Public Administration Research Papers/Topics


    The dynamic nature of organizational activities such as changes in techniques tools, application of roles, duties, policies e.t.c has made it imperative for employee to be trained and retrained to keep abreast a latest innovation that will result in possible high performance on the job.              Qualifications obtained by an employee will have to go through series of checks and vettings to verify the credibility and standards of the employee. Training focuses on the acquisiti...

The Impact of Political Disequilibrium on Educational Development in Nigeria

An issue that requires attention is the impact of political turmoil on the progress of the education system in Nigeria. Consequently, the researcher has selected the subject of "the impact of political unrest on educational progress in Nigeria," aiming to ascertain the repercussions of political upheaval on the improvement of education in Nigeria, specifically in Edo State. Chapter one of the study focused on a specific research issue, which led to the formulation of five research questio...

Traditional Institutions and the Democratisation Process in Nigeria (2015-2020)

ABSTRACT The research project titled “Traditional Institutions and Democratization process in Nigeria 2015-2020, was guided by three research objectives; to find out contributions of traditional institutions in Nigeria democratic process, to investigate the relationship between traditional institutions and modern day democracy; to discover challenges facing traditional institutions within the Nigeria democratic space. The research adopted descriptive survey and Purposive sampling was used...

Obstacles to the Development of Ibaji Local Government. A Way Forward

ABSTRACT In Nigeria about eighty percent of the citizens live in the rural communities and they depend mainly on subsistence agricultural activities and petty-trading. In other countries, only about twenty percent of the population live in urban centres. unfortunately, this higher percentage of the population dwell in the rural areas and languish in diseases and chronic ill-health due to poverty, ignorance and lack of other basic social amenities that would have improved their standard of li...

The Role of Public Relation in an Organisational Growth and Development (A Case of Unilever Nigeria Plc)

TABLE OF CONTENT PAGE Title Page ​i Certification ​ii Dedication​iii Acknowledgement ​iv Abstract​ v Table of content ​vi CHAPTER ONE 1.1​Background of the Study ​1​ 1.2​Statement of Problem ​5 1.3​Research Questions ​5 1.4​Objectives of the Study ​5 1.5​Research Hypothesis ​6 1.6​Scope of Study ​7 ​ 1.7​Limitation of the Study ​7 ​ 1.8​Operational Definition of Terms ​7   CHAPTER TWO ​ LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 ​Introduction...

Public Relations Practices in African Petroleum Plc and Their Internal and External Public in Port Harcourt Metropolis

TABLE OF CONTENTS   Title Page​i Approval Page​ii Dedication​iii Acknowledgement​iv Abstract​v Table of Content​vii   CHAPTER ONE:​INTRODUCTION 1.1​ Background to the study​1 1.2 Statement of problem​4 1.3 Objective of the study​6 1.4 Formulation of Hypothesis​6 1.5 Scope of the study​7 1.6 Significance of the study​8 1.7 Definition of terms​9   CHAPTER TWO:​LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1​ What is public relation​11 2.2 Role of public relations executiv...

Skill Acquisition as a Tool for Poverty Reduction in Bayelsa State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT  Successive Administration in Nigeria have been faced with the phenomenon of poverty and unemployment in Nigeria and various attempts have been made to tackle this problem. Bayelsa State is worst hit with this monster of unemployment and poverty in the state. This research is an attempt to evaluate the various measures put in place to eradicate poverty and the issue of unemployment in Bayelsa State. This research has X-rayed how skill acquisition was used as a tool for poverty reduc...

Agricultural Development Programme in Poverty Alleviation and Food Security in Abia State, Nigeria, 2000-2010

ABSTRACT 6 The study has as its objectives, to examine the twin issue of Poverty Alleviation and Food Security in Nigeria. In addition, to deepen our understanding of how Poverty Alleviation Programmes had been implemented overtime and the effect of those strategies and programmes on food security in Abia State. The study applied the chi-square (X2 ) techniques to test the hypotheses on Abia ADP Programme on Food Security vis: the impact of Abia ADP Programme on Food Security, food sufficienc...

The Local Government Legislative Council and Accountability in Nigeria’s Local Government System: The Case of Imo State

ABSTRACT This study investigated the Local Government Legislative Council and Accountability in Nigeria’s local Government system with focus on Imo state. It utilized the qualitative and quantitative methods in data collection and analysis; with the theory of post-colonial state serving as the theoretical framework of analysis. The findings indicate that poor oversight functions of the local government legislative council over budget implementation, investigation of the executive, use of im...

Employees Motivation and Its Impact on Productivity in Lower Anambra Irrigation Project (Laip), Omor (2005-2010)

ABSTRACT The objectives of the study focus on the impact of motivational factors employed in LAIP between 2005 to 2010 on employees productivity, as well as why motivation failed to improve employees productivity in LAIP. The researcher formulated five hypotheses which were tested. The data for the study were generated from the copies of questionnaires administered to 108 respondents who constituted the sample size of this ix study. However, the following findings were obtained from this stud...

Manpower Training and Development in Nigeria Public Enterprises: The Case Study of Anambra Motor Manufacturing Company Ltd (Anamco)

Abstract This study was aimed at discovering how staff training and development enhance organizational effectiveness. The study also aimed at finding out how training needs are determined in Anambara Motor Manufacturing Company. It also tried to examine the various training programmes provided in ANAMCO and tried to investigate the impact of Staff Training and Development on productivity rate in ANAMCO. The study started with an introduction, which occupied the first chapter. It explored the ...

Evaluation of the Deregulation of the Downstream Sub-Sector of the Nigerian Petroleum Industry (2003-2012)

ABSTRACT This study evaluates the deregulation of the downstream sub-sector of the petroleum industry. This study arose out of the need to find solution to the sorry state of the four refineries, the inefficiency in the distribution, the poor pricing of petroleum products and the negative effects of monopolistic structure of the downstream sub-sector. The study attempt to identify the challenges associated deregulation of the downstream sub-sector and to examine the effects of deregulation of...

The Impact of Manpower Training on Productivity in Nigerian Public Service. (A Study of Nnewi North L.G.A. from 1999-2007)

ABSTRACT This study examined “The impact of Manpower training on productivity in Public Service. (A case study of Nnewi North local government from 1999- 2007). It has been observed that with only manpower training and development, a relatively permanent change can be brought about in the behaviour of the individual employee and subsequently in organization. Training often is considered for new employees only. This is a mistake because ongoing training for current employees helps them adjus...

Women and Local Government Development: A Case Study of Epe Local Government of Lagos State

ABSTRACT This research work examines the contributions of women in the development of local government areas using Epe Local Government Area of Lagos State as a case study. The study critically reviewed the dominant issues on the role and contributions of women in the development of local government areas, gender equality and women empowerment in Epe Local Government and generally in Nigeria. This study maintains that women are the most vulnerable group in Nigeria, thus, their social, politic...

The Role of Civil Society Organizations in Democratic Consolidation in Nigeria 1999 – 2015

Abstract One of the fundamental challenges facing civil society organizations around the world is how to make democratic consolidation possible. While these organizations, in their various types and categories, in most countries of the world, continue to mediate and respond appropriately to emerging political imperatives, between the state and the individuals, civil society organizations’ effort towards the consolidation of democratic ideals in Nigeria appeared to be undefined, ambiguous an...

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