Crop Science Research Papers/Topics

Bean Density Suppression Of Weeds In Maize Bean Intercropping Under Conventional And Conservation Tillage Systems In Arusha, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The field experiment to evaluate the effectiveness of bean plant population under conservation and conventional tillage systems in suppressing weeds in maize-bean intercropping systems was conducted at the Tropical Pesticides Research Institute (TPRI) for the 2010 short rains and 2011 long rains season. A split-split plot experiment laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) was used with three replications. The main treatments were: the conventional and conservation till...

Identification Of Colletotrichum Lindemuthianum And Introgression Of Its Resistance Gene(S) To Common Bean (Phaseolus Vulgaris L.) Adapted In Tanzania

ABSTRACT Common bean anthracnose disease caused by the fungus Colletotrichum lindemuthianum causes significant yield losses. It is most destructive in areas with cool temperatures and high humidity (90 - 100 %). The aim of the study was to introgress resistance gene into adapted but susceptible local cultivars Masai Red and Soya Njano using conventional breeding methods. Five races of C. lindemuthianum were isolated and named, from thirty two common bean diseased plants samples collected fro...

Response Of Lowland Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) Varieties To Moisture Stress At Different Levels Of Potassium

ABSTRACT An experiment was conducted to determine the effectiveness of potassium in mitigating drought stress and improving yield in lowland rice ecosystems at Sokoine University of Agriculture Morogoro Tanzania. The main plot constituted three soil moisture levels viz. flooding, 20 and 40 kPa soil moisture tensions. Subplot factor constituted three lowland rice varieties viz. SARO, NERICA4 and SUPA while potassium levels were 0,50 and 100 kg K ha-1 for field experiment and 0, 25 and 50 mg K...

Distribution Of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Markers Towards Tagging Sources Of Resistance To Cassava Brown Streak Disease In Cassava

EXTENDED ABSTRACT Cassava roots represent the future of food and income generation for over 800 million people in the world however, its production is threatened by virus disease; Cassava brown streak disease (CBSD). Biotechnology approaches are fast and powerful methodologies in cassava improvement and breeding. Construction of high-density and high quality genetic map in cassava would be of great benefit in combating CBSD. Conventional study was conducted in Naliendele, Kibaha and Dodoma f...

Morphological, Molecular And Quality Characterization Of Rice Varieties And Landraces From Eastern And Southern Africa

ABSTRACT This study was carried out to evaluate the genetic diversity of rice germplasms collected from Eastern and Southern Africa countries (Burundi, Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania including Zanzibar and Rwanda) based on morphological, molecular and quality traits for utilization in breeding programmes. A total of 191 rice germplasms were characterized in this study. Twenty four qualitative and quantitative morphological traits, eight grain quality traits and 18 Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) marke...

Genotype x environment interaction of common bean (phaseolus vulgaris l.) Genotypes on reaction to four bean diseases

ABSTRACT This study was carried out to assess the performance of advanced common bean lines (BC2F6) to diseases (Angular leaf spot, Common bean blight and Bean common mosaic virus/Bean common mosaic necrosis virus) and yield and yield components in three different locations; Arusha, Mbeya and Morogoro. The experiment was arranged in split plot, main plots were locations (Arusha, Morogoro and Mbeya) and sub-plots were 32 genotypes (28 lines and 4 checks). The results from the experiment revea...

Pedological Characterization, Classification And Evaluation Of The Potential For Maize Production Of Solomon Mahlangu Campus Farm Morogoro, Tanzania

EXTENDED ABSTRACT  In Tanzania, limited attention has been channeled towards the assessment of the fertility status of the soils in areas perceived as suitable for agricultural activities, mainly crop production. In the absence of reliable soil fertility data and information, agricultural land use, and in particular crop production has resulted in very low yields of most of the crops, with subsequent land degradation. The Solomon Mahlangu Campus (SMC) farm – Sokoine University of Agricultu...

Molecular And Morphological Characterization Of Grainyield And Root Architecture Of Selected Faya Ricegenotypes

ABSTRACT The screen house and field experiments were conducted during the 2017 /2018 rainy season in order to characterize grain yield and root architecture of fifteen(15) selected Faya rice genotypes namely; Faya 14 M 69, Faya Zambia, Faya Mafuta 1, Faya Mafuta 2, Faya Makanjira, Acc 5934, Mw 1685, Acc 9290, Acc 9293, Acc 18037, Acc 18028, Acc 17323, Acc 17344, Acc 5933, and Faya Kalonga, at both molecular and morphological levels for further utilization in crop breeding programmes. The fif...

