Density Diversity Assessment Of Macro invertebrates Of River Illah Delta State Nigeria

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The inquiry was directed at estimating the even nature of diversity to density quotient of macro benthic invertebrates at River Illah. Macro benthic invertebrates were obtained using kick sampling techniques while water samples were quantified using standard methods of analysis. Results divulge that Odonata and Crustacea were preponderant consisting (18.45%) of total abundance. Waters from River Illah were well oxygenated (5.2 - 6.8 mg/l), contained low BOD5 (2.4 – 3.5 mg/l) and had a moderate flow rate (0.11 – 0.25 m/s). Generally, 26 taxa in total were encountered from the 6 months sampling (March – August, 2016) with only Polymorphanisus bipunctatus (Tricoptera species) occurring at all sampled stations. Presence of Ephemeroptera, Zygoptera and Tricoptera in abundance and low abundance of Diptera (8.74%) portends the water body to be of fairly good quality.

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