Elderly Housing: Principles and Options

21 PAGES (4602 WORDS) Architecture Paper

1.0  Introduction Housing  (shelter)  ranks  third  (after  food  and  clothing)  amongst  the  three  basic necessities of mankind. Its provision is thus of paramount consideration. There are different dimensions to defining housing. However, Cutchin (2004) described housing as shelter for human habitation, that is, provision of accommodation – houses and other buildings where people live, considered collectively. A decent home is fundamental to people’s well-being, hence, everybody needs a decent, secure and affordable home. But at different points in our lives, we may require different things from our housing, that is, different age group require different forms of housing, to suit their needs, psychologically and physiologically. As people grow older their housing needs can change. Older people spend between 70 and 90 per cent of their time in their home (Rita and David 2007), thus a warm, secure environment that meets individual requirements is crucial. This term paper thus focuses on housing for the elderly or older people, stressing the available principles and options.