Public Administration Research Papers/Topics

Assessment of the Implementation of Environmental Sanitation and Solid Waste Management Policy In the Federal Capital Territory

ABSTRACT Waste generation and management in Nigeria have become one of the difficult environmental problems to handle. Ahuja the Federal Capital Territory to not left out of the scenario and this could be attributed to low or inadequate provision of effective facilities for sanitation and solid waste management services. The study focuses on assessing the Environmental Sanitation and Solid Waste Management Policy in the FCT-Abuja. Data were collected from the households, scavengers, dumpsite...

Assessment of Federal Character Principle and Service Delivery in The University of Abuja Teaching Hospital

ABSTRACT The study assessed the Federal Character Principle and Service Delivery in the University of Abuja Teaching Hospital (UATH). The main objectives of the study were to examine the extent to which the Federal Character Principle is strictly adhered to in the utilization of human potentials in UATH and to examine whether the Federal Character principle has improved the utilization of manpower and service delivery at UATH. Due to the nature of this research) the descriptive research meth...

An Assessment of the Implementation of Housing Policy in Nigeria: A Study of Federal Housing Authority (Fha), Abuja- 1991-2013

ABSTRACT  In Nigeria. access lo decent and affordable housing is a big issue as housing deficit is estimated to be 16 mil1ion. It is against this background that this study assesses the implementation of housing policies in Nigeria focusing on the Federal Housing Authority (FHA). The study used elite theoretical framework of analysis to investigate the extent to which the policies of the FHA reflect the interests of the low-income earners which constitute a core aspect of its mandate. The st...

An Assessment of causes and consequences of corruption on Nigeria Economy(1998 -2009)

CHAPTER ONE BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY 1.1   INTRODUCTION 1.2    All state whether benevolent or repressive control the distribution of valuable benefit and the imposition of onerous costs. The distribution of the benefit and cost is generally under the control of public official who possess discretionary power. Private individuals and firms who want favourable treatment may be willing to pay to obtain it. Payments are corruption if they are illegally made to public agents with the goal o...

Challenges of Water Supply in Urban Ghana: An Assessment of the Coping Strategies in Adentan Municipality

ABSTRACT  In most developing countries, it has been recognized that conventional water utilities have fallen short in providing adequate water services to populations especially to urban residents. The little water produced by these water utilities is not evenly distributed. In Ghana, Adentan Municipality is a typical community that is presently faced with inadequate water supply due to the inability of the Ghana Water Company Limited (GWCL) to supply water to the area. Most households in th...

Mainstreaming Climate Change into Development Plans of Local Assembly’s in Transitional Zones of Ghana: A Case Study of Tain District Assembly

ABSTRACT This study sought to examine the extent to which and how climate change programmes are being mainstreamed into Local Assembly’s Development Agenda (LADA) in the Tain District Assembly (TDA). A case study design within the qualitative research method was adopted. Multi-stage sampling involving purposive technique was employed for the study. In-depth interviews were the instruments of primary data collection. The study found out that climate change concerns are yet to be well integr...

Impact of Work Environment and Job Supervision on Employees

TABLE OF CONTENTS CERTIFICATION ............................................................................................................. II DECLARATION .............................................................................................................. III DEDICATION ................................................................................................................. IV ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...............................................................................


ABSTRACTThe study focused on the assessment of strategies for effective human resources training and utilization in the Nigerian public organization. As a strategic as well as operational activity of the human resources management that has been for long denied adequate attention, the researcher used four specific objectives to capture the over all objective of the study. The relevance of the study lies on the fact that it among other things explored the areas of strength and weaknesses in the...

Training; A Guide to Manpower Development in an Organization (A Case Study of Kwara State Teaching Service Commission Ilorin.

TABLE OF CONTENT CHAPTER ONE 1.0      Introduction 1.1      Scope and limitation of study 1.2      Aims and objective of the study 1.3      Statement of problem 1.4      Importance of the study 1.5      Definition of the term used 1.6      Organization of the study Reference CHAPTER TWO 2.0      Literature review 2.1  introduction 2.2       What is training? 2.3 Purpose of training 2.4 Types of training 2.5 Problem of training 2.6      Be...

Local Government as a Foundation for Nation Development (A Case Study of Ilorin East Local Government)

TABLE OF CONTENT Title page i Certificationii Dedicationiii Acknowledgment iv Table of content vi CHAPTER ONE  1.1Introduction 1 1.2Scope and limitation of study 3 1.3Objective of the study 3 1.4Statement of the problem 4 1.5Significance of the study5 1.6Definition of Terms5 1.7Organization of the study 6 References8 CHAPTER TWO  2.1Literature Review 9 2.2Current Trent in Thinking10 2.3Theoretical Frame Work12 2.4Summary of the Study15 References19 CHAPTER THREE  3.1Research Methodology21 ...

The Challenges of Effective Utilization of Revenue Available to Local Governments in Nigeria (A Case Study Of Irepodun Local Government Area Of Kwara State)

ABSTRACT When the researcher chose this topic: THE PROBLEMS OF EFFECTIVE UTILIZATION OF REVENUE AVAILABLE TO LOCAL GOVERNMENT, she was inspired by the high rate of embezzlement, poor leadership, low rate of accountability, general laxity of the finance department and corruption in Nigeria Local Government, and Irepodun Local Government in particular. To do this, the researcher developed four (4) Questions. This questions were administered inform of questionnaires to 195 staff who were selecte...

Bureaucracy as a Tool for Effective Performance In a Public Sector (A Case Study of Kwara State Polytechnic Ilorin

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page                                                                                              i Certification                                                                                           ii Dedication                                    ...

The Role of Nigeria Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative (NEITI) in Economic Development: A Study of Oil & Gas Free Zone, Onne Rivers State.

Introduction Economic Development: this involves growth in total real national income and real per-capital income of a developing country like Nigeria over a long period of time. It implies the achievement of the entire society and the attainment of a number of set economic objectives that can improve the standard of living of  people. Put simply, economic  development is real growth including substantial change in the economy with export value for both the aid giving and aid receiving c...

Motivation And Employee Performance In The Health Sector A Case Study Of Kapchorwa Main Hospital, Kapchorwa District

The study assessed the impact of motivation on employee job performance in the health sector mainly in Kapchorwa main hospital involving the hospital administrators, medical personnel and the patients. The study intended to sample 100 respondents; however, 60 of them participated in the interview making it a success. The study objectives were to find out the various tools/ways of motivation in the health sector, the impact of motivation on employee performance, the challenges facing motivatio...

Micro Finance Services And Poverty Reduction (Case Study Of Fin Ca) In Nebbi District,

This study is thus basically going to investigate the impact of micro fiance services on poverty reduction in Nebbi district, FICNA as a case study and the specific objectives are:-To detennine the levels of poverty reduction in Nebbi Disirict; to determine the level of Micro Finance services offered by_ fINCA in Nebbi District; ·to establish the significant relationship between Micro Finance servictes ai,;_d poverty reduction in ·Nebbi District; to determine the profile of the respondents....

136 - 150 Of 433 Results