Effects of environment on growth and yield performance of ten common bean (phaseolus vulgaris l.) Genotypes

ABSTRACT The present study aimed at examining the effect of environment on growth and yield performance of some common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) genotypes. The study was conducted during the season of 2007/2008 at SUA Mlali and Mgeta locations in Morogoro region. Ten bean genotypes obtained from SUA Bean Project were used. The beans were SUA90, ROJO, PESA, MSHINDI, ZAWADI, EG10R43, EG21R30, EG10R5, EG10R13 and one local genotype. SUA90, ROJO and one local genotype found in each location w...

Prevalence And Control Of Seedborne Fungal Pathogens Of Wheat In Farmers Saved Seeds Of Selected Locations In Northern Tanzania

ABSTRACT Seed health testing to detect seed-borne pathogens is an important step in the management of crop diseases. Laboratory and screen house experiments were carried out at Selian Agriculture Research Institute Arusha, to investigate the extent of seed-borne fungal pathogen problems from farmers saved seeds in Northern wheat growing Zone. A total of 45 untreated seed samples of wheat were collected from farmers saved seeds in Karatu, Hanang and Siha Districts. Each sample was physically i...

Spatial Distribution And Temporal Abundance Variations Of Three Important Insect Pests Of Coffee In Kilimanjaro Region, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Studies on spatial and temporal distribution of white coffee stem borer (WCSB), antestia bug and coffee berry borer (CBB) were carried out between September 2007 and August 2008 in medium altitude (Lyamungo) and high altitude (Kilema) areas in Kilimanjaro region. Specifically, the study aimed at establishing the species composition and spatial distribution, the temporal variation in abundance, and the relative importance of three pests in coffee ecosystems. A multistage random ...

Relationship Between Insect Vectors Abundance And Occurrence Of Rice Yellow Mottle Virus In Farmers’ Fields In Kilombero District

ABSTRACT Rice yellow mottle virus (RYMV) endemic to Africa is spread within and between rice fields by several species of Chrysomelid beetles and grasshoppers. In Tanzania and particularly in Kilombero District, the virus is increasingly becoming a serious problem to rice production. The relationships between the insect vectors and RYMV disease incidence and severity were not fully known hence the need for this study. The assessment of both disease incidence and severity of RYMV and populati...

Developing Maize Hybrids Resistant To Maize Lethal Necrosis Disease From Diverse Maize Inbred Lines In Tanzania

EXTENDED ABSTRACT One hundred maize genotypes of different categories were evaluated for Maize Lethal Necrosis Disease (MLND) resistance in three locations under natural infestation. Sixty inbred lines, thirty landraces and ten improved varieties were subjected to disease hot spot areas. Experiment was conducted at Ngaramtoni in Arusha municipality, Mlangarini in Arumeru District and Kiru six in Babati Rural Distriduring 2014 and 2015 seasons. The trial was laid down in Randomized Incomplete...

Effect Of Maize And Common Bean Intercropping Patterns On Soil Fertility, Crop Growth And Yield

ABSTRACT A study was conducted to establish the effect of intercropping patterns using improved maize and common bean varieties recommended for low attitude areas (Morogoro) on soil fertility, growth and yield. The experiment was conducted in the Crop Museum at the main campus of Sokoine University of Agriculture in Morogoro, Tanzania. The site is located between latitude 06o 50‟S and longitude 37o 39‟E at 526 meter above sea level. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete bl...

Incidence Of Seed Infection In Finger Millet And Sunflower Collected From Dodoma, Iringa And Morogoro Regions

ABSTRACT Surveys were conducted to assess the incidence of seed borne pathogens on fingermillet (Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaetrn) and sunflower (Helianthus annus L.) in seeds produced by farmers in Morogoro Rural, Kilosa districts (Morogoro Region), Kondoa, Dodoma Rural districts (Dodoma Region), and Njombe and Iringa Rural districts (Iringa Region), in Tanzania. A total of 72 seed samples were collected and taken to the laboratory for assay of seed-borne pathogens. The blotter method was used...

151 - 165 Of 371 Results