Audit Reports And Internal Control System Case Study: Lira District Council

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ABSTRACT T'he report focused on the audit report and internal control system case study of Lira District Local Government. The purpose of the study was to assess the internal control system and mditing on organizational performance. rhe report adopted three specific objectives; to identify the elements of reports that arc audited: lo assess the contribution of proper auditing t o organizational performance; to identify the ~hallenges in accounts Auditing. The study adopted cross-sectional research design and applied both qualitative and quantitative !!pproaches in the survey. 70 respondents participated in the study who were basically the ~mployees of I .ira District I .ocal Government. fhc finding indicated the audit scope in Lira District Local Government covered all accounting of the activities carried out, right li·om planning through initiation: execution: contract award. signing. delivery and payment for the departments involved majority of respondents (5 I .4'X>) that majority of respondents strongly agreed that account auditing. The proportion of respondents (51.4%) also strongly agreed that internal control system determine whether the awarding of the contracts was fair. competitive. equitable and cost effective. The audit revealed that the management of public accounts activities in Lira Local Government lor financial years 20007/2008 was unsatisfactory. In particular the entity did not keep/provide all required documentations or used wrong evaluation methods which led to over 50°;{, or the value of sampled cases amounting to Shs 817.1 02.093/c" to be ca\Ggorizcd as high risk.

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