Agricultural Economics Research Papers/Topics

An Economic Analysis Of Tobacco Processing Industry In Western And Kwara States Of Nigeria

ABSTRACT The objective of this study is to assess the economic performance of tobacco processing industry in Western and Kwara States of Nigeria. After a brief discussion of the development of tobacco industry in Nigeria, some technical aspects of tobacco leaf production, cigarettes manufacture, and blackfat manufacture were discussed. Three firms were selected for the study. These are Nigerian Tobacco Company Limited, Philip Morris (Nigeria) Limited and Premier Tobacco Company Limited. The d...

A Synergetic Linkage between Agricultural Productivity, Nutrition and Health

ABSTRACT This study examined the effect of health and nutrition on labour productivity of farmers in South-western Nigeria. Within this geo-political zone of the country, primary data was collected through a field survey of 470 rural farmers. Descriptive statistics, Anthropometric measures of nutrition (BMI and DDS) and the Tobit model were used to show the effect of nutrition and health on the productivity of farmers. Estimated results show that body mass index (BMI) and dietary diversity sc...

Spatial Concentration Of Poverty And Its Determinants In Nigeria

ABSTRACT Poverty reduction programmes in Nigeria have not had significant intended effects. This can be attributed to the non-consideration of the heterogeneous nature of poverty and spatial contiguity of geographical units in their designs. There is scarce information on spatial decomposition and spillover of poverty across the Senatorial Districts (SD) in Nigeria. Therefore, the spatial concentration of poverty and its determinants were investigated. The study employed secondary data from N...

Income Polarisation And Poverty Among Rural Households In Nigeria

ABSTRACT Poverty in Nigeria has been on the increase with consequence for Income Polarisation (IP). The IP which is the sum effect of alienation and identification between two groups at polar ends of the income distribution could worsen poverty. Studies on income distribution and poverty have mostly focused on income inequality to the total neglect of IP. Therefore, the extent and pattern of IP and its relationship with poverty among rural households in Nigeria were investigated. Data coverin...

Flooding and Welfare of Fishers' Households in Lagos State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT The study examined the effect of flooding on the fishing households' welfare in Lagos State. Data were collected with the aid of structured questionnaire to elicit information from 412 fishers selected through a multistage random sampling technique. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, budgetary technique and inferential statistics. Results revealed that rainfall was the dominant climatic factor that had adverse effect on the fishing communities as 81.1% of the respondent...

Vulnerability And Poverty Transitions Among Rural Households In South West Nigeria

ABSTRACT Successive governments in Nigeria have implemented poverty alleviation programmes and strategies without commensurate reduction in poverty. The near failure of these programmes and strategies has been associated with improper diagnosis of poverty as a static rather than dynamic concept. Poverty dynamics enables a better appreciation of the extent of poverty over time by distinguishing between households exiting and entering into poverty, those never poor and the persistently poor. Th...

Partial Budgeting Analysis Of Different Strategies For Management Of Insect Pests In Cashew And Mango Orchards In Tanzania

ABSTRACT  Before changing from one production method to another, farmers need to consider costs and incomes resulting from the change. This study estimated the effects on net benefit of switching from conventional Tanzanian growing practices (spraying of chemical pesticides and non-pest control) to the use of African weaver ants (Oecophylla longinoda) to control pests in cashew and mango. Yield data from one cashew and one mango plantation covering two cropping seasons was used in an economi...

Determination Of The Effects Of HIV/AIDs On Farm Income And Food Production On Communal Farms In Kavango Region

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of HIV/AIDS on farm income and food production in Kavango region. Representative farm models of communal farms for each of the two most common farming systems in Kavango region were developed. These are the riverline and inland farming systems, which were then used to determine the levels of farm income and food production at farm level under various HIV/AIDS scenarios in terms of changes in resource availability and gender, bas...

A Comparative Study Of The Use Of Manure And Fertiliser In The Shallot Industry At Anloga In The Volta Region

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to compare the use of manure and fertiliser in the shallot industry at Anloga. The responses to the questionnaire were analyzed, using percentages, chi-square (X2) test and simple t-test. The study revealed that there was no significant difference between the mean profit of farmers who combined manure with fertiliser and those who used manure only (calculated t^ = 0.8, critical tso = 1.7) at 10% significance level. However, a marginal analysis using the ...

Appraisal of Poultry Feeds Marketing in Anambra State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT This study examined the marketing of poultry feeds in Anambra State, Nigeria. The specific objectives were to: describe the socio-economic characteristics of the poultry feeds marketers; identify and describe the marketing channels for poultry feeds; describe the promotional activities adopted by these poultry feed marketers; assess the degree of market concentration among wholesalers and retailers of poultry feeds; determine the marketing margins for poultry feeds at wholesale and ...

Economic Assessment of The National Fadama Development Programme in Kano State : A Comparative Study of Beneficiaries And Non-Beneficiaries

ABSTRACT Fadama farming has contributed significantly to Nigeria’s agriculture in particular and the country in general, but the contributions have remained largely unmeasured. As a result, this study examined the influence of the National Fadama Development Project on Fadama farmers in Kano State. Primary and secondary data were sought. A set of questionnaires was developed and information was collected from 108 respondents who were randomly selected from the three agricultural zones in t...

An Analysis of the Financial Structure and Profitability of Rice Enterprise; The case of Adarice Project Participating farmers in Enugu State, Nigeria.

Abstract   In 1962, the Government of Eastern Region of Nigeria acquired two parcels of land measuring about 500 hectares each at Omasi and Adani at the Uzo-Uwani area of Enugu Province of Eastern Nigeria. The parcels of land were ear-marked for the establislln~ent of the former Um-Uwani Farm Settle~nerit Scheme. Progress in the establislinient of the scheme was interrupted by the Nigerian civil war as only two firm sctcleme:lt villages ou~ of the five proposed had been set up. After the ci...

Effects of Off-Farm Work on Technical Efficiency And Production Risk Among Rice Farmers in Enugu State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT   The study analysed the effects of off-farm work on technical efficiency and production risks among rice farmers in Enugu State, Nigeria. Ninety respondents were selected using the multistage sampling technique. Data for the study were collected by the use of well-structured questionnaire. Descriptive statistics and a stochastic production frontier model were used to analyse the data. Results showed that the two groups of rice farmers had similar socioeconomic characteristics. Te...

Raphia Palm Wine Marketing in South South Nigeria

ABSTRACT The broad objective of the study was to analyse Raphia palm wine (RPW) marketing in South-South Nigeria (SSN). The specific objectives were to: (i) analyse the productivity of resources used in RPW production; (ii) analyse the determinants of technical efficiency of tappers; ( iii) analyse the structure of the RPW market in the area; (iv) describe the marketing channels and distribution of RPW; (v) estimate the level and determinants of profit in RPW tapping and marketing (vi) estim...


ABSTRACT  Prices contain information crucial to maximizing the returns to production and marketing investments. At planting time, a farmer's planting decision depends on expected profits, which invariably hinge on the anticipated prices of the crop or mix of crops that would prevail in the market at the time of sale and on the farmer's interpretation of those prices. A trader, in search of profitable arbitrage, reads and translates price signals in deciding on what crops to buy, where to bu...

631 - 645 Of 859 Results