Animal Production and Health Research Papers/Topics

Seroprevalence of Leptospirosis in Cattle in Smallholder Livestock Production Systems in Bungoma County, Kenya

Abstract Leptospirosis is an important re-emerging bacterial zoonosis of public health importance in Kenya. It is transmitted through contact with contaminated soil, water, or urine of infected animals. The disease is associated with high economic losses which include high cost of diagnosis and treatment, disruption of international trade in animals and animal products and loss of milk production following mastitis among others. In this study, the sero-prevalence of bovine leptospirosis in K...

Linking human health and livestock health: A “one-health” platform for integrated analysis of human health, livestock health, and economic welfare in livestock dependent communities

Abstract/Overview Background For most rural households in sub-Saharan Africa, healthy livestock play a key role in averting the burden associated with zoonotic diseases, and in meeting household nutritional and socio-economic needs. However, there is limited understanding of the complex nutritional, socio-economic, and zoonotic pathways that link livestock health to human health and welfare. Here we describe a platform for integrated human health, animal health and economic welfare analys...

Agronomic Characteristics and Feeding Value of Desho Grass (Pennisetum glaucifolium Hochst. Ex A. Rich) for Lactating Dairy Cows in Ethiopia

Abstract: This study explored agronomic characteristics of desho grass (Pennisetum glaucifolium Hochst. Ex. A. Rich.) and its feeding value for lactating dairy cows in Ethiopia. The study consisted of experiments conducted to generate information on agronomic characteristics of desho grass; effect of fertilizer application on herbage yield and quality; compatibility and effect of growing desho in binary mixtures with potentially compatible forage legumes (Desmodium unicinatum and Stylosanthe...

Evaluation of Dietary Supplementation with Talinum Triangulare Extract on Egg Quality and Quantity, Haematology, and Serum Biochemistryin Pullets

ABSTRACT Poultry products are among the most valuable sources of animal protein, and offer a means of meeting the animal protein needs of the population. Compounded poultry feed, physical inactivity of the birds due to overcrowding and certain unhealthy habits like pecking are major setbacks to intensive poultry production. The result is high cost and high cholesterol content of products. The later has been a cause for concern to health-conscious consumers. High blood cholesterol levels have ...

Effects Of Inclusion Level Of Leucaena Leucocephala Leaf Meal On The Growth Performance And Carcass Characteristics Of Weaner Rabbits

ABSTRACT Thirty-two (32) zealand breed rabbits of both sexes, made up of sixteen (16) males and females were used for the experiment to investigate, the growth and carcass characteristics of weaner rabbits fed four(4) dietary levels of Leucaena leucocephala leaf meal (LLLM). Treatments I, 2, 3, and 4 received 0, I 0, 20, and 30% LLLM, respectively. They were randomly divided into 4 groups blocked by sex of 2 animals per replicate, in a Randomized Completely Blocked Design (RCBD). Means was s...

Evaluation Of Inclusion Levels Of Milled Mature Pods Of Prosopis Juliflora (Mathenge) In Broiler Finisher Diets

ABSTRACT A study was conducted at Tatton Agricultural Park (Egerton University) to determine inclusion levels and effects of milled mature pods of Prosopis juliflora on feed intake (FI), growth performance, feed conversion ratio (FCR), dressing % and weights of internal organs (liver, gizzard and heart) of finishing broilers. The nutrient composition of the pods was also determined. Experimental diets were formulated using milled mature Prosopis pods (MMPP) at varying levels and offered to br...

Probiotic Effects Of Saccharomyces Cerevisia On Laying Chicken Fed Palm Kernel Cake-Based Diets.

ABSTRACT The study investigated the probiotic effects of Saccharomyces cerevisiae on pullets development and hen-day egg performance of the layers. A total of 120 chicks were brooded for 4 weeks, after which 100 pullets were randomly selected and placed in 4 groups (A-D) of 25 birds each. Groups A, B and C had their feed supplemented with S. cerevisiae at graded levels of 0.6, 0.8 and 1.0 g/kg of feed respectively. Group D diet did not contain S. cerevisiae (control). The diets for all the g...

