Agricultural Economics Research Papers/Topics

The Determinants Of Adoption, And Im Pact Of Im Proved Sorghum Varieties In The Upper-W Est Region , Ghana

ABSTRACT The production of sorghum, one of the most important food crops with multiple uses in the savanna zone of Ghana, has been bedevilled with several problems. The most important ' problems are low yields, lack of improved varieties and striga infestation. These problems led to research efforts at the Savanna Agricultural Research Institute to produce improved high yielding sorghum varieties that are adapted to the socio-economic and agroecological conditions of northern Ghana. This stud...

Financial Viablity And Adoption of The Zecc Technology For Tomato Storage in Savelugu And Sagnarigu Municipalities in The Northern Region of Ghana

ABSTRACT Zero Energy Cool Chamber (ZECC) storage technology is the use of an evaporative cool chamber for maintaining the low temperature of fruits and vegetables compared to the field, shed and room temperature. In order to help farmers and traders, the ZECC technology was introduced in the Savelugu and Sagnarigu municipalities. However, only a few of the farmers and traders have adopted it in these municipalities. Although the ZECC seems to be a means to help solve storage challenges, the ...


The Problem The existence of a Mechanical Cultivation Scheme for the past 20 years in Sierra Leone has not enabled that country to increase rice production enough to eliminate imports of rice, nor has it had the effect of materially reducing the costs of production. The success of mechanization in many other countries at least suggests that some factors are operating in them which, up to this time, have not been achieved in Sierra Leone. The purpose of this investigation is to carefully study...

Adoption Of Improved Technology And Farm Level Technical Efficiency Of Small-Scale Oil Palm Producers In The Western Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT Over the last 60 years, a series of interventions geared towards increasing oil palm output have been initiated by the Government. Recent major Government interventions are the expansion of the seednuts production capacity of the Oil Palm Research Institute (OPRI) from 2 million to 5 million seednuts per year, the President‟s Special Initiative on Oil Palm and the Oil Palm Master Plan. The oil palm sector is dominated by small-scale producers who have low productivity as a result o...

Market Participation Of Smallholder Farmers In The Upper West Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT This study assesses the levels of market participation by smallholder maize and groundnut farmers in the Upper West Region by estimating the factors that influence the probability and intensity of participating in the maize and groundnut markets and then identifying and ranking the constraints to marketing maize and groundnut. A multi stage random sampling procedure was employed to select 400 farmers (200 maize and 200 groundnut farmers) from four agricultural districts in the region...

Comparative Analysis Of Productivity And Efficiency In Low And High External Inputs Technology Agriculture In Imo State

ABSTRACT The study was designed to compare productivity and efficiency of Low External Input Technology and High External Input Technology Farms in Imo State. Specifically, it aimed at comparing the socio- economic characteristics of the two groups of farmers as well as their productivities, ascertain the factors influencing aggregate and individual resource productivities, determine production efficiency and returns to scale in the two farm types.  The study was conducted in Imo State, Nige...

Market Integration And Price Transmission Analysis of Processed Fish Markets in Ghana

ABSTRACT  This study presents an analysis of market integration and price transmission of 10 processed fish markets in Ghana over the period 2012-2017. Monthly processed fish prices for Koobi, Kpala and Smoked herrings from the 10 markets namely Makola, Ada, Agbozume, Cape Coast, Half Assini, Kpandu, Mankessim, Techiman, Tema and Wa markets were used for the analysis. Data were analysed using the Johansen Co-integration procedure, Granger Causality test, Asymmetric Vector Error-Correction mo...

The Competitiveness Of Soybean Production In The Upper West Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT In Ghana, soybean production has received considerable promotion since its introduction in 1910 ranging from research, education on utilization technologies, subsidies, etc. The government still provides subsidy to soybean production in the form of soft credit on inputs (fertilizer, seeds, ploughing). Despite these support systems, little or no study has been conducted to assess the private incentives for farmers to continue its production and the sustainability of its production if ...

The Determinants Of Health And Nutrition Of Children Under Five in Ghana

ABSTRACT This study examines the determinants of health and nutrition of children under five in Ghana using data on 2127 children and their households drawn from the Ghana Living Standards Survey in 1987/88 (GLSS I). The study reveals that Ghanaian children of 0 to 59 months obtain 82.7 percent of the recommended required daily allowance of calorie intake. Also the children weighed 9.9 percent higher than the recommended weight of 12.0 kg. It was further shown that the level of undernutritio...

Determinants Of Use Intensity Of Inorganic Fertilizer And Its Effect on Maize Yield Among Smallholder Maize Farmers In Northern Ghana

ABSTRACT Studies have shown that poverty rates in Northern Ghana are two to three times more than the national average. Poverty, low income generation, and chronic food insecurity remains a critical challenge among the people in this region. Smallholder farmers in northern Ghana have limited access to the assets that would facilitate a shift from low productivity subsistence farming to modern commercial agriculture. The major constraints to their livelihoods include lack of infrastructure a...

Comparative Advantage And Rice Policy in Ghana

ABSTRACT ASSUMING-BREMPONG, SAMUEL, University of the Philippines at Los Banos (UPLB), October 1987. COMPARATIVE ADVANTAGE AND RICE POLICY IN GHANA. Major Professor: Dr John C. Flinn. Even though rice is a minor staple in Ghana (WARDA estimated per capita consumption to be 6.7 kg. in 1983), and accounts for about 1 0% of all cereals, its imports to the country have been second only to wheat which is not grown domestically. Successive governments in Ghana have therefore declared an objective ...

Production Efficiency Analysis Of Pineapple Farmers In The Akwapim-South District Of Ghana

ABSTRACT Pineapple farmers in Ghana are not able to meet their potential yield. Organizations are making conscious efforts to help boost pineapple production by training farmers on topics  such as input use and farm management. It is necessary to ascertain if some gaps in production still exist that need to be addressed. The study sought to identify the influence of inputs on pineapple production in conjunction with the production of other crops. It also estimated the technical efficiency s...

Technical Efficiency Analysis Of Groundnut Production In Ghana: A Bayesian Approach

ABSTRACT  Groundnut has been identified as the most important leguminous crop in Ghana both in terms of volume of production and export. Its production has faced numerous challenges over the past decades in Ghana as the productivity of groundnut continues to decline despite the abundant resources that support its growth. The question is, what then is responsible for the declining productivity levels of groundnut in Ghana? The study sought to estimate the productivity levels and technical ef...

Effect Of Input Credit Scheme On Productivity Of Smallholder Cocoa Farmers In The Amenfi West And Prestea-Huni Valley Districts Of The Western Region: A Case Study Opportunity International

ABSTRACT Opportunity International, a private financial institution has made efforts to support cocoa farmers in Ghana through the establishment of input credit scheme with the aim of enhancing access to inputs to improve productivity of farmers. The primary objective of the study is to determine whether access to inputs improves productivity of smallholder cocoa farmers in the stated districts of the Western Region of Ghana. Purposive sampling was used to select two districts from the regio...

Econometric Modelling of The Effects of Intersectoral Labor Mobility on Deforestation in Ghana, 1970-99.

ABSTRACT The study analyses the effects of intersectoral labour mobility between agricultural and non-agricultural sectors on deforestation in Ghana. It is based on annual time series data covering the period 1970—99. The study describes the basic determinants of intersectoral labour mobility and deforestation and estimates the magnitudes o f the effects of their determinants in Ghana. The empirical results show that the effects of intersectoral labour mobility between agricultural and non...

676 - 690 Of 859 Results