ABSTRACT Nigeria for over five decades now operates mono economy. Despite the diverse natural resources endowed to her by God. This started prior to the end of Biafra war in 1970, when Nigeria taps greatly from crude oil due to global rise in oil price. This over dependent on crude oil is to the disadvantage of other sectors such as; natural gas, solid mineral, water, environment, coal, tourism and agriculture that contributes enormously to the economy of any country like Nigeria. In 2017 N...
ABSTRACT The study area is located in the Abakaliki formation of Asu-River group Lower Benue Trough. The area lies between latitude N060221 011to N060 281 011of the equator and longitude E0080 001 011 to E 0080 061 011of the Greenwich meridian. The study was carried out to ascertain the geology and the occurrence of groundwater in the area through detail geological field mappings geophysical investigation and pumping test. Field observations shows that the area is made up of two lithologic...