Public Policy and Management Research Papers/Topics

Influence Of Strategic Procurement On The Perormance Of Public Enterprises In Kenya: A Case Of Kenya Power Company Limited, Nairobi

ABSTRACT Strategic procurement is the process of creating alignment and consistency of action that establishes the long range objectives and overall strategy by which procurement function fulfills its mission. It entails the transformation of an organization’s mission, goals, and objectives into measurable activities to be used to plan, budget and manage the procurement function. During the last two decades procurement has undergone profound changes. Policy makers, academicians and practit...

The Determinants Of Implementation Of Cash Transfer Programme For Elderly In Kiambu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The objective of the study was to establish the determinants of implementation of cash transfer programme for elderly persons in Kiambu County, Kenya. Three specific objectives guided the study: investigating how enrolment process of beneficiaries determine implementation of cash transfer program for the elderly; finding out how staff capacity determines the implementation of cash transfer program for the elderly; and assessing how modes of payment determine implementation of cash t...

Determinants Of Juvenile Involvement In Criminal Behaviour In Taita-Taveta County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Crime is a major concern to every nation, more so, the involvement of minors in criminal activities. In Kenya there is a high rate of children involvement in criminal activities indicated by the high number of minors arrested or sentenced of criminal charges. Of specific concern is Taita-Taveta County where minors have joined terrorism activities and involved in robbery in inter-clan wars. Considering the effects of children involvement in criminal activities, there is need to ident...

Effects Of Graduate Trainee Programmes On The Preparedness Of Fresh Graduates For The Job Market: A Case Of National Construction Authority

ABSTRACT The intention of the study was todeterminehow the graduate trainee programmesaffects the preparedness of graduates for the job market. The study focused specifically on trainee motivation, work assignment, work supervision and practical experience of the trainees at the National Construction Authority. The statement of the problem was that, despite the best intentions of academic institutions to enhance graduates’ preparedness through graduate trainee programmes, the limitations i...

Analysis Of Buoyancy And Elasticity Of Income Taxes In Kenya

ABSTRACT Kenya, just like many developing countries is currently confronted by huge fiscal deficits, declining external assistance and huge debt service charges that are adversely affecting the country’s development process. The tax revenue in Kenya keeps performing poorly and unsteadily. The revenue collected from tax does not match the target which creates budget deficits. Increased spending needs and weakening revenue-raising capacities have together created structural budget deficits t...

The Impact Of Visa Restrictions By Kenya On International Arrivals: The Case Of Nigeria

ABSTRACT Every country has the sovereign right to decide who may or may not enter its territory. The restriction placed on entry through the administration of the different visa regimes are designed to ensure that countries benefit from the migration of people while delimiting the adverse effects of migration. It is international custom and practice that possession of a visa does not guarantee automatic admission. This study sought to examine the impact of visa restrictions by the government ...

Effects Of Devolution On Employee Performance In The Health Care Sector In Kenya: A Case Of Kakamega County

ABSTRACT Devolution of health care, as other types of decentralization, immensely changed governance structures and relations in the healthcare system. Devolution was seen by its proponent as a way to improve services delivery and performance of the health system by transferring responsibilities and authority to locally elected governments with an aim to creating a more intense community involvement in order to adjust service to communities’ specific needs. However, there is no clear assura...

Effects Of Income Diversification And Non-Performing Assets On Interest Rate Spread In The Kenyan Banking Sector

ABSTRACT Various structural changes intended to lower interest rate spread were initiated by the Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) since interest rate liberalization in early 1990s, but as documented in various Monetary Policy Statement issues and acknowledged by the Industry players and policy makers, interest rate spread remained high. High interest rate spread denotes intermediation inefficiencies leading to disincentive to investment through poor reallocation of resources and lowers effect...

Effect Of Citizen Participation On Service Delivery In Kenya: A Case Of Healthcare Sector In Garissa County

ABSTRACT Public service delivery in the public Kenya has over the decades faced challenges. The introduction of various policies for instance performance contracting as well as measurement and evaluation has not yielded expected results. There was hence a need to focus approach on other strategies to improve service delivery in the public sector for instance the adoption of public participation. Public participation helps to promote transparency and in so doing, there is reduction of corrupti...

Determinants Of Volunteers‟ Turnover In International Organizations: The Case Of United Nations Volunteers In Kenya

The ability to retain Volunteers has proved a challenge to many international organizations. This is no exception for many volunteers engaged in international organizations. Volunteers are more intrinsically motivated compared to extrinsic motivation and their need is to make a valued contribution by giving back to the community and skill acquisition. The aim of this study was to establish the factors determining volunteers‟ turnover with a special focus on United Nations National Vol...

Impact Of Home-grown School Meals Programme On Access, Retention And Performance In Primary Schools: A Case Kitui County-kenya

Studies on impact of school feeding programmes on access, retention and performance have been conducted in various parts of the world all of which conclude that the programmes have the potential to increase access to primary education, reduce drop-out rates and promote academic achievements. The purpose of this study was to assess the impact of Home Grown School Meals Programme (HGSMP) in Waita Zone in Kitui County on access, retention and performance of pupils in the primary schools sin...

Effects Of County Bursary On Completion Rates Among University Students In Kwale County, Kenya Between Academic Years 2014/15 To 2017/18

Access to higher education world over has been a preserve of the affluent few since they can cater for the costs of the education. Majority of the developing countries in Africa are yet to address the issue of subsidizing higher education to enhance completion rates. The general objective of this study was to determine the effects of County bursary on the completion rates of university students in Kwale County. Therefore, the study focused towards attaining the following specific objecti...

Career Mobility Of Women Administrators In Public Secondary Schools In Kirinyaga County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to examine the factors that affect the mobility of women to administrative positions in public secondary schools in Kirinyaga County. The study was guided by the following objectives: To establish the effect of cultural factors such as gender roles on mobility of women administrators in secondary schools in Kirinyaga County. Moreover, personal and organizational factors and their effect on mobility of women administrators in secondary schools in Kirinya...

Determinants Of Contested Decisions In Kenya Government: A Case Of The Appeal Process At Kenya Immigration Department

ABSTRACT The department of immigration makes decisions in the course of discharging their mandate some of which are contested by those seeking services from the department. The post-work permit verification period has seen an astronomical rise in such contested decisions. Little is known about the determinants of these contested decisions. This research focused on the determinants of contested decisions in government departments in Kenya. There was need to understand the factors that influen...

An Analysis Of Community Based Policing Initiative In Kenya; The Case Of Nakuru County

ABSTRACT The Kenyan government adopted Community Policing initiative as a crime fighting tool in the year 2002. The Community Policing initiative was aimed at enhancing security and safety, reducing crime, fear and improving social order. Crime happen on regular basis and continue to be an issue of discussion to policy makers, policing agents, citizens on how best community policing can be tailored to solve these security and safety challenges. This study intended to analyze how community po...

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