Factors Affecting Effective Execution of Employee Performance Appraisals in Organisatons: A Case of Plan International -Uganda

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ABSTRACT The study Investigated the factors affecting effective execution of employee performance appraisals in organizations, using Plan International Uganda as a case study. The study was guided by the following main objectives: to find out how employee performance appraisal is done in Plan International Uganda; to establish the value employees of Plan International Uganda attach to employee performance appraisals; and to establish the factors affecting effective execution of employee performance appraisal In Plan International Uganda. The study employed a case study, descriptive as well as explanatory research designs; a self-administered questionnaire was used as the main method of data collection. The study found that: first, Plan International Uganda uses mainly two methods of employee performance appraisals, namely; essay method and 360 degree appraisal. Second, Employees of Plan International Uganda value employee performance appraisal highly because it is a dynamic and transparent system which enables them to link their Individual performance to their respective job descriptions, and thus, assist them to achieve their performance objectives. Management’s commitment to employee performance appraisals has contributed to enabling employees attach high value to the system. Third, despite the foregoing, lack of adequate interest by employees, lack of an established human resources system to effectively coordinate and harmonize employee performance appraisal Issues, unrealistic reward system, and inflexible management styles, were real factors affecting effective execution of employee performance appraisals in Plan International Uganda. To overcome the foregoIng, the researcher recommends that Plan International Uganda should promote staff dialogue, enhance upward feedback, give adequate rewards basing on performance, and enhance employees’ opportunity to contributing and participating in performance reviews.



Declaration’ ii



Acknowledgement’ v

Table of Contents’ vi

List of Tables’ ix

List of Figures’ x



1 ~O 1

1.1 Background to the Study 1

1.1.1 An Overview of Employee Performance Appraisal 1

1.1.2 An Overview of Employee Performance Appraisal in Plan

International 3

1.2 Statement of the Problem 4

1.3 Purpose and Objectives of the Study 4

1.3.1 Purpose of the Study 4

1.3.2 Objectives of the Study 5

1.4 Research Objectives 5

1.5 Significance of the Study 6

1.7 Conceptual Framework 7


2 0 REVIEW OF RELATED LI1ERATU RE0. ~ fl EU 0000flOfl 00~~ 8

2.1 Introduction 8

2.2 Meaning of Employee Performance Appraisal 8

2.3 How Performance Appraisal is done in organizations 9

2.4 Value attached to employee performance appraisals in

Organizations 14

2.5 Factors that affect effective execution of employee performance

appraisals in Organizations 16

2.6 Measures that may be taken to improve employee performance

appraisals’ execution in Organizations .. 18

CHAP1ER IIIREE......................................................................... 23

3.0 RESEARCH MEIHODOLOG’V.................................................. 23

3.1 Introduction .. 23

3.2 Research Design 23

3.3 Stijdy ~~opulatlon .. 23

3.4 Sample size 24

3.5 Sampling Procedure 24

3.6 Types & Sources of Data .. 25

3.6.1 Primari’ Data 25

3.6.2 Secondar~~ Data 25

3.7 Data Collection Techniques .. 26

3.8 Data analysis .. .. 27

3.9 Reliability of Data Collection Instruments . 28

3.10 Validiti’ of Data Collection Instri~ments . 29

3.11 Limitations of the Study . 30

CHAPTER FOUR........................................................................... 32


4. llntroduction .. 32

4.2 Respondents Characteristics . 32

4.2.1 Respondents Gender ... 32

4.2.2 Respondents Tenure in the organization . 33

4.3 Presentation of Findings .. 34

4.3.1 Methods used by Plan International Uganda to appraise its

employees .. 34

4.3.2 Value that employees attach to performance appraisal

systems in Plan International Uganda . 38

4.3.3 Factors affecting effective employee performance appraisal in

Plan International Uganda . 39

4.3.4 Measures that Plan International Uganda has taken to address

the factors affecting its effective execution of employee

performiance appraisal .. 41

CHAPTER FIVE............................................................................. 45

5.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDAflONS............................ 45

5.1 IntroductIon .... .•• ••. 45

5.2 ConclusIons arising out of ttie Study . 45

5.3 Recorrirnendations .. 47

5.4 Areas of Future Research 49

References:~ 50

AppendIx 1: SarTiple Questionnaire(s) •1 . 52

Appendix 2: I..etter to Respondents ...... 78

AppendIx 3: I..etter frorri the University . 79

Appendix 4: Plan International Uganda Organogram 80

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