Agricultural Economics Research Papers/Topics

The Analysis Of Factors Affecting Performance Of Chemelil Sugar Company.

Abstract  Chemelil Sugar Company is located along the Awasi nyando road.It started in the year 1965 as a private company. The original shareholding was 57%, private and 43% government ownership. Low cane yields and low cane quality due to low performance of most agricultural activities in land preparation, planting, cane husbandry and harvesting and transport. Cane shortage has been a major limiting factor in the performance of the company crushing capacity The general objective is to analys...

Impact Of Regional Agricultural Projects On Small Farm Sector Productivity And Socioeconomic Growth In East Africa

ABSTRACT Regional projects hereby refer to projects implemented in more than one country. The countries of focus are Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda. The purpose of the study was to build the thesis that regional projects generated more impacts and significantly contributed to: increased agricultural production and productivity; enhanced stakeholders’ access to financial services; increased incomes; profitable land uses; and up-scaling of technologies, innovations, and manageme...

Evaluation of Rural Credit Markets on Small Holder Farmers' Production and Income: (A Case of Ikwuano L.G.A. Abia State)

ABSTRACT This study investigated the evaluation of rural credit markets in Ikwuano Local Government Area of Abia State. The study focused on the financial lending institutions (formal and informal) that lend money to farmers, the differences in the lending conditions and amount of loan granted between the identified sources. Also, the impact Of the loan on the beneficiaries level of production and income. Data relevant to the study were collected through the use of both structured qu...

An Evaluation Of The Effect Of Land Fragmentation And Agro-Ecological Zones On Food Security And Farm Efficiency: The Case Of Embu County In Kenya

ABSTRACT Declining size of the farm holdings in most high agricultural potential areas as a result of continuous land fragmentation is currently a major policy concern in Kenya. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of land fragmentation and agro-ecological zones (AEZs) on food security and farm efficiency in Kenya. The study used data collected from 384 farm-households that were randomly selected from three AEZs in the Embu County, using a multistage stratified sampling techni...

The Effects Of Market Reforms On Irish Potato Price Volatility In Nyandarua District, Kenya

ABSTRACT In the early 1990’s, the Kenyan government implemented reforms in the agricultural sector that affected the volatility of agricultural product prices. However, there is lack of empirical evidence on the effects of these reforms on the level and volatility of Irish potato prices. This study evaluates the effects of market reform policies involving the decontrol of input and output prices on the evolution and volatility of Irish potato prices in Nyandarua district. The purpose of thi...

The Nexus Between Trade Reforms And Export Diversification

ABSTRACT The current trade literature highlights the importance of trade reforms and export diversification as a major economic trajectory towards a sustained economic growth. A concentrated export basket is at risk of price volatility and small market size. The purpose of this study was to expose the connection that exists between trade reforms and export diversification. The objective was to determine the impact of tariff preferences and bilateral trade agreements (dummy variable) on expor...

Technical Efficiency, Profitability And Market Diversity Among Smallholder Tomato Farmers In Kirinyaga County

ABSTRACT The horticultural sub-sector in Kenya contributes immensely to the country’s development agenda. Particularly, vegetables are crucial in poverty alleviation with tomato production ranking among the most vibrant enterprises. The crop creates employment and is a source of income for smallholders in rural areas. Despite its potential, tomato production faces major challenges including unreliable markets, low adoption of modern production systems and production inefficiencies. This has...

Relationship Between Selected Motivational Factors And The Performance Of Public Secondary School Agriculture Teacher’s In Imenti South District, Kenya

ABSTRACT Teacher motivation is very important as it directly affects the students’ performance. The performance of agriculture teachers in Imenti South District has been low compared to other districts. This has been characterized by a decline in the agriculture subject results. This might have been contributed by inadequate teacher motivation. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between selected motivational factors and the performance of secondary school agricultur...

An Evaluation Of Effects Of Exchange Rate Volatility On Kenya’s French Bean Exports

ABSTRACT During the period after the adoption of a floating exchange rate regime in Kenya, there has been substantial volatility produced by the regime. In spite of the considerable foreign exchange contribution of Kenya’s French beans subsector to the economy, the effects of exchange rate volatility on it remains unclear. This study evaluated the effects of exchange rate volatility on Kenya’s French bean exports to major markets in the European Union. Monthly secondary data for the perio...

Transaction Costs And Market Participation Among Avocado Smallholders In Murang’a County.

ABSTRACT Access to market plays a vital role in poverty alleviation among smallholder farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa. Agricultural markets provide income generating opportunities for farmers in rural areas hence improving their livelihoods. Avocado fruit has a high demand in both local and export markets due to its nutritional value and industrial use. However, smallholder avocado farmers have not benefited from this increased demand. The purpose of the study was to assess the effects of trans...

Economic Analysis Of Recommended Technologies On Coffee Performance Among Smallholder Farmers In Embu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The coffee subsector in Kenya has been characterized by low and declining productivity at farm levels. Over the years, coffee research in Kenya has developed technologies that are aimed at increasing the productivity and improving the quality of coffee produced. Despite many agronomic recommendations, coffee productivity has not increased with increase in acreage. This may be attributed to the interaction between the recommendations and prevailing socioeconomic factors experienced by...

Farm-Level Supply And Value Addition Of Mangoes Among Small-Scale Producers In Machakos County

ABSTRACT Mango (Mangifera indicia L.) is one of the most suitable fruit crops in arid and semi-arid areas of Kenya. Its production in Machakos County has generally been fluctuating over the past few years, such that there is no consensus whether the production is increasing or decreasing. In addition, there is a paucity of knowledge about the quantity of mangoes supplied by small-scale farmers. Upon harvest, the mango fruit is highly perishable, therefore farmers have taken up farm-level valu...

Transaction Costs And Market Participation Among Avocado Smallholders In Murang’a County

ABSTRACT Access to market plays a vital role in poverty alleviation among smallholder farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa. Agricultural markets provide income generating opportunities for farmers in rural areas hence improving their livelihoods. Avocado fruit has a high demand in both local and export markets due to its nutritional value and industrial use. However, smallholder avocado farmers have not benefited from this increased demand. The purpose of the study was to assess the effects of trans...

Adoption Of Best Agronomic Practices, Technical Efficiency And Profitability Of Sugarcane Production Among Smallholders In Malava Sub- County Of Kakamega County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Sugarcane crop (Saccharum officinarum) is one of the important industrial crops that are major employers and contributor to the Kenyan economy. Despite the importance attached to this subsector, sugarcane production is dismally performing in Kenya. In a bid to attain self-sufficiency in sugar production, Kenya has made remarkable efforts to develop the subsector. Despite efforts put up by the Government of Kenya and other stakeholders, sugarcane production still faces low productivit...

An Assessment Of The Contribution Of Food Aid Programs To Household Food Security Of Smallholder Farmers In Buhera District, Zimbabwe

ABSTRACT The study was carried out in Buhera District in 2013. The aim of the study was to assess the contribution of food aid on food security. The study sampled 30 households using simple random sampling who are the beneficiaries of food aid. Food aid programme is widely debated in the world and has made many people to believe that food aid has a disincentive effect while others believe it is an essential tool for agriculture and food security development. For the past decade, food aid del...

601 - 615 Of 859 Results