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Of all the uses of African plants, the aspect of medical use has probably attracted the most

attention and has also been the most complex and varied. Nearly 70,000 species of higher plants

have been used for medical purposes world wide.

Medicinal plants form the key component to traditional medicine which remains the major source

of health care for over 70% of the Kenyan population. Over 90% of the population use medicinal

plants at one time or another.

The increasing need to develop drugs from indigenous medicinal plants after their approval as

potential sources of therapeutics justifies the current area of research.

The study which was carried out in Makueni district, a semi-arid region in the South Eastern part

of Kenya reveals 208 plant species in 157 genera and 60 families of ethnomedical interest.

Interviews were conducted on open~--e...nded technique, in at least 14 divisions of the 7,440 km''

district. A preference ranking system was used to identify the most authentic and articulate


herbalists in every administrative division visited.

Plant collections were madethrough out the field 'study and assembled at Nairobi University


herbarium (NAI) for confirmation and Identification. Those which could not be identified were

done at the East African herbarium (EA) where some voucher specimens have been deposited.

88 diseases and conditions in 24 major categories have been dp~cu.rnented. The most cornmon category of diseases affecting the population in the study area is skin conditions followed by

diseases of the head and gastro-intestinal conditions. Chest complaints, gynaecological and

cardiovascular conditions rank fourth, Featuring also is livestock and poultry diseases.


The most prevalent diseases contributing to the high morbidity levels in the area are Malaria,

Oedema, Diarrhoea, Stomachache, Gonorrhoea (Urithritis) and Rheumatism! Arthritis in that


The plant families with the highest number of of remedies are Leguminosae (25), Compositae

(17), Euphorbiaceae (17) and Labiatae (15).The leaves were the most used parts of the herbal

remedies; then the bark (stem), roots, whole plant and seeds, fruits and/or flowers respectively.

Most herbal remedies are prepared by crushing or pounding. They are then boiled or soaked in

water to form decoctions or infusions before being dispensed. Alternatively, they are dried in sun,

burnt, chewed or roasted depending on the conditions for which they are used as a remedy.

The concept of cause of diseases in human has been briefly explained and possible implications

of doctrine of signatures or similitudes in the conventional medicine mentioned. An attempt to

determine the conservation status or threat categories of 10 herbal remedies has been done. Exsitu

conservation of herbal remedies realized in the home gardens of the herbalists is also



A preliminary phytochemical analysis to test presence or absence of secondary components in 13

plant species was carried out. Results show that sterols are the most abudant group of compounds

in the 13 species screened. A general characteristic is the absence of Anthraquinones, Triterpenes

and Cardiac glycosides.

A two-way classified log linear model was used to evaluate the likely efficacy of each ofthe

remedy screened. The likely efficacy was expressed in terms of quantitative interaction effects

("Cij) as a measure of consensus or degree of confirmation whose values are arranged in a

descending order. Some final conclusions and recommendations on the current area of research

and its pertinence to development of science have been put down .


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