Agric Metereology and Water Management Research Papers/Topics

Length of growing season, rainfall temporal distribution, onset and cessation dates in the Kenyan highlands

Abstract Dependence on uncertain rainfall and exposure to unmitigated climate risk are major obstacles in efforts to sustainably intensify agricultural production and enhance rural livelihoods. There is generally enough seasonal total rainfall; the challenge is its poor distribution over time and across the season. The amount of water available to plants strongly depends on the rainy season’s onset, length, temporal distribution and cessation and can indirectly indicate the climatic suitab...

Natural Hazards and Their Impact On The Environment and Agriculture in Nigeria

ABSTRACT: The study assessed the impacts of natural hazards on the environment and agriculture in Nigeria as the cost of negative impacts of natural hazards either on the environment (natural and built environment) or food production is unimaginable. The aftermath of the 2012 flood in Nigeria was catastrophic as over 300 people lost their lives, more than 7 million people were affected and economic activities were paralyzed in a lot of places with huge damage to farmlands, houses and basic in...