
Technology Research Papers/Topics

Study Of Breast Lesions Using Mammographyand Ultrasonography.

Abstract Objective of this study is to study the breast lesions using mammography and ultrasonography. Participants were a consecutive sample of 50 female patients aged between 20 to 90 years old, all had breast lesions. 40 of 50 patients have been examined by mammography followed by ultrasongraphy exam, 10 patients had been examined by ultrsonograhy only; because of aged less than 35 years, pregnant or lactating, those can’t do a mammography. Data were analyzed using simple excel program ...

Study Of Breast Lesions Using Mammographyand Ultrasonography

Abstract Objective of this study is to study the breast lesions using mammography and ultrasonography. Participants were a consecutive sample of 50 female patients aged between 20 to 90 years old, all had breast lesions. 40 of 50 patients have been examined by mammography followed by ultrasongraphy exam, 10 patients had been examined by ultrsonograhy only; because of aged less than 35 years, pregnant or lactating, those can’t do a mammography. Data were analyzed using simple excel program ...

Variation In The Protein Level Of Different Accession Of Bambara Groundnut

ABSRACT Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranean L.) is a protein rich legumes, with food security potential. The nine (9) accessions of the Bambara Groundnut were obtained from ational Centre for Genetic Resources and Biotechnology (I'TACGRAB) Ibadan, Oyo State Nigeria. These were accessed for their genetic and phylogenic relatedness through electrophoresis of the seed's proteins. Protein characterization with standard gel marker revealed that the 9 accessions contained proteins (Bovine Serum ...

Study Of Bone Density For Adult Sudanese Using DEXA Scan

Abstract This study is descriptive study by use of statistical package for social science (SPSS) because it gives more specific and accurate data analysis. General objective to identify the role of DEXA scan in the diagnosis of bone density. Specific objectives to monitor the ability of DEXA in diagnostic of the osteoporosis, to monitor the ability of DEXA in diagnosis of the osteopenia and to identify the role of DEXA scan to measure increase bone density. The study was done in Khartoum sta...

Study Of Finding Ct Abdomen Post Contrast

Abstract -the objects of this study to known the finding CT abdomen post contrast. The Data was conducted by radiology department in Gazira traumatology center in wadmadani, -A sample of 05 patients of both gender, female(05) and male (05)their ages range from 4-05 years old ,they have abdominal diseases , CT scan was done to the explain this diseases. -From the result of study was showed more frequent age affected between 01-05 years old, which represent 401 from the sample. The study res...

Determination of CT Number of Normal Liver in Sudanese Population using Computed Tomography

ABSTRACT To determine the liver CT number among Sudanese people using spiral CT. A designed data sheet was used to collect data from 50 patients refer to CT abdomen , which was done using images of slice thickness (5mm) and slice gap (7-10mm) , three readings were taken from three points in axial cuts. The mean CT number of liver among the males was found to be 57.24±7.98 HU , and that among females was 56.19±10.77 the mean different was found to be 1.05 which was statically insignificant ...

Evaluation Of Certain Biliary System Diseases Using Magnetic Resonance (Cholangiopancreatography( Mrcp

Abstract The biliary system have many diseases affecting it and these diseases need to be diagnosed but in this study certain one was evaluated : cholecystitis, .cholangiocarcinoma, gallstones and obstruction The aim of this study was to study the biliary system disorders using Magnetic Resonance CholangioPancreatography( MRCP) ; the study took place in Khartoum state centers include: Antalia medical center and Modern medical center during the period between August and December 2015. The sam...

The Effect Of Partial Replacement Of Fine Aggregate With Lateritic Soil On The Compressive Strength Of Sandcrete Block.

ABSTRACT. This work seeks to find a way in which lateritic soil within Ota, Ogun State of Nigeria could be use in the production of hollow sandcrete blocks. This replacement is intended to observe the effect of lateritic soil on the strength characteristic when employed in the production of sandcrete blocks. It was deduced from past works that the inclusion of lateritic soil in sandcrete block production will produce a lesser quality blocks but this work seeks to find the maximum permissibl...

An Interval Type 2 Fuzzy Evidential Reasoning Approach To Personnel Recruitment

ABSTRACT Recruitment process is a procedure of selecting an ideal candidate amongst different applicants who suit the qualifications required by the given institution in the best way. Due to the multi criteria nature of the recruitment process, it involves contradictory, numerous and incommensurable criteria that are based on quantitative and qualitative measurements. Quantitative criteria evaluation are not always dependent on the judgement of the expert, they are expressed in either moneta...

Development Of Competitiveness Indices For Indigenous Construction Firms In Nigeria

   ABSTRACT Competitiveness of indigenous construction firms plays a vital role in the economic development of any nation. The significance of competitiveness to economic development lies in the fact that it increases the level of profits earned by indigenous construction firms, thereby contributing to a nation‟s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). However, foreign construction firms dominate the Nigerian construction market on account of managerial and technological capabilities in which for...

Parameters For Good Site Concrete Production Management Practice In Nigeria

ABSTRACT The versatility in-use of concrete for buildings and other infrastructures of necessity made concrete an important element of construction. Yet failure of concrete occurs more frequently at construction stage even when it seemed that mix ratio and design load calculations are adequate. This therefore suggests a missing gap in specification and the production of good site concrete. Literature survey confirms poor quality of concrete and use of sub-standard materials of concrete in th...

Performance Evaluation Of State Subsidized Housing Scheme: A Case Study Of Ogun State Housing Projects

   Abstract The problems of housing in Nigeria are enormous and complex, exhibiting apparent and marked regional differences. In most urban centres, the problem is not only restricted to quantity but also to the quality of available housing units and the environment. This study therefore evaluated the building performance of State Subsidized Housing Schemes in Ogun State and ascertained whether or not the public housing estates fulfil the initial design/goal of government and the needs of...

Safety Practices And Workers Performance On Construction Sites In Lagos State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Safety practices in construction project have received several attention of the researchers over the years but how safety practices impact workers’ productivity and operation requires some attention on construction projects. The aim of this study is to determine the level of compliance with the use of safety wears and other safety control systems with a view to enhancing safety performance and workers’ productivity on construction projects. A total of one hundred and twenty eigh...

Minimization Of Flash Floods Water Using Gis Based Water Harvesting

ABSTRACT In the last few years devastating flash floods descending downstream through valleys have occurred in East Nile Locality-Sudan. A flash flood can be caused by intense rain, particularly when it takes place in a saturated area where rain has previously fallen. Under these conditions the additional rain runs off over the surface and accumulates in streams and channels at a much accelerated pace. Runoff is the one of the components consists of water cycle and useful water resources to ...

Study of Optic Nerve Diameter in Diabetic Patients Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

Abstract The type of study aims to evaluate the impact of diabetic in optic nerve measurement using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). And to establish the standard value of the optic nerve measurement for Sudanese healthy and compare the normal measurements with patients mentioned diabetic disease. The study was carried out during the period from January 2015 to January 2018 at Antalya Medical Center hospital and Royal Care International Hospital- Khartoum, Sudan. MRI images examination for ...

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