Assessment Self-Efficacy for Learning and Employment Between Regular and Sandwich Students of Primary Education Studies

Ojoula Bukola 66 PAGES (13345 WORDS) Economics Seminar
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1.1       Background of the Study

            All men are created equal and are entitled to certain liberties as citizens of the nation. One such liberty that all men have is to receive a free and appropriate education. Despite educational initiatives and numerous efforts at the federal and state level, children from various demographic subgroups do not receive an equal education. These tests have consistently shown gaps in achievement for certain groups of students. Students from low-income homes, students who are not Caucasian, and students with disabilities score below their counterparts on academic assessments. While some of the gaps have narrowed over time, the gap between students from low-income households grew 40% from the 1970s to 2000. A report by Auguste, Hancock, & Laboissiere (2009) described how the achievement gap has resulted in untapped potential for American citizens year after year, which has led to a loss of hundreds of billions of dollars in potential economic gains. In 2009, the poverty rate in the United States was 14.3% (Redd, Karver, Murphey, Moore, & Knewstub, 2011). 

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