This thesis consists of two chapters, of which the
first presents a categorial study of the concept of
initiality (also known as projective generation) and the
second gives applications in the.theory of uniform and
quasi-uniform spaces,
The' first three sections of chapter 1 expound basic
aspects of initiality, such as its relation to categorial
limits and to embeddings, the· latter being defined with
respect to a faithful functor to a bicategory. The notion
of a separated object with respect to such a functor is
defined. The main contribution of the chapter lies in the
fourth section, where, given two amnestic functors
L : A-+ B and M : B ~ f, the functors F : B ~ A
with MLF ~ M are studied. These functors were characterized
by Hu'fuek (i.967aJ. Our investigations branch away from
Hu~ek's by proce~ding to further specialization of the type
of functor F. We characterize the functors F for whi~h the
initiality construction depends only on a class of objects
of A. Among these F we study the right inverses of F in
detail. The results are then applied in the sixth section
to find conditions for the existence of an adjoint right
inverse of L, in the seventh section of explore the
natural order structure of the class of all right inverses
of L, and in the eighth section to study monoref1e6tors in
B. The chapter ends with a brief investigation of the
lifting of epireflectors from B to A against a functor
L : A. ~ B,
Chapter 2 starts with a minimal self-contained intro~
duction to the categories of the quasi-uniform spaces (Qun),
the bitopological spaces (2 Top), and the quasi-uniformizable
bi topolog ica 1 spaces (Berg) : their class ica 1 analogues a re
We show that the notion of separated object,
abstractly introduced in chapter 1, corresponds in each of
these categories to the epireflective property obtained by
lifting the T
-epireflector from Top. We settle a numbe~
of questions concerning right inverses of forgetful functors
among the mentioned categories and among their subcategories
of ~eparated objects. We also "cha~acterize the epimorphisms,
extreme monomorphi~ms and equalizers in these categories.
Thus equipped, we study total boundedness and completeness
in Q.un, and compactness in 2 Top, by regarding these properties
as lifted from Un and Top, respectively; we thereby obtain
some new results and perspectives on quasi-uniform spaces.
L., G (2021). A categbrial study of initiality in uniform topology. Afribary. Retrieved from https://track.afribary.com/works/a-categbrial-study-of-initiality-in-uniform-topology
L., Guillaume "A categbrial study of initiality in uniform topology" Afribary. Afribary, 15 May. 2021, https://track.afribary.com/works/a-categbrial-study-of-initiality-in-uniform-topology. Accessed 12 Mar. 2025.
L., Guillaume . "A categbrial study of initiality in uniform topology". Afribary, Afribary, 15 May. 2021. Web. 12 Mar. 2025. < https://track.afribary.com/works/a-categbrial-study-of-initiality-in-uniform-topology >.
L., Guillaume . "A categbrial study of initiality in uniform topology" Afribary (2021). Accessed March 12, 2025. https://track.afribary.com/works/a-categbrial-study-of-initiality-in-uniform-topology