Chief Executive Officer Attributes and Sustainability Reporting of Banks in Nigeria


Chief Executive Officers as managers are the main drivers in determining an organization's performance. Therefore, CEOs adoption of sustainability reporting as a corporate strategy would help to attain long term survival and growth. In line with this knowledge, this study examined the impact of CEO attributes on the sustainability reporting of banks in Nigeria. CEOs' ownership, expertise, tenure and nationality were proxies for CEO attributes. A sample of ten (10) listed deposit money banks from 2014 to 2020 was conveniently selected. Panel least squares regression was used to estimate the model of the study. Results from the panel leastsquares regression reveal that CEO ownership and expertise have no impact on sustainability reporting. The study further found that CEO tenure and nationality have a positive impact on sustainability reporting of listed deposit money banks in Nigeria. The study concluded that CEO attributes like tenure and nationality influence sustainability reporting of listed deposit money banks in Nigeria

Keywords: CEO tenure; CEO nationality; CEO ownership; CEO expertise; Sustainability Reporting; Global Reporting Initiative, Listed deposit money banks

JEL:M10, M14, M41, M48