ABSTRACT The study focused on outsourcing and service delivery in Namutumba District Local Government. The objectives of the study were to identify the benefits of outsourcing, the reasons for outsourcing, and challenges associated with outsourcing in Namutumba District Local Government in Namutumba, Uganda. The research used a cross sectional survey design on the use of qualitative and quantitative approaches that were adopted to establish the effects of outsourcing services and service del...
Abstract This chapter included background to the study, Statement of the Problem, Study questions, Objectives of the Study, Significance of the Study. 1. 1 Background In Uganda until 2003 procurement of goods works and services by public, enterprises was traditionally guided by various Treasury or Finance regulations rather than being enshrined in statutes. The effectiveness of such an arrangement hinged on the strength of Parliament oversight which Unfortunately was very often wanting. So be...
Abstract In pursuit of the topic competitive bidding in public procurement and service delivery management, this chapter brings fotth the introduction to the research paper as it tackles the background of the study, the statement of the problem, purpose of the study, study objectives. research questions, the scope of the study in terms of geography, content/variables and time, and eventually the significance of the study. 1.1 Background of the study The background has four dimensions or persp...
ABSTRACT rotnl Quality Management (TQM) is an accepted technique to ensure performance and sun·ival or businesses in modern economies. Recent studies claim that the successf'ul implementation of TQM could generate improved products and services, as well as reduce costs, lead to more satisfied customers and employees, and eventually improved financial pcrlcll'lmmce. The purpose of this study was to establish whether this nature of relationship exists between TQM and linancial performance in...
The research study sought to establish the relationship between perceived quality of procurement procedures on contract performance in local government focusing on Masaka District Local Government. Local Governments have been riddled with corruption and inefficiency when it comes to procurement. However there is no much scholarly works th at have been done on the s ubject of procurement procedures a nd contract performance. Despite this importance, verv limited research has been done to exami...
ABSTRACT The study sought to find out the impact of just in time on organisational efficiency in Uganda Baati Limited and was driven by four objectives. These objectives include, to find out the elements of just in time, the elements of just in time, to know how the concept of just in time 1s implemented, to determine how the concept of just in time 1s implemented, and to know the challenges faced in the implementation of just in time. To achieve the objectives, the researcher sampled fifty ...
ABSTRACT The researcher was interested to investigate on e-procurement and service delivery in organisations: a case study of Uchumi Supermarket, Kabalagala Branch. The researcher set objectives which were intended to; establish the benefits of e-procurement in delivering services to customers at Uchumi supermarket, to determine the factors hindering the implementation of eprocurement at U chumi supermarket and to explore measures that can be adopted in implementing e-procurement for service...
TABLE OF CONTENT DECLARATION ................................................................................................................................................. ii DEDICATION .................................................................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................................................................... iv TABL...
ABSTRACT The study intended to establish the relationship between Procurement contracts and compliance with procurement procedures among manufacturing industries in Uganda, a case of steel rolling mills in Jinja Municipality, Uganda This study was guided by three objectives; (i) To determine the extent of Procurement contracts. (ii) To determine the level of compliance with procurement procedures (iii) To establish whether there is a significant relationship Procurement contracts and complia...
The study looked at the impact of E-procurement on service delivery at Ntungamo District local government . The study objectives were; To examine factors influencing adoption of E-procurement at National Medical Stores. To determine different forms of E-procurement used at National Medical Stores. And To determine the relationship between E-procurement and service delivery. A sample of 30 respondents were determined using Krejcie Morgan (1970). The findings of the study were the followin...
ABSTRACT The overview of uncontrolled and fluctuating level of imports in Uganda basically accredited to the tax administration system in place. The fact that taxes are the biggest sources of government revenue, custom duties constitute the biggest percentage of total tax revenue. Given Uganda's tax system and increasing the tax ratio, as part of the tax administration and management system on the varying volume of imports is deemed necessary The study was taken to have a critical look at th...
This research report looks at the effect of procurement ethics on contract management as the topic of the study was conducted in the ministry of works and transport Kampala Uganda. The research study examines objectives which included assessing the effect of confidentiality on contract management, the effect of competition on contract management and finally the effect of transparency on contract management in the ministry of works and transport. The researcher while with the help of too...
This study was carried out to asses the extent of application of the procurement procedures on the disposal of assets in Kole local government headquarters Kole district,in Northern Uganda. Data was collected through the use of questionnaires accompanied by observation and interviews. The study involved 20 respondents; these were all involved in different activities at different levels. The study also sought to establish whether the application of the procurement and disposal procedures ...
Abstract This chapter is going to focus on the background to the study, statement of the problem, purpose of the study, objectives of the study, research questions, and scope of the study, significance of the study and structure of the report. 1.1 Background to the Study FLIPPO (1984), says that the modern safety movement is believed to have started around 1912 with the first cooperative safety congress and the organization of the National safety council. Just prior to this time in 1906, the ...
After noticing certain constraints like inconsistent quality, poor customer service, poor terms of delivery and escalating costs prevalent at Ntake Bakery Company, with the presence of supply chain management, a study was taken up to establish the relationship between supply chain management and competitiveness of a firm. The first objective was to identify the major supply chain performance driver that can in tum provide solutions to the constraints if good decisions about them are made...