Political Science Research Papers/Topics

World Bank Loan Conditionalities and Politics of Poverty Reduction in Africa: The Nigerian Experience, 1999 - 2012

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i Approval Page -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------ii Dedication ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------iii Acknowledgement ------------------------------------------------------------------------------iv Table of Contents ------------------------------------------------------------...


ABSTRACTThe peace building functions by Africa Union is one of the good efforts towards retaining peace in Somalia. Somalia has experienced turmoil’s for so many decades. The peace buildings by AU are caught up by many challenges. The main one been funds to facilitate the functions. Though those challenges are there, the study has found out that, the AU has really tried to calm down the war. The research also wanted to find out the intentions of AU towards those fun...

Social Entrepreneurship as a Panacea to Mitigate Nigerian Youth Unemployment

This paper is anchored on social entrepreneurship as a panacea for mitigating unemployment among the Nigerian youth. Without overemphasizing the condition of unemployment in Nigeria, an avalanche of studies have substantiated this assertion by reporting that the rate of youth unemployment is on the increase in Nigeria, causing frustration, dependency and dejection. With the increasing turnout of graduates yearly from tertiary institutions, many gradates still remain unemployed for a long time...

The Impact of Decentralization Policies on Service Delivery in Nakaseke Town Council, Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION iiAPPROVAL iiiDEDICATION ivACKNOWLEDGEMENT vABBREVIATIONS/ACRONYMS viTABLE OF CONTENTS viiiLIST OF TABLES xABSTRACT xiCHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 11.0 Introduction1.1 Background of the study 11.2 Statement of the problem 21.3 Objectives of the Study 21.3.1 General Objective 21.3.2 Specific Objectives 21.4 Research questions 31.5 Significance of the study 31.6 Scope of the study 31.6.1 Geographical scope 31.6.2 Content scope 31.6.3 Time scope 3CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE...

Assessment of Rural and Community Development in Nigeria_ A Case Study of Communities in Abuja Municipal Area Council (Amac) Fct-Abuja

ABSTRACT The major objective of this project is to identify the extent to Vvhich rural and community development has been implemented in order to transform the rural communities and bring development closer to the rural environment through the provision of basic services like Education; Health; Rural roads; Water supply; Rural electrification; Agriculture; e.t.c. to the rural people. The method adopted for this research study is primary data involving the use of questionnaires and interviews...

Government Response to Gender Inequality in Ghana’s Fourth Republic (2001-2016)

ABSTRACT The study sought to investigate government responses to gender inequality in Ghana‟s Fourth Republic from 2001-2016 using the Ministry of Women and Children Affairs/Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection as a case for the study. It further examined how government has responded to gender issues in the Fourth Republic with specific reference from 2001-2016 and subsequently assessed gender policy measures Governments have put in place to address gender inequality issues f...

Engendering National Public Policy through Global Governance: An Assessment of Ghana’s Domestic Violence Legislation as a Trans-Sovereign Transnational Issue

ABSTRACT This research examines the relationship between global governance, global public policy and Ghana's national public policy in reference to the passing of the Domestic Violence Bill. It further assesses to what extent global governance can address the trans-sovereign transnational issue of violence against women, specifically domestic violence. The independent variables in this research project are global governance and global public policy with political environment and the “secon...


AbstractThe existence of government is to deliver social services that will make life meaningful and worth living. Local governments as a tier of governments are created to bring government closer to the people at the grass root and for transformation of lives at that level. One of the ways of bringing government closer to the people at the grassroots is through the delivery of social infrastructural, educational and welfare services in a satisfactory, timely, effective and adequate manner. T...

The Pathway to Constitutional Reforms in Nigeria: The Perspective of the Gradual Approach

Constitutional reform is a major proponent of Federalism. Nigeria as a country operates a federal system of government and constitutional reforms need to happen at a point in time. The failure of the 2014 National Conference has shown how ineffective the mega constitutional approach is in Nigeria. Indeed, the North-South division has practically become a key element in the constitutional reform of Nigeria's present constitutional policy, with the North favouring the continuing of today's ...

A Survey on Nigeria Politics and Economic Development (A Case Study of Second Republic)

TABLE OF CONTENT TITLE PAGE                                                                          i APPROVAL PAGE                                                                  ii DEDICATION                                                                         iii ACKNOWLEDGEME...

The Effect of Education and Gender on Political Participation in Nigeria (A Case Study of Ilorin East Local Government Area)

TABLE OF CONTENT TITLE PAGE                                                                           i APPROVAL PAGE                                                                  ii DEDICATION                                                                         iii ACKNOWLEDGEMEN...

The Effect of Military Rule on Nigeria Political Economy (A Case Study of Abacha Regime 1993 – 1998)

ABSTRACT           Military rule has been one of the greatest factors responsible for the set back of the African continent. Infact General Sanni Abacha’s regime has been described by many scholar’s, as the most unconcerned government when it comes to the issue of economy. Therefore, this project assesses the effect of military rule on the Nigeria economy choosing the General Sanni Abacha’s regime as a case study. Chapter one serves as the general introduction to the study. Ch...


ABSTRACT The various government interventionist programmes aimed at economically empowering the youths have failed woefully to achieve set targets. Youth unemployment in the country therefore, has become more pervasive as it increases by the day. This study was conducted to assess the impact made by SURE-P in economically empowering Nigerian youth and reducing anti-social activities among them, with particular reference to Benue State. Survey method was used in the inquiry and data obtained ...


In the violent and shameless turnout, millions of Nigerians have been denied their right to choose their political leaders. The struggle for democratic offices by politicians is often violently manipulated on the street by a gang of thugs, recruited by same politicians, trained and to help them capture power. Political violence has been a bone of contention from the inception of Nigeria as a Nation-State. The impact of political violence cannot be over emphasized as its effects have grossly a...

Armed Intervention and the Challenges of Maritime Security in the Gulf of Aden, 2008-2011

ABSTRACT The economic collapse and civil war that ensued in Somalia after President Siad Barre gave rise to piracy, armed robbery and dumping of toxic wastes in and around the Gulf of Aden. The attendant humanitarian crisis attracted the intervention of the international community. This study evaluated armed intervention and the challenges of maritime security in the Gulf of Aden between 2008 and 2011. The objectives were to: (i) determine whether the application of the principle of political...

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