Counselling Studies Research Papers/Topics

Role of Communication, Age and Education in Marital Conflict

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the roles of communication, age and education in marital conflict among couples. Survey, with crosssectional design was adopted in the study. 200 married couples, 100 male and 100 female, age range of 22-70, mean age of 42 years, participated in the study. The participants were drawn from Nsukka Urban. Volunteers were sought from among local Government staff, business men and women. The self-report conflict behavior scale (SRCBS) was used ...


TABLE OF CONTENTSTitle page i Certification iiDedication iiiAcknowledgement ivTable of Contents viList of Tables xAbstract xiiCHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION Background to the Study 1Statement of the Problem 9Research Questions 13Research Hypotheses 13Purpose of the Study 14Significance of the Study 14Operational Definitions of Terms 15Scope of the Study 16 CHAPTER TWO: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATUREPreamble 17 Concept of Violence 17Concept of Domestic Violence 20Predictors of Domestic Violence amon...


TABLE OF CONTENTSTitle page i Declaration iiCertification iiiDedication ivAcknowledgement vTable of Contents viList of Tables xAbstract xiiCHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION Background to the Study 1Statement of the Problem 8Research Questions 10Research Hypotheses 11Purpose of the Study 12Significance of the Study 12Operational Definition of Terms 13Scope of the Study 14 CHAPTER TWO: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATUREPreamble 15Concept and Types Marriage; 15Concept of Widowhood; 20Widowhood Practice ...

Counselling Needs of the Sisters of the Holy Child Jesus, African Province

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study is to assess the counselling needs 0 r the Sisters of the Holy CI Jesus, African Province. Filly-four SIIC.I professed sisters of European, American and African origins, living and working in Chad. Ghana and Nigeria. within the African province, made the population and the study sample. The study data were collected by r means of a structured questionnaire designed along a five-point-liken scale. The findings revealed that the sisters I some counselling need...

Application Of Selected Biological Concepts To Everyday Living By S.S.S. Students In Abuja Municipal Area Council.pdf

ABSTRACT Nigerian scientists have put in a lot of effort into the teaching of science. At the senior secondary school level', a number of funicular projects developed. The National Curriculum for senior secondary school a ci tt--, e N i 3nce Teachers Association texts on Bi0log y and other science 8~_objects; of such projects. These efforts are geared towards icatiOl' of concealed in school by senior secondary students to everyday living. e researchers and broad concepts from biology to deve...

Effects of Marriage Divorce on Academic Performance of Islamic Study Students in Secondary School, Ede/North LGA Osun State

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Background to the Study Divorce is legal dissolution of marriage bond. Once the couple decide to divorce, they are free to remarry. In Nigeria, there has been the increase in the rate of divorce. There are two factors influencing the rising divorce rates in the Nigeria. The first factor is both men and women are relying less on one another for economic survival. As women gain status in their workplace or on their businesses, they often want to stand on their own an...

Predictors of Domestic Violence as Expressed by Married Adults in Ilorin Metropolis, Kwara State

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page                                                                                               i          Certification                                                                                            ii Dedication                        �...

Maternal Socioeconomic Status on Pupil's Cognitive Development Questionnaire(MSSPCDQ)

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Background to the Study             Children from different socioeconomic backgrounds have divergent academic, language, and social emotional outcomes yet there are no universally accepted mechanisms to explain this association between maternal socioeconomic status and children’s development. Many children have parents who are able to meet their needs, but other children are at risk of not receiving early interpersonal interactions needed for healthy d...

Economic and Sexual Challenges of Widowhood as Expressed by Young Widows in Ilorin Metropolis

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page                                                                                                                    i            Declaration                                                                                                     ...

Influence of Child Labor on Academic Performance of Secondary School Student in Ila Local Government

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page                                                                                                       i Approval                                                                                                         ii Dedication                ...

Influence of School Environment on Students’ Academic Performance in Ilorin West Local Government Area

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page                                                                                                        i Approval                                                                                                         ii Dedication               ...

Post Retirement Problems and Counselling Needs of Retirees in Osun State

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page                                                                                                                    i            Certification                                                                                                   �...

Influence of Drug Abuse on Students’ Academic Performance

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page                                                                               i Approval page                                                                       ii Dedication                                                                        ...