Agricultural Resources Management Research Papers/Topics

Qualification of Greenhouse Gas Fluxes from Selected Cropping Systems under on Farm Conditions in Tharaka-Nithi, Kenya

Abstract The smallholder cropping systems have an adverse effect on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to the ecosystems due to varied contribution to the GHG budgets. Further, the uncertainty on the contribution of an individual anthropogenic trace gas (CH4, CO2, and N2O) to the GHG emissions is rising due to disproportionate concentration contribution. The general objective was to quantify GHG emissions from selected cropping systems and asses N2O dynamics. The specific objectives were to: i) ...

Productivity and profitablity of selected cabbage varieties under varying drip schedules in Humic Nitisols of Embu County.2

Abstract The adverse effects of climate change and increasing human population have put pressure on scarce water resources used in crop production. This consequently threatens the food and nutritional security of the growing human population. Vegetables are short season crops that are sensitive to water deficits during growth, leading to low productivity, poor marketability and reduced household incomes. Use of controlled irrigation in production of vegetables is considered a sustainable rou...

Adoption of Selected Climate Smart Agriculture Technologies among Smallholder Farmers in Lower Eastern Kenya

Abstract Climate change has greatly affected food production and food security. Erratic temperature rises and inconsistent precipitation have greatly influenced productivity of crops and livestock. The impacts have gotten much more pronounced among small scale farmers in Kenya whose farming activities are climate reliant. As a component of climate change adaptation, selecting suitable climate smart agriculture (CSA) technologies that can alleviate these adverse consequences is critical. The ...

Enhancing Soybean Production, Economics and adoption among Smallholder Farmers in the Central Highlands of Kenya

Abstract Current demand for soybean in Kenya is higher than production. The deficit which is over 95% is filled through importation from neighboring countries. Despite the high demand, adoption and production is low (0.56 to 1.1 t ha-1) against potential yield of 3.0 – 3.6 t ha-1. The low production is associated with low use of fertilizers. Farmers are using mineral fertilizers below recommended rates and they are not using organic fertilizers despite them being readily available. The obj...

Effects of Tillage and Mulching on Maize Yield, Soil Water Content and Organic Carbon in Kirige, Tharaka-Nithi County. Kenya

Abstract Sustainable agricultural production in Kenya requires improvement of yields per unit of land while still conserving soil resources. Besides poor soil nutrient status, water is a limiting factor to crop production in the rain-fed farming systems of central highlands of Kenya. Hence, there is need to address soil water scarcity challenges in order to increase crop production. The objective of the study was to determine the effects of tillage and mulching on maize (Zea Mays. L) yield, ...

Applicability of conservation agriculture for climate change adaptation in Rwanda’s situation

Abstract Improving food security and environmental conservation should be the main targets of innovative farming systems. Conservation agriculture (CA), based on minimum tillage, crop residue retention and crop rotations has been proposed against poor agricultural productivity and soil degradation. This paper discusses the applicability and potential benefits of CA in Rwanda under the unfolding climate change scenario. The potential and benefits from CA may vary with rainfall regime. In high...

Using Apsim-Model as A Decision-Support-Tool for Long-Term Integrated-Nitrogen-Management and Maize productivity under Semi-Arid Conditions in Kenya

Abstract There is continued decline in per capita agricultural productivity in the drier parts of Kenya’s central highlands. The declines have been linked to low and declining soil fertility, soil water, high atmospheric heat, prolonged dry-spells and erratic rainfall. Integrated soil fertility management (ISFM) technologies have been developed and tested in the region. Despite their significant impacts, high variability in local soils and climate contributes to large variations and incons...

Characterization of Smallholder Farming Systems And Greenhouse Gas Emissions Simulation From Maize Cropping System in Tharaka-Nithi County, Kenya

Abstract The influence of soil fertility management technologies on crop production has widely been researched in Tharaka-Nithi County. However, data on their contribution towards national greenhouse gas budget is scanty. This study aimed at characterising smallholder farming systems and simulating greenhouse gas emissions, maize yields, yield scaled nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions and N2O emission factors from different soil fertility management technologies in Tharaka-Nithi County. Three hun...

Coping strategy for curbing wood fuel scarcity in Nyamache sub-county, Kisii County, Kenya

Abstract/Overview Wood fuel shortage has existed worldwide since the 1970s during oil energy crisis; accelerating wood fuels scarcity hence coping strategies. This study on local community based strategy for curbing wood fuel shortages was conducted in Nyamache Sub-county, Kisii County, Kenya. The study assessed the establishment of woodlots as an affordable strategy adopted by the households for wood fuel availability. The specific objective analyzed the coping strategies adopted by the ...