
Law Research Papers/Topics

Advancing honour and dignity in death for victims of armed conflicts: Exploring the challenges and opportunities of AI and machine learning in humanitarian forensic action under IHL

With technological developments presenting tremendous opportunities, rapid developments in data-driven artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have the potential to significantly transform humanitarian forensic action. Yet, their role in the forensic identification of dead bodies remains unexamined. The correct and early identification of dead bodies is not only important to afford the deceased their honour and dignity and to ensure that their families know the fate of the...


ABSTRACT Provocation on its own it not a total defense as to make the accused discharged of his guilt. It reduces murder to manslaughter. This essay considers the adequacy of this defense by examining it under the penal laws of Nigeria and different centers.   The general requirement is that of the deceased must have been caused by accused upon provocation induced by the deceased himself and this must be offered before the accused had time for his passion to cool down. The injury inflicted m...


Abstract: Nowadays, in Ethiopia, the private business sector and the non-profit sector are becoming more intertwined with one another. The concept of social enterprise (SEs) is one manifestation of this overall pattern. A social enterprise can be broadly defined as businesses that trade for social purposes or addressing social problems. It may set up in forms of non-profit, for-profit, and a hybrid entity form. Such a socially conscious business (social capitalism) is a new horizon of hope f...

Effect of multiple taxation on SMEs in Nigeria

Multiple taxation has been identified as one of the major problems of small businesses in Nigeria, and its effect on the growth and productivity of small businesses are quite alarming as new businesses have high tendencies to stop functioning also, it has greatly affected the compliance rate of such business owners whose profit are taxed more than once by the same taxing authority and for the same purpose. Profitability is the ability of an enterprise to use its resources to generate revenues...

Regulating Autonomous Weapons Systems within International Humanitarian Law.

The integration of autonomous weapons systems (AWS) within International Humanitarian Law (IHL) presents challenges to fundamental principles such as distinction, proportionality, precaution, and accountability. While autonomous weapons offer benefits in speed and efficiency, they also pose significant risks to humanitarian considerations.A comprehensive approach that integrates technological and legal solutions is essential to regulate the development and deployment of AWS. Engineering solut...

Rape, Law and Politics in Ancient Roman Society

The notorious rapes of Rhea Silvia, the Sabine women, Lucretia, and Livia are documented in Ancient Roman documents. These incidents had a profound impact on Roman history and were recorded throughout the political landscape. These terrifying incidents were interconnected with significant junctures in the political development of Rome, such as the founding of the city, the Republic, and the subsequent attempts at restoration after the turbulent Decemvirate period. This study sheds light on ho...

Effect of Case Management on Access to Justice Strategy in Molo Law Courts of Nakuru County, Kenya

Abstract Access to justice suffers a number of challenges and results to ineffective functioning of the justice system. Despite the existence of empirical studies on strategy implementation and strategic planning in the Judiciary, no research has been carried out on the effect of case management on access to justice. The population of the study comprised one hundred and thirty five respondents being magistrates, Judicial staff, Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP) counsels, a...

A Critique of the Legal Regime Governing the Protection of Children During Armed Conflict

Moderninternational and non-international military conflicts have catastrophic consequences for children. The nature of armed conflicts, their causes, and consequences have changed dramatically over the last threedecades,asseenintheBalkansandthePersianGulf,orintheCentralAfricanRepublic,theDemocraticRepublicoftheCongo,Lebanon,Libya,Mali,Nigeria,Syria,Somalia,Sudan,andSouthSudan.Inthisenvironment,questionsconcerningtherespect,protection,andrealizationofeconomic,social,andcultural i1rights i1hav...

Foreign Policy Making Process: A Case Study of Uganda (1986-2012)

Abstract: “Without literature my life would be miserable.” - Naguib Mahfouz (Egyptian Writer who won the 1988 Nobel Prize for Literature). The Foreign Policy Making Process has tremendous impacts on Uganda. Because of the imbedded interrelations within human nature, there is a tendency to believe what is formulated in the name of National Interests. The study focuses on the formal level, with emphasis on the role of President Yoweri Museveni and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as well a...

The World Trade Organization Dispute Settlement: An Analysis of Developing Countries’ Perspectives

Abstract: Formed in January I, 1995, WTO Dispute Settlement System was billed to be the panacea to trade disputes within the existing multilateral trading system. Seen as a beacon of stability and predictability, it marked a new watershed in the search for equity within the global economy. However, in spite of the hope it espoused, serious impediments appear to bedevil the system in so far as its developing country members are concerned. Instead of living up to its stated mission of promotio...

The Application of International Humanitarian Law in Somalia: A Comparative Analysis of International and Non International Armed Conflict

Abstract: The protracted conflict in Somalia has been characterized by breaches of International Humanitarian Law (IHL), due to the lack of a functional government or central authority within the country to protect the rights of people who are not or no longer taking part in hostilities. This study sought to analyze the relevance of the distinction between international and non international armed conflict based on the provisions set out in the Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protoco...

The Contribution of Somali Diaspora Millennials in Peace-Building in Somalia from 2011-2021: A Case of the State Of Minnesota (United States of America)

Abstract: In an attempt to exert and re-imagine her global governance aspirations and geopolitical influence, the African Union (A.U) has acknowledged the African diaspora as the sixth region in the continent: the Northern, Southern, Eastern, Western, Central regions and the African diaspora spread out across the globe. The diaspora is a fundamental constituency, especially in addressing contemporary issues underscored in governance, economics, development, politics of the day, and social pr...

Public Diplomacy as Kenya’s Strategy for Peace in East Africa

Abstract: This research examines the concept of public diplomacy as a Kenya’s strategy in pursuing peace in East Africa. It asks one basic question; why, despite the transformation of the international system, has Kenya not found it prudent to employ public diplomacy in its foreign policy and specifically in the pursuit of peace in a volatile East Africa sub-region? To answer this overarching question, the study employs two theories; the constructivist theory and the grand strategy theory....

Role of the Principle of Responsibility to Protect (R2P) in Preventing Mass Atrocities: A Case Study of the Ituri Province, Eastern DRC

Abstract: The general objective of the thesis was to determine the role of the principle of responsibility to protect in preventing mass atrocities using a case study of the Ituri Province, Eastern DRC. The research was guided by three specific objectives and they included understanding the application of the principle of Responsibility to Protect (R2P), to determine the role of R2P and to review the mass atrocities situation where the principle of R2P was applied by using an empirical case ...

The Role of Kenyan Diplomatic Missions in Promoting Trade and Investment: Assessing Kenya High Commission in the United Kingdom from 2015 to 2020

Abstract: The role of diplomatic missions remains vital in outward and inward trade and investment promotion. Trade and investment are seen to be important through the role they play as a means of economic and political strategy. In Kenya, there is great potential for trade and investment promotion to the United Kingdom. It would be necessary to understand efforts structurally put in place by diplomatic missions to ensure the success of Kenyan-owned subsidiaries in international markets. Hen...

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