Abstract Contemporary Muslim communities witnessed many inventions and innovations as a result of global progress and civilisation. Some of the innovations are full of evils that affect the hearts. Some Muslims instead of reading and listening to the Qur’anic recitation in the early hours of the day, they spend huge time on social medias through internet devices available to them or listening to radio news, From these it can be said every Muslim should care about his/her heart, purify i...
Abstract As long as people live together, they might have their individual or collective interests, opinions, thoughts, tastes and beliefs to defend or guard, and in the course of protecting any, it may lead to a dispute. The effort of Sharī’ah Commission Bauchi State to adopt a device mechanism for resolving conflict amicably through the use of Islamic sources yielded great impact on the one side, and it faced some challenges on the other hand. This research investigated Zauren Ṣulḥ ...
ABSTRACT As long as people lives together, they might have their individual or collective interest, opinion, thought, taste and beliefs to defend or guard, and in the cause of protecting any, it may directly or indirectly lead to a dispute, conflict or misunderstanding among them. Almighty Allah has guided them with a revelation that will lead them to resolve their disputes and conflict through dialogue. (Q11:118). The effort of some of the Shari’ah States in the northern Nigeria to ad...