ABSTRACT Recognition of high yielding and nitrogen (N) fixing groundnut genotypes and desegregating them in the cereal-based cropping systems common in savannah regions will enhance food security and reduce the need for high N fertilizers hence, minimize the high cost and associated environmental consequences. Field trials were conducted during the 2015 growing season at the Research Farms of Bayero University Kano (BUK) and Institute for Agricultural Research (IAR), Ahmadu Bello Univer...
ABSTRACT One of the main reasons for the loss of productive land in irrigated fields is the buildup of salinity in the soil. In the watari irrigation Scheme, no systematic appraisal and mapping have been made before within the sector. The study area was selected after a reconnaissance survey based on the farmer's complaint about the low production. Global positioning system (GPS) was used to record the coordinate, and delineate the boundary of the study site. The coordinates of the delinea...
Abstract Identification of high N-fixing groundnut genotypes and integrating theminto the prevailing cereal-based cropping systems can reduce the need for nitrogen (N) fertilizers, thus minimizing their high cost and associated environmental consequences. This study was conducted to estimate the amount of symbiotically fixed N by groundnut genotypes and its contribution to soil N and yield of groundnut. Trials were carried out during the 2015 rainy season at Bayero University Kano (BUK) Agr...