Agricultural Extension And Rural Development Research Papers/Topics

Effect Of Different Spacing Intervals On Growth And Yield Of Cowpea Varieties In Kilifi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata [L.] walp) is an ancient leguminous plant that is indigenous to Africa. Cowpea is commonly cultivated in the Middle East region, South United States, Asia, Africa, and throughout the sub-tropics and tropics. In Kenya, cowpea is the most important grain legume after common beans and pigeon peas. In Kilifi County and the entire Coastal Kenya, cowpea crop is considered as the most crucial African leafy vegetable (ALV), being the main source of dietary protein,...

Effects Of Fertilization And Spacing On Growth And Grain Yields Of Finger Millet (Eleusine Coracana L.) In Ainamoi, Kericho County

Finger millet was once an important diet in Southern Africa since it was annual cultivation of cereal commonly cultivated in multiple ecological areas in Kenya for its seed. The cereal crop, an extremely nutritious meal for baby food, special dishes for ill individuals and unique drinks, is used for some individuals such as "eraki" beer. In Ainamoi, Kericho County, a field trial has been performed to assess the effects of separation and fertilizer concentrations on Finger Millet development a...

Effects Of Intercropping Cowpeas With Maize And Phosphorous Levels On Growth And Yields Of Cowpeas In Meru County

ABSTRACT Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) is a legume that is grown for various uses. It is consumed as grain, leaf for humans and as fodder by livestock with high nutritive value and high palatability. It is widely produced in sub-Saharan Africa as a source of income. It is drought tolerant and can suitably be used as an intercrop in an intercropping system. The attendant low yield of cowpea among smallholder farmers due to declining soil fertility has increased the need for site specific...

Livestock-Based Risk Management And Coping Mechanism To Drought Among Pastoralists: A Case Study Of Handeni District, Tanga

ABSTRACT A case study on Livestock-based risk management and coping mechanism to drought among pastoralists in Handeni District was conducted to determine how pastoralist cope with drought in the study area. Drought is a major problem and threat to pastoral livelihoods globally. This study aimed at assessing and documenting information on Livestock based risk management and coping mechanims in reducing drought effects. Despite the assumption that livelihood of pastoralists depends on livesto...

Participatory Approach And Development Planning Process In Maswa District, Shinyanga - Tanzania

ABSTRACT A study on participatory approach and development planning process was conducted at Maswa District in Shinyanga Region. Overall objective of the study was to assess participatory planning process for development; specifically the study assessed the extent to which development stakeholders are informed about participatory planning approach concept. Secondly, the study assessed the extent at which stakeholders participate in the process and thirdly it assessed constraints that are bei...

Assessment Of Utilization Of Client Service Charter In Local Government Authorities: A Case Of Morogoro Municipality, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Client Service Charter (CSC) has been introduced in Tanzania with the view of improving the quality of governmental service delivery, increasing the level of citizens’ satisfaction and enhancing efficiency of bureaucratic apparatus. This study aimed at assessing utilization of this tool at Morogoro Municipal Council. The study focused on assessing disposition (cognition and reaction) of officials on CSC; examine the awareness level of customers on CSC with their demographic charac...

Contribution Of Entrepreneurship On Women’s Well-Being In Tanzania: A Case Of Arumeru District

ABSTRACT  Women entrepreneurs are increasingly becoming one of the development determinants particularly in Sub-Sahara Africa. However, the contribution which entrepreneurship has on women’s well-being is not adequately explored. Therefore, the general objective of this study was to determine contribution of entrepreneurship on women’s personal well-being. The study adopted a cross-sectional research design. Both quantitative and qualitative data were collected through individual survey ...

Effects Of Climate Change On Household Water Sources In Benue State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT The broad objective of the study was to assess the effects of climate change on household water sources in Benue State, Nigeria. Specifically, the study was designed to: identify the sources of water for households in the area, ascertain the perceived effects of climate change on water resources; identify the intra-household role in water provision for different household need; determine the household water demand management strategies occasioned by climate change; ascertain the...

Effectiveness Of Farmer Field Schools In Promoting Adoption Of Best Agricultural Practices By Smallholder Coffee Farmers In Kenya

ABSTRACT In Kenya, there are gaps on the availability of studies of the specific extension approaches and their effectiveness on the adoption of technologies. This study sought to determine the effectiveness of Farmer Field Schools (FFS) in promoting adoption of best agricultural practices (BAP) by smallholder coffee farmers in Kenya. The target population was the smallholder coffee farmers in the CRI’s FFS pilot project numbering 4802. All the 117 farmers who trained and graduated in FFS w...

Influence Of Selected Factors On Rabbit Production Among Smallholder Farmers In Subukia, Nakuru County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The main producers of rabbits in the world are Italy, Russia, Ukraine, France, China, Spain, Southeast Asia, Nigeria, Ghana and Kenya. In Kenya, farmers have made an effort towards food self sufficiency by raising various livestock breeds such as cattle, sheep, goats, pigs and poultry, but the country remains food insecure. Rabbits are nonconventional source of protein and are increasingly being kept in Kenya to enhance household food security and income. However, despite the advanta...

Home Delivery And Risks Of Fistula In Mufindi District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT  Few studies have been conducted on fistula in Tanzania and indeed on its relationship to home delivery. The general objective of this study was to examine the relationship between home delivery and fistula in Mufindi District. It also examined factors influencing home delivery and assessed women attitudes towards home delivery and also community awareness towards fistula.The study adopted cross-sectional research design where data were collected from 130 respondents through questio...

The Use Of Cellphones In Communication And Dissemination Of Market Information For Beef Cattle Smallholders In Mpwapwa District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT  The traditional pathways used in the dissemination of information including that of the market for cattle remain one of the focal challenges for beef cattle smallholder in many rural areas. Although there is evidence in India, Africa and Tanzania distinctively on the expansion of social networking, micro-entrepreneurs growth and access to crops and fish marketing enhanced by cellphones, the use of cellphones in access to beef cattle market information is little in Tanzania particul...

Gender Analysis In The Sunflower Value Chain: A Case Of Mvomero District, Tanzania

EXTENDED ABSTRACT  Gender inequalities are said to be a stumbling block to development efforts. Conversely inequalities are reported in many agricultural value chains. Therefore, understanding of gender participation differences within Sunflower Value Chain (SVC) is important in promoting sustainable and equitable opportunities in the agricultural value chain. This study was set to map the sunflower value chain and analyse the levels and determinants of gender participation along the chain. ...

Socio - Economic Factors Influencing Primary School Education Attainment In Kisarawe District

ABSTRACT This study was done in Kisarawe District to examine socio-economic factors influencing primary school education attainment. The study concentrated in five villages of Mwanzomgumu, Vikumburu, Marui Mipera, Kauzeni and Sangwe. The study was based on a literature review, focus group discussions and interviews. Data were collected using structured and semi-structured questionnaires plus open and closed questions. A cross-sectional survey method was employed for the study. Five wards wer...

The House Hold Income Status And Malaria Control Measures And Practices In Bagamoyo District

ABSTRACT The study examined the relationship between household income and malaria control measures and practices in Bagamoyo District. It specifically aimed at: examining the extent to which households use their income in preventive measures and practices; determining the extent to which malaria is an income problem. The study used a cross-sectional research design, and data were collected using structured questionnaires and standardised interview guides as well as personal observation. Data...

121 - 135 Of 308 Results