Assessment Of Feeding Practices And Performance Of Dairy Cattle In Kibaha District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Two studies were carried out in Kibaha District to investigate feeding practices and performance of dairy cattle kept by smallholder farmers. In experiment 1, formal survey which aimed at assessing the existing feeding practices, performance and constraints, involved 30 dairy farmers from 3 wards. In experiment 2, twenty four (24) lactating cows from two wards, that is 12 cows from each ward, were monitored for one month where intakes and milk yield were measured. In experiment 1; th...

Epidemiology Of Edwardsiella Infections In Farmed Fish In Morogoro, Tanzania

ABSTRACT A cross sectional study was undertaken from November 2016 to April 2017 to find out whether Edwardsiella infections exist in farmed fish in Morogoro. The prevalence of infection, risk factors and fish haematological parameters were established. A total of 270 fish were sampled from 24 ponds. Each fish was clinically examined and aseptically swabs of kidney, liver and spleen and pond water were collected for bacteriology. Bacteria were cultured onto Tryptic soya agar and Salmonella-Sh...

Prevalence Of Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamase Producing Escherichia Coli In Integrated Agro-Aquaculture In Morogoro, Tanzania

TRACT Integrated aquaculture and other agricultural activities involve use of animal manure directly or indirectly into the pond. This farming practice increase production and minimize the production cost. Despite the benefits, this may impose diseases to fish and consumers. Use of antibiotics in poultry integrated with aquaculture may impose antimicrobial resistance to fish. Extended spectrum beta lactomase (ESBL) producing Escherichia coli is resistant genes that inhibit the function of thi...

Identification And Antibiogram Profiles Of Bacteria Associated With Diseased Oreochromis Niloticus In Lake Kariba, Zambia

ABSTRACT The recent intensified aquaculture projects in Lake Kariba have brought about disease outbreaks in cultured Oreochromis niloticus. This has brought on an awakening to the scientific knowledge gap surrounding these events. This study aimed at identifying bacteria associated with diseased O.niloticus and establishes theirantibacterial resistance patterns. The diseased fish in cages were identified based on behavioural and physical abnormalities including swimming in circles, swimming i...

Occurences And Antimicrobial Sensitivity Of Bacteria In Rufiji Tilapia And Its Hybrids With Nile Tilapia Fingerlings At Different Salinity Levels

ABSTRACT Diseases at hatchery stage are among challenges that hinder optimal mariculture development in Tanzania. Information on the occurrences of bacterial infections in mariculture hatchery in the country is limited. Thus, this study was conducted to determine the occurrence and antibacterial sensitivity of bacteria species in Rufiji tilapia and hybrids fingerlings of Nile tilapia female crossbreed with Rufiji tilapia male farmed at different salinity at Institute of Marine Science (IMS) -...

Effects of Pigeon pea Based Diet on Growth And Attainment of Puberty in Weanling Pigs

ABSTRACT Eighteen weanling pigs aged between 9-10 weeks were used to study the effect of pigeon pea replacement of soybean meal on the performance and attainment of puberty in weanling pigs. The pigs were randomly assigned into three groups (A, B and C) of 6 pigs each and housed in three different pens. The pigs in the three groups were fed for 10 weeks with the following ingredient as the sole source of dietary protein; group A soybean meal, group B toasted pigeon pea meal and group C untoa...

Effect of Day Old Body Weight on Growth Performance and Body Linear Measurements of Ross 308 Broilers

 ABSTRACT An experiment was conducted on 126 unsexed commercial broilers (Ross 308). Birds were individually weighed and grouped according to their body weight at day old. They were assigned to three (3) groups according to their body weight (i.e. 39grams and below, between 40-42grams and above 43grams and above). Each chick was wing tagged and tag number recorded according to group. All chicks were fed the same diet and they were weighed at the end of every week. At eight weeks of age, the ...


 ABSTRACT A total number of 60 Tilapia zillii specimens were collected from Egbe darn Gbonyin local government in Ekiti West for 25 days. Morphometric measurements taken in the laboratory include total length, standard length, body weight, body depth, dorsal fin length, caudal peduncle length, head length. fork length, and pre-dorsal fin length. Total number of 34 female Tilapia zillii were collected as 26 number of male Tilapia zillii were collected from the study area. The maximum total le...

1 - 15 Of 44 Results