliferation of small arms and light weapons (SALW) to peace-building in Liberia and Sierra Leone. The study provides a critical analysis of the nature of warfare in Africa with the use of small arms and light weapons and child soldiers. It is a discourse of post-conflict peace-building as it assesses the various measures adopted in Liberia and Sierra Leone. It argues that continual availability of SALW in these countries poses a great threat...

An Exploration Of Statelessness In Namibia: The Significance Of Legal Citizenship

ABSTRACT This exploratory study looks at statelessness in Namibia, focusing on citizenship as a legal status. The study uses the theory of politics of citizenship to assess how the issue of statelessness fits into citizenship discourse in Namibian. It defines the problems presented by statelessness and highlights the urgency of addressing it. The study draws upon qualitative data like documentary analyses, books, journals and semi-structured interviews. Despite provisions on protection agains...

Promoting Free And Fair Elections In Ghana-A Comparative Study Of The Media In The 2008 And 2016 Elections.

ABSTRACT The conduct of periodic free and fair elections is gradually becoming the norm rather than the exception in most developing parts of the world including Africa and Ghana. Ghana’s successful conduct of seven multiparty democratic elections resulting in three alternations of power has surpassed the two-turn over test espoused by Huntington. This has also recognised the country as a democratic torchbearer on the continent. In all these elections, the role of the media has been very p...

Parliament And Public Policy Making Under Ghana's Fourth Republic, 1993·2008

The role of Parliament in the policy making in Ghana has been found to be limited as the institution has suffered from the unstable political environment within which it operated especially from independence in 1957 to 1992. The lack of consistency and continuity of democratic governance undermined Parliament's ability to be properly institutionalized and benefit from path dependency.

An Evaluation Of The Effectiveness Of Usaid Support To Namibia’s Basic Education In Omusati Region

bstract The colonial regime left Namibia with a fragmented education system characterised by factors such as racial and ethnic divisions, unequal access to education, unqualified and under-qualified teachers and lack of proper schools facilities and poor performance. After independence, the Government made a commitment to reform the education system. An education policy ‘Toward Education for All’ was put in place to guide the education reform process. As a result, the education sector rec...

Nigerian Police, And Security Challenges During The 2015 Election: A Case Study Of Nigerian Divisional Headquarters Kabala Doki Kaduna

ABSTRACT Maintaining peace and order is essential in every society. Security in democratic states become challenging for the specialized force responsible for keeping order known as the police. This work examines the Nigerian Police Divisional Headquarters Kabala Doki Kaduna State concerning security challenges during the 2015 election. The methodology used in this research are qualitative and quantitative, interview and questionnaire were used in collecting data .The research used theory of ...

Electoral Violence And Democratic Consolidation In Nigeria: A Case Study Of Sokoto State, 2009 - 2011 Election

ABSTRACT Nigeria has earned an appellation for herself as a show case of Africa’s democracy for several score of years. Ironically, every journey towards such democratic process/experience had been laden with electoral violence even since the colonial days. With the rebirth of African liberalism and the wave of democratic consolidation process that swept across the globe/world in the 1990’s, electoral violence returned in a more frightening dimension in most African states. It is, therefo...

Problems And Prospects Of Manpower Development In Niger State A Case Study Of Rijau Civil Service

TABLE OF CONTENT Title Page ...........................i Approval Page ......................ii Dedication ..............................iii Acknowledgment .......................iv Table of Content .........................v CHAPTER ONE 1.1 Introduction .............................1 1.2 Statement of the problem ...........................2 1.3 Research Questions ................................3 1.4 Aim and objectives of the study ............................3 1.5 Justification and signif...

Party Switching In Nigeria: (A Case Study Of PDP And APC)

TABLE OF CONTENTS Contents Pages Title page - - - - - - - - - - i Declaration - - - - - - - - - - ii Dedication - - - - - - - - - - iii Certification - - - - - - - - - - iv Acknowledgement - - - - - - - - v-vi Table of contents - - - - - - - - - vii-viii CHAPTER ONE 1.1 Introduction - - - - - - - - - 1-2 1.2 Statement of Research Problem - - - - - - 3 1.3 Objectives of the Study - - - - - - - 3 1.4 Research Questions - - - - - - - - 4 1.5 Research Assumptions - - - - - - - 4 1.6 Significanc...

Democratic Elections And Fiscal Management In Ghana’s Fourth Republic, 1992-2016

ABSTRACT  The Ghanaian state was ushered into multi-party democratic governance in 1992. Unlike its predecessors, the 1992 Constitution of Ghana which shepherded the democratic transition has so far survived seven successive competitive elections and three turnovers of power from one democratically elected government to another, surpassing Huntington’s “two turnover test” the criterion for democratic consolidation. However, fiscal policy management by successive elected governments sin...

Political Representation And Stewardship At Local Level In Nigeria’s Fourth Republic (An Examination Of Funtua Local Government Constituency 2007-2011)

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page - - - - - - - - - - i Approval page - - - - - - - - - - ii Dedication - - - - - - - - - - iii Acknowledgement - - - - - - - - - - - - -iv-v Table of content - - - - - - - - -- - - -vi-viii CHAPTER ONE 1.1 Introduction - - - - - - - - 1-3 1.2 Statement of the research problem - - - - - -3-3 1.3 Research question - - - - - - - - 3-3 1.4 Aims and objectives - - - - - - - - 3-4 1.5 Assumptions of the study - - - - - - - 4-4 1.6 Scope and limitation - - - - - - - 4-4 ...

Political Security In West Africa: An Appraisal Of Two Ecowas Protocols

ABSTRACT The menace of Political Insecurity is a major challenge in developing countries and more grave in the West Africa sub-region. This study sought to appraise two Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Protocols; the Protocol on Conflict Prevention (1999) and the Democracy and Good Governance Protocol (2001), and how they address the Political Security challenge in the sub-region. The study adopted the qualitative research approach. Both primary and secondary data were used...

Tensions In Rural Water Governance: The Elusive Functioning Of Rural Water Points In Tanzania

Abstract Public water services are still failing rural Tanzanians. Emboldened by advances in information communication technologies, the Ministry of Water has been developing computing, financial and administrative technologies to update and visualise the status of rural water points. This amalgam of technologies marks the emergence of an information infrastructure for rural water governance. The information infrastructure will enable the ministry to “see” the functionality status of all...

Essential medicine stock-outs in rural primary health care – exploring the contribution of politics and resulting perceptions in Kasulu District, Tanzania

Abstract Stock-outs of essential medicines and medical items remains a persistent problem in Tanzania, despite the several policy initiatives and interventions since the 1990s. We conducted a qualitative case study, which involved 24 in-depth interviews and eight focus group discussions with the Community Health Fund stakeholders who were facility in-charges, grassroots leaders, and members of Health Facility Governance Committees from eight primary health facilities in Kasulu District Counci...

Nationalist Structure In South Africa: A Case Study Of The African National Congress (ANC) In South Africa.

TABLE OF CONTENT TITLE PAGE……………………….…………………………………. i CERTIFICATION…………………………………………………….. ii DEDICATION………………………………………………………... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT……………………………………………. iv TABLE OF CONTENT………………………………………………. v CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY……………………………..…… 1...

256 - 270 Of 564 Results