Sociology Research Papers/Topics

Broken Lives, Broken Relationships: The Experiences Of Women In A Ghanaian Prison.

ABSTRACT The prison has emerged as an object of attention and criticism in the works of sociologists and criminologists. However, among this diverse body of works, little research has been undertaken which interrogates the very different experience of men and women prisoners. In particular, there is a paucity of research that adequately explores how women experience their family relationships while in prison. Considering the fact that a significant number of female prisoners in Ghana come fro...

Ethnic Transformation Among The Gao People Of Zabrama Line, Accra

ABSTRACT Urbanism carries within itself a complex web of social experiences and systems which rewards creativity and innovation other than a routine repetitive lifestyle. Social change remains a constant encounter in all human settlements but appears to be most visible in the urban social space. Change in itself is the hegemony between existing and new social ideas which is measured by how these ideas improve social lives. People in urban areas are bound to encounter temptations to alter th...

Gender And Environmental Degradation in Agrarian Communities of Ebonyi State, Nigeria

Abstract Changes in gender roles and relations and environment are intricately related. Rapid increase in human population brings about massive exploitation of natural resources which in turn leads to observable effects like poor crop yield from degrading lands, water pollution, and extinction of forests. This is therefore a study of the effects of environmental degradation in agrarian communities and changing gender roles and relations. Both qualitative and quantitative instruments were use...

Cultural Practices And Infant Mortality In Wammako Local Government Area Of Sokoto State

ABSTRACT Save the children initiative (2014), estimated general infant mortality rate to be 100 deaths per 1,000 live births for the 2011-2014 period (NPC, 2014). Regionally, south east, south west, north east and northwest have infant mortality rates of 74, 81, 129 and 139 deaths per 1,000 live births respectively. Indicating the highest concentration in the North West (NPC, 2014).This research examines if there is any relationship between some cultural practices and infant death in Wamakko...

The Impact Of Micro And Small Enterprise Development Development On The Rural Poor: A Study Of Beneficiaries Of The Rural Enterprises Programme at Asuogyaman District

ABSTRACT In Ghana there is dearth of knowledge about the role of Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) in alleviating poverty at the rural areas. It is increasingly being recognized among scholars, policymakers and private sector practitioners that MSEs are a potentially powerful tool for economic development and poverty reduction. In Ghana, the practice of MSEs promotion as an official development intervention strategy commenced in 1995 once the Rural Enterprises Programme (REP) was piloted to...

Social Integration of Offenders And Recidivism in Ghana

ABSTRACT In Ghana, the issue of offenders returning home safely to lead law-abiding lives has been a daunting task. Every year, hundreds of offenders leave the prison but relapse into criminal behaviour sooner or later after their release. It is on record that 24% of exoffenders recidivate again and again. This implies that secondary crime prevention strategies in Ghana are ineffective in reforming, rehabilitating and reintegrating the offenders. The question this study sought to address is:...

Farmers' Access To Agricultural Extension Services In The Dangme West District Of Ghana

ABSTRACT This study investigates farmers' access to agricultural extension services in the Dangme West District of Ghana. Specifically, the study sought to find out the sources of extension information, the existence of differential access of farmers to agricultural extension services, and sociocultural and other factors if any, which affect access to extension services. The results revealed that the Agricultural Extension Agent (AEA) was the main source of information for the majority of far...

Immigrant Businesses In Ghana: A Study Of The Lebanese In Accra.

ABSTRACT One important mechanism that immigrants mostly adopt as a means of integrating economically in the host country is the establishment of small-scale businesses of their own (Bonacich and Modell, 1980; Cummings, 1980; Glazer and Moynihan, 1963; Light, 1972). This study was conducted to examine the business practices of Lebanese immigrants in Accra Ghana, as well as contribute to the literature on immigrant businesses, which focuses predominantly on immigrants in Western societies. Usin...

Situational Crime Prevention At Ngleshie Amanfro: The Role Of The Community

ABSTRACT The study explored the effectiveness or otherwise of the situational measures implemented by the community members of Ngleshie Amanfro to bring under control the sudden upsurge in the incidents of armed robbery in the community. The concurrent triangulation model of the mixed method approach was adopted for the study, using a sample of 415 respondents. The Situational Crime Prevention theory espoused by R. V. Clarke (1997) was used as the main perspective for the study. A survey and ...

Understanding Consensual Unions As A Form Of Family Formation In Urban Accra

ABSTRACT Consensual unions as an alternative form of family formation is a growing phenomenon in especially urban centres in Africa, including Ghana. This qualitative study was aimed at exploring the lived experiences of persons in consensual unions. The research was conducted in the urban space of Accra and the target population was all persons who at the time of the study were in consensual unions. With the use of purposive sampling technique, a total of thirty-one participants were selecte...

Social Control in a Peri-Urban Ghanaian Community, Sege in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana.

ABSTRACT Social control had been part of all human societies. Traditional Ghanaian societies had means of ensuring social control and order prior to colonialism. Two systems of social control-formal or Western and informal or traditional exist in Ghana. It was observed that the introduction of formal social control challenged and weakened informal social control. However, in the midst of a distinct bulk of works, a few studies were done on the informal social control systems in Ghana. Specif...

The Effectiveness Of Recruitment, Selection And Placement Policies Of Organizations In Nigeria A Case Study Of Kano

ABSTRACT Recruitments selection and placement function is an important task of personnel management. It is a function that determines who is employed and filled vacant position for the smooth running of the organization. In Nigeria the recruitment, selection and placement function is not justly done because of the complex nature of the society. It is being influenced by such factors as tribalism, neporism, favourtism etc. The employee of every organization serve as the engine that regulate t...

Effects Of Female Genital Mutilation Among Residents Of Igbesa In Ado-Odo Ota Local Government Area Of Ogun State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT The aim of this project is to describe and analyze socio-cultural practices as determinants of female genital mutilation. The instrument used was structured questionnaire. 90 participants (adult women and men living in Igbesa Area of Ogun state) took part in the study. The data collected were analyzed using chi-square statistical method. The findings revealed that there is a significant relationship between social practices and the prevalence of female genital mutilation in Igbesa. ...

Remittances And Social Expenditures Of Migrant Households In The Ekumfi District

ABSTRACT Several academic researchers in Ghana have heightened the importance of international remittances rather than the importance of internal remittances to migrant households (Kanu&Ozurumba, 2013; Quartey, 2006). This study therefore, examined remittances and social expenditures of migrant households in the Ekumfi District. The study employed a cross sectional and descriptive survey design using questionnaire and interview guide as the data collection instruments. A sample size of 377 re...

Demystifying The Fallacy Of Brain-Drain In Nigeria’s Development Discourse: Engaging The Burden And The Contradictions

ABSTRACT Desperate emigration among all categories of Nigerians is an indicator of challenging socioeconomic and development environment. As mass poverty, mediocrity and visionless leadership crept into the polity in the 1980s and became institutionalized over the years, it became apparent that striking a balance among the citizenry would translate to devising adjustment mechanisms, including emigration. This paper argues that although migration affects development in several ways, it is fal...

256 - 270 Of 497 Results