Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics


The importance of the US Dollar to a mono economy and import dependent nation such  as South Africa cannot be over emphasized in the most notable transactions that takes  place in any economic process must have a direct or indirect connection with the  dollars. The aim of the study is to find the relationship between American dollar and  South African rand. The statistical relationship between inflation and petrol price were  investigated using secondary data. The correlation coefficient...

Maternal hepatitis B status and Sex at birth: A cross-sectional study in a Ghanaian population

Maternal carrier status of hepatitis B has been associated with excess sons while maternal immunity to it has been associated with excess daughters at birth. However, the proportion of males at birth (sex ratio) is relatively low in Sub-Saharan Africa despite the relatively high prevalence of hepatitis B. However, no known study has tested this hypothesis in the Ghanaian population, hence the aim of the study. The study was cross-sectional between January and September 2023 at the Tamale Cent...

Maternal hepatitis B status and Sex at birth: A cross-sectional study in a Ghanaian population

Maternal carrier status of hepatitis B has been associated with excess sons while maternal immunity to it has been associated with excess daughters at birth. However, the proportion of males at birth (sex ratio) is relatively low in Sub-Saharan Africa despite the relatively high prevalence of hepatitis B. However, no known study has tested this hypothesis in the Ghanaian population, hence the aim of the study. The study was cross-sectional between January and September 2023 at the Tamale Cent...

A Computerized Students' Records Management System: A Case Study of Faculty of Science and Technology Kampala International University Western Campus

ABSTRACTA computerized students' records management system(CSRMS) is a computer program designed to capture, store, manage the creation and maintenance of students' records in an organisation. Records management (RM)isthe practiceofcontrolling recordsofan organizationfrom the time they are created to the time of disposal which includes identifying, creating, classifying, using, storing, securing, retrieving, and destroying or permanently preserving records. Record...


ABSTRACTAcomputerizedstudents'recordsmanagementsystem(CSRMS)isacomputerprogramdesigned to capture, store, manage the creation and maintenanceofstudents' recordsinanorganisation. Records management (RM)isthe practiceofcontrolling recordsofan organizationfrom the time they are created to the timeofdisposal which includes indentifying, creating,classifying,using,storing,securing,retrieving,anddestroyingorpermanentlypreservingrecords.Records management system(RMS)isa collectionofelementsinan orga...

Mathematical Modelling of the COVID-19 Pandemic with Demographic Effects

Abstract/Overview In this paper, a latent infection susceptible–exposed–infectious–recovered model with demographic efects is used to understand the dynamics of the COVID-19 pandemics. We calculate the basic reproduction number (R0) by solving the diferential equations of the model and also using next-generation matrix method. We also prove the global stability of the model using the Lyapunov method. We showed that when the R0 < 1 or R0 ≤ 1 and R0 > 1 or R0 ≥ 1 the disease-free ...

Units of Commutative Completely Primary Finite Rings of Characteristic pn

Abstract The characterization of the group of units of any commutative ring has not been done in general, and previous studies have restricted the classes of rings or groups under consideration. In this work, we determine the structures of the groups of units of commutative completely primary finite rings R of characteristic pn for some prime integer p and positive integer n.

GBS Mapping and Analysis of Genes Conserved between Gossypium tomentosum and Gossypium hirsutum Cotton Cultivars that Respond to Drought Stress at the Seedling Stage of the BC2F2 Generation

Abstract/Overview Cotton production is on the decline due to ever-changing environmental conditions. Drought and salinity stress contribute to over 30% of total loss in cotton production, the situation has worsened more due to the narrow genetic base of the cultivated upland cotton. The genetic diversity of upland cotton has been eroded over the years due to intense selection and inbreeding. To break the bottleneck, the wild cotton progenitors offer unique traits which can be introgressed...

Climbing Up the Hills: Expansion of Agriculture around the Ruma National Park, Kenya

Abstract/Overview A major factor driving changes in land use and land cover (LULC) is the human population growth associated with an expanded agricultural production. In the Lambwe valley in Homabay County, Kenya, the most important reason for accelerated population growth in the last decades was the control of the tsetse fly, the biological vector of trypanosomiasis. The goal of our study is to quantify the changes of LULC in the Lambwe valley in the last 30 years, giving special attenti...

Unit Groups of Some Classes of Power Four Radical Zero Commutative Completely Primary Finite Rings

Abstract Let R be a completely primary finite ring and J be its Jacobson radical. A class of such rings in which J4 = (0), J3 = (0) has been constructed. Moreover, the structures of their groups of units have been determined for all the characteristics of R. Mathematcs Subject Classification: Primary 13M05, 16P10, 16U60; Secondary 13E10, 16N20

Agronomic Characterization of Soybean and Bambara Groundnut Genotypes Grown on Different Soils of Lake Victoria Basin

Abstract/Overview Neglect and under-utilization of legumes such as soybeans and bambaragroundnuts are the reason for increased food insufficiency in the Lake Vic toria basin. Diversification of legumes into the cropping systems of LakeVictoria basin ensures protein rich diets and improved soil fertility. Thisstudy was carried out to evaluate agronomic characters of two soybean vari eties and two bambara groundnut landraces cultivated on different soils ofLake Victoria basin. Seeds of two ...

Recent Advances on Mercury Speciation in Aquatic Ecosystems, Health Effects and Analytical Techniques

Abstract/Overview Elemental mercury is not as poisonous as its congeners such as methyl mercury and dimethyl mercury, especially at trace levels. However, understanding the speciation mechanisms of mercury in aquatic ecosystems offers an opportunity to appreciate the dangers emanating from elemental mercury in the environment. Notably, elemental mercury is occasionally used in dental filling therapy which presents it as a non-poisonous element. Recent advances on mechanisms of elemental m...

Nonlinear H∞ Guidance Design for Missile against Maneuvering Target

Abstract/Overview A new guidance law is derived for missile against maneuvering target by adopting nonlinear H∞ control theory. The guidance law is based on three dimension (3D) nonlinear kinematics described by modified polar coordinate (MPC). In MPC, only three differential equations are used to describe the 3D relative motion between missile and target. The new guidance law is designed by solving the Hamilton-Jacobi-Isaacs (HJI) equation by simultaneous policy update algorithm (SPUA)...

Binomial Mixtures Based on Beta I Distribution and Its Generalizations with Application to a Two Stage Group Screening Design

Abstract/Overview When mixed, two distributions can form another distribution. Binomial distribution and beta distributions combine to form a binomial mixture with the latter being a prior distribution which is a continuous distribution. Skellam pioneered this study when he mixed binomial distribution with its parameter p taking beta distribution. The paper focused on construction of binomial mixtures, their properties, special cases and the application of the mixtures in a two stage grou...

Application of Three Parameter Generalized Beta I Distribution in Binomial Mixture

Abstract/Overview Two or more individual distributions can be mixed together to form a new distribution. According to Feller, this can be done using weights that sum up to unit. Also by considering a parameter which is a random variable taking another distribution then a new distribution ca be formed. The nature of the mixing distribution has effect on the new distribution formed. If the mixing distribution is continuous random variable, then the new mixture formed is also continuous. Ske...

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