Plant Ecology Research Papers/Topics

Potential side effects of biocontrol and plant-growth promoting Bacillus amyloliquefaciens bacteria on earthworms

Abstract Many bacteria strains are now successfully used for plant-growth promotion (PGPR) and as biocontrol agents (BCA) against plant diseases. Mechanisms behind their action involve production of enzymes and antibiotics, which in high concentrations could also affect non-target organisms hence the biodiversity and processes in the soil. Despite these potential negative side effects, there is little research done on the subject to confirm whether they are significant. In three laboratory e...

Changes in Forest Soil Properties in Different Successional Stages in Lower Tropical China

Abstract/Overview Background: Natural forest succession often affects soil physical and chemical properties. Selected physical and chemical soil properties were studied in an old-growth forest across a forest successional series in Dinghushan Nature Reserve, Southern China. Methodology/Principal Findings: The aim was to assess the effects of forest succession change on soil properties. Soil samples (0–20 cm depth) were collected from three forest types at different succession stages, na...

A comparison of CO2 fluxes via eddy covariance measurements with model predictions in a dominant subtropical forest ecosystem

Abstract/Overview CO2 fluxes were measured continuously for twelve months (2003) using eddy covariance technique at canopy layer in a dominant subtropical forest in South China. Our results showed that daytime maximum CO2 fluxes of the whole ecosystem varied from −15 to −20 µmol m−2 s −1 5 . The peaks of CO2 fluxes appeared earlier than the peaks of solar radiation. Contribution of CO2 fluxes in a subtropical forest in the dry season was 53% of the annual total from the whole for...

Functional convergence in water use of trees from different geographical regions: a meta-analysis

Abstract/Overview Functional convergence in water use of trees across species from diverse geographic locations was examined using data on tree water use parameters, with the intention of gaining an understanding on the capacity for water transport for trees with varying structural and functional traits. Wood density (ρw), which is reported to have a negative exponential relation with sap flow density (SFD), showed a bell-shaped curve when the daily SFD data from 101 tree species belongi...

Effects of nitrogen deposition on soil organic carbon fractions in the subtropical forest ecosystems of S China

Abstract/Overview Experiments were conducted between 2003 and 2008 to examine how N additions influence soil organic C (SOC) and its fractions in forests at different succession stages in the subtropical China. The succession stages included pine forest, pine and broadleaf mixed forest, and old‐growth monsoon evergreen broadleaf forest. Three levels of N (NH4NO3)‐addition treatments comprising control, low‐N (50 kg N ha–1 y–1), and medium‐N (100 kg N ha–1 y–1) were est...

Seed dispersal by Tana River mangabeys in fragmented gallery forests

Abstract/Overview Data collected on a free ranging group of Tana River mangabeys (Cercocebus galeritus) indicates that this endangered primate species, which has previously been regarded as a seed predator, plays an important role in seed dispersal and do contribute to the regeneration of a highly fragmented gallery forest. We observed fruit handling behavior and the post-dispersal fate of seeds ingested by the mangabeys. The two main fruit handling behaviors observed, fruit swallowing an...

Cover Change and Vegetation Carbon Stocks of Mangrove Forests in Lamu County, Kenya

Abstract Mangroves around the world are being threatened by a combination of natural and human factors. Losses of mangroves leads to reduced forest cover and enhanced carbon emission. This study assessed cover change, forest structure, natural regeneration, and carbon stocks of mangroves in Lamu County, Kenya. Landsat images were used to assess cover change from 1990 to 2019, and structural data were obtained in the field using the plot method. Using stratified random design, mangroves were ...

Value chain and unstainability of Mangrove Wood Harvesting In Lamu County, Kenya

Abstract Mangrove forests provide harvestable wood and non-wood resources to human society around the world. The current study evaluated value chain of mangrove wood products from Lamu County, Kenya, and how these impacts on resources’ sustainability. To assess structure and yield data of Lamu mangroves, stratified random sampling design was used in the different blocks. Quadrats measuring 20 m × 20 m were established along transects, running perpendicular to the shoreline covering differ...

Structural Variability Of Mangrove Forests along the Coast of Kenya

Abstract Mangrove forests occur across a diversity of coastal landforms with different geomorphological, climatic and oceanographic influences. These factors influence mangrove structural development and productivity and as a result, the structural development of mangroves varies with the coastal geomorphology. Earlier inventory studies in Kenya suggest that mangroves growing in north of the Tana River have different structural attributes from those growing south of the river. The current st...

Food web structure of Nematode communities associated with rice in Mwea, Kenya

Abstract In Kenya, rice is an important staple crop after wheat and maize and the rate of consumption surpasses its production. Apart from consumption, rice is a cash crop for smallholder farmers including those in Kirinyaga County. Despite its usefulness in contributing to food security, rice production has remained low due to various constraints. Among these are plant-parasitic nematodes (PPN) that account for up to 20% of yield losses. Other than the deleterious effect of PPN, rice agroec...

Food web structure of Nematode communities associated with rice in mwea,Kenya.

Abstract In Kenya, rice is an important staple crop after wheat and maize and the rate of consumption surpasses its production. Apart from consumption, rice is a cash crop for smallholder farmers including those in Kirinyaga County. Despite its usefulness in contributing to food security, rice production has remained low due to various constraints. Among these are plant-parasitic nematodes (PPN) that account for up to 20% of yield losses. Other than the deleterious effect of PPN, rice agroec...

Mitigation of Crop-Raiding Wild Boars in Selected Counties in Sweden: Assessing Feasibility of Electric Fences and Supplementary Feeding

Abstract Wild boar (Sus scrofa) is a wild Suidae native in Europe, North West Africa and Asia. The population of wild boar has drastically increased during the last threedecades in Southern and Central Sweden. This increase in population density has caused severe damages to agricultural fields thus affecting the agricultural economy.There has been a significant loss of wheat, worth over 60 - 70 million Euros between1990 - 2016 due to crop damage by wild boar. This study sought to investigate...

Drought prevalence in the horn of Africa and its implications on forest cover: a Case Study of Somalia

Abstract Somalia is one of the most drought prone countries in Africa. Drought is the country’s costliest natural disaster. The impact of drought events on the economy, on people`s livelihoods and on lives has grown. Drought events usually develop gradually unnoticed, causing tremendous effects on both agriculture and environment. This study evaluated the spatio-temporal variations of drought occurrences in Somalia and its implication on forest cover. In this study, precipitation and tempe...

Evaluation of Resistance of African Nightshade (Solanum nigrum complex) Acessions to Bacterial Wilt (Ralstonia solanacearum) in Western Kenya

Abstract Bacterial wilt disease caused by Ralstonia solanacearum is one of the major diseases affecting solanum species, including cultivated African nightshade (Solanum nigrum L). The bacterial wilt (BW) management in the african nightshade vegetable presents a great challenge to production due to high survival rate of the pathogen in soil. Use of chemical application to control the disease is not eco-friendly. There is increasing demand for the crop as a vegetable and medicinal plant. Farm...

Temporal genetic structuring of a specialist parasitoid, Lysiphlebus hirticornis Mackauer (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) attacking a specialist aphid on tansy

Abstract In insect species characterized by inbreeding, limited dispersal, and a metapopulation structure, high genetic differentiation and reduced genetic diversity within local populations are expected. Using the model system Lysiphlebus hirticornis Mackauer, a specialist parasitoid of the tansy aphid, Metopeurum fuscoviride Stroyan (Hemiptera: Aphididae), we examined within-site temporal population dynamics and genetics, including molecular variation at the tansy plant level. Aphid-parasi...

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