Agricultural Extension And Rural Development Research Papers/Topics

Effects Of HIV/AIDs On Rural Women’s Production Activities In Mvomero District

ABSTRACT The main objective of this study is to determine how HIV/AIDS affects rural women`s production activities. The data were collected from two Divisions of Mvomero District in Morogoro. The specific objectives were, to identify and characterize the rural women`s production activities, to compare the time spent in household production activities before and after HIV infection, to determine the household production and income levels before and after HIV infection and to asses household e...

Causes Of Food Insecurity And Coping Strategies In Tanzania: A Case Of Smallholder Farmers In Chamwino District

ABSTRACT Household food insecurity in Tanzania is widespread even when the country experiences bumper harvest. Food insecurity is widespread and chronic that there is always a certain degree of household food deficit at a given part in a year. Despite the government’s efforts to improve agricultural production, food insecurity has persisted. Thus, this study was conducted to assess causes of food insecurity and coping strategies of smallholder farmers in Chamwino district, Dodoma region. S...

Impact Of Valley Bottom Cultivation (Vinyungu) On Poverty Alleviation In Mtitu River Basin, Kilolo District, Iringa, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study on contribution of valley bottom cultivation (vinyungu) to poverty alleviation in Mtitu River Basin in Kilolo District was conducted in order to examine the role of this type of agriculture to rural livelihood. This type of agriculture has been practiced over many decades. In Mtitu River Basin almost all valley bottoms are used by small farmers who practice farming in lowlands, usually called vinyungu, a type of farming practiced in dry season. Tanzania Government has been...

Impact Of Soil Erosion Control Practices On Household Food Security And Income. A Case Of East Usambara Highlands, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study was conducted to assess contribution of soil and water conservation practices on household food security and income in East Usambara highlands, Tanzania. Purposive sampling procedures were used to obtain six representative villages. In each village, 40 respondents were randomly selected leading to a sample size of 240 respondents. Structured and non-structured interview questions were used to collect data. Data collected by using questionnaires were supplemented by field o...

Assessment Of Child Abuse Among Street Children: A Case Study Of Dar Es Salaam City, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Child abuse among street children is a social problem which violates children’s rights and affects their development. This study assesses child abuse among street children in Dar es Salaam city. Specific objectives of the research were to analyze types of child abuse experienced by street children, determine factors contributing to increasing child abuse among street children, identify methods used by street children to escape child abuse, and examine immediate consequences of chi...

Socio-Economic Impact Of Free Range Local Chickens Vaccinated Against Newcastle Disease In Rural Community Of Mvomero District, Morogoro Region

ABSTRACT Improving free range local chicken (FRLC) production through vaccinating against Newcastle disease (ND) at the village level is an important component in improving socio-economies of the rural communities in Tanzania. This study assessed the socioeconomic impact of FRLC vaccinated against ND in rural communities of Mvomero District. The Primary data were gathered from a sample of 181 respondents from Sangasanga, Changarawe, Tangeni, Kimambila, Lubungo, Mafuru and Vikenge. The primar...

Community Health Fund And Quality Health Services In Morogoro District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study was conducted to assess the contribution of Community Health Fund (CHF) on the quality of health services in Morogoro District. Specifically, the study assessed the utilization of health services by members and non-members of CHF on accessibility, affordability, availability and acceptability; compared the attitude of CHF members and non-CHF members on the quality of health service and identified the challenges facing CHF members and non-members in accessing and utilizatio...

Contribution Of Farmer Groups To Household Income In Iramba District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Farmer groups (FGs) approach is seen as a fundamental solution to income poverty and food insecurity. On the basis of a data set on “Contribution of FGs to household income”, this dissertation analyses the extent to which farmer groups alleviate both income poverty to small scale farmers who are rural poor in four villages in Iramba District. The overall objective of the study was to determine the contribution of FGs to household income. A cross-sectional design was adopted wher...

Factors Influencing Adoption Of Conservation Agriculture In South Uluguru Mountains In Morogoro Region, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study was conducted in two wards Kolero and Kasanga of the South Uluguru Mountains in the Morogoro Region to assess factors influencing the adoption of conservation agriculture. In this study the level of adoption was assessed, the contribution of conservation agriculture in agricultural productivity was identified, and the influence of socio-economic factors and institution factors in adopting conservation agriculture were identified. The methodology involved a cross-sectional ...

Assessement Of Social Support Projects For Vulnerable Groups Towards Poverty Reduction: A Case Study Of Tasaf In Bukoba District

ABSTRACT This study was conducted in Bukoba District being one of the pilot districts in Tanzania to implement social support projects supported by TASAF. The overall objective of this study was to assess the impact of social support projects on vulnerable groups in Bukoba District, Kagera Region. The specific objectives of this study were to identify TASAF development interventions on poverty reduction through social support projects; to compare social support project participants under TAS...

Access To And Adoption Of Improved Seeds By Smallholder Farmers In Tanzania: Cases Of Maize And Rice Seeds In Mbeya And Morogoro Regions

ABSTRACT The research was done to assess accessibility and adoption of improved maize and rice seeds among 200 smallholder farmers in Mbeya and Morogoro Regions. The specific objectives were to: assess smallholder farmers‟ knowledge on improved maize and rice seeds, assess smallholder farmers' attitude towards improved maize and rice seeds, determine the accessibility of improved maize and rice seeds, estimate the adoption rate of improved maize and rice seeds and determine the impacts of ...

Role Of Water User Associations In The Management Of Water Use Conflicts: A Case Of Ilonga Sub-Catchment In Wami-Ruvu Basin, Tanzania

ABSTRACT  A study was conducted to assess the role of Water User Associations in the management of water use conflicts in Kilosa District, using a case of Ilonga River Sub-catchment. The specific objectives of the study were to characterize water resources and water users in the study area, to determine the level of conflicts among water users before and after the formulation of water user associations and to identify and assess the challenges and opportunities facing water user associations...

Participation In Delivering Agricultural Services To Smallholder Farmers In Tanzania: The Case Of Agricultural Inputs In Hai District, Kilimanjaro Region

ABSTRACT The average intensity of fertilizer use throughout Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) remains much lower than elsewhere and has been virtually stagnant during the past decade. Farmers’ failure to intensify agricultural production in a manner that maintains soil productivity is viewed as a key cause of decline in soil quality in many rural areas in SSA. There is general agreement that the improvements in soil fertility needed to stimulate agricultural productivity growth, improved food secur...

Gender Analysis In Rice Production In Kyela District, Mbeya Region- Tanzania

ABSTRACT Rice is the second most important food and commercial crop in Tanzania after maize.This study was designed to conduct gender analysis in rice production in Kyela district. This study was designed to conduct gender analysis in rice production in Kyela district. The study covered four randomly selected villages of Katumba, Mpunguti, Kasala andTenende. Data were analysed to obtain the descriptive statistics, Harvard analytical framework of activity profile were employed to assess gende...

The Contribution Of Mama Lishe Activities Towards Household Poverty Alleviation In Morogoro Municipality, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Mama Lishe makes one of the largest sources of employment for women in the informal sector. Like other women, they contribute significantly to the capacity of the male members of their households to function effectively in the labour force. Women undertake Mama Lishe activities so as to supplement household income to meet family needs, the income generated from women income generated activities in most cases is small, but it plays a significant role in buying clothes for babies ...

151 - 165 Of 308 Results