Development Of PLC Program And Monitoring System For Robotic Arm


Picking and placing an object or products in specific place or boxes play an important part in industry process, it consumed a lot of time also need patience and accuracy and cannot handle any mistakes. Pick and place robot is a robot that can be programmed to pick product or any object and place it somewhere. these robots are popular among many automation applications and material handling system, they are especially practical in applications where repetitive and difficult tasks need to be performed with accurate time and specific place.

Programmable Logic Controller Sematic 300 has been programmed to control a Cartesian robot which is used to pick objects from one production line and places them in boxes at another line. The program has been run and tested through simulation at sematic 300 software. WinCC Flexible Human Machine Interface has been used to design a graphical user interface for monitoring the overall operation and for error detection. The simulation showed that the designed program and GUI meets the design objectives.