Moderninternational and non-international military conflicts have catastrophic consequences for children. The nature of armed conflicts, their causes, and consequences have changed dramatically over the last threedecades,asseenintheBalkansandthePersianGulf,orintheCentralAfricanRepublic,theDemocraticRepublicoftheCongo,Lebanon,Libya,Mali,Nigeria,Syria,Somalia,Sudan,andSouthSudan.Inthisenvironment,questionsconcerningtherespect,protection,andrealizationofeconomic,social,andcultural i1rights i1hav...
In Zimbabwe, the government uses the tendering process, which is governed by a number of laws and legal precepts, to secure contracts for the purchase of services and goods required to uphold, improve, and advance public claims. Public procurement in Zimbabwe is governed by the constitution which is the supreme law of the nation as cited in section 2, legislation and procurement regulations. It is critical to bear in mind that criminal actors in procurement systems are business organizations,...