History & Archeology Research Papers/Topics

Population Movements and the Consolidation of Authority in the Inter-Lacustrine Region of Western Kenya: A Political Transformation of Gem Community in Pre-Colonial Times

Abstract/Overview During the time before European colonisation, the gem people of Kenya did not have any kind of state organisation or formal chiefdoms. The breadth of this paper is limited by the primary focus of this investigation. Beginning with the formation of the gem people around the year 1800 and continuing up until the eve of the Second World War, we tin trace the progression of political authority within the gem community. The clan, which was a small and highly localized social ...

The historical Earth bank enclosures of Western Kenya

Abstract/Overview An investigation into the distribution, design and origins of 'Gunda-Buche' -the Luo term for the bank-and-ditch enclosures unique to the northern Nyanza region of western Kenya. No archaeological work had been undertaken on these structures prior to this study. Pressure for land means these unique sites are now fast disappearing.

Age of the oldest known Homo sapiens from eastern Africa

Abstract: Efforts to date the oldest modern human fossils in eastern Africa, from Omo-Kibish1,2,3 and Herto4,5 in Ethiopia, have drawn on a variety of chronometric evidence, including 40Ar/39Ar ages of stratigraphically associated tuffs. The ages that are generally reported for these fossils are around 197 thousand years (kyr) for the Kibish Omo I3,6,7, and around 160–155 kyr for the Herto hominins5,8. However, the stratigraphic relationships and tephra correlations that underpin these...

Propositioning Investigative Historiography as a niche subfield within Twenty-first Century Historiography: Making a case for Investigative historiography in Twenty-first Century Social Scien

This is our fifth paper on twenty-first century historiography. In the first paper, which was published by us in the year 2015, we had defined and set forth the core objectives of what we called twentyfirst century historiography. In the second paper published by us in 2016, we had postulated the core principles of twenty-first century historiography. In the third paper published by us in 2018, we had had introduced the concept of Anthropological Historiography wherein we had sought to integr...

Changes in the burial Systems in Kolokuma Clan in Bayelsa State

The Kolokuma are a clan of the Ijo ethnic nationality that inhabits the Central Niger Delta. This paper studies the burial systems of the Kolokuma people in Bayelsa State. The burial rites of the Kolokuma people forms a rich cultural heritage of the people. Hence, this paper aims to reveal the burial rites associated with the people of Kolokuma clan in the Central Niger Delta. This study will allow subsequent generations have a good understanding of the importance that the Kolokuma people att...

Manufacturing Procedures and Techniques of Indigenous Pottery Technology: An Ethno-Archaeological Investigation on West Guji Zone of Bule Hora District, Southern Ethiopia. Journal, Yantu/CJE

This an ethno-archaeological study focused on the investigation of indigenous pottery technology in West Guji Zone of Bule Hora district, Southern Ethiopia. Thus, the aim of the paper was to conduct an inclusive investigation about the traditional pottery manufacturing technology, procedures and its ethnographical tradition of the local communities (selected kebeles) in the district. The research was conducted on five kebeles (two rural kebeles, Goroo Gudina and Harroo; and three of Bule hora...

An Ethnoarchaeological Study Of Pottery In Evurore Division, Mbeere North District, Embu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to examine pottery production, marketing and consumption by the contemporary Mbeere people. Pottery production was one of the earliest technologies adopted by farming communities whereby they used pots as storage facilities for their agricultural produce (Sharer and Ashmore, 1987). This industry has continued to date and thus studies in pottery have been carried out to understand cultural groups, how they adapt and manipulate the environment to meet the...

Effect Of Smallholder Tea Production In Kenya: The Case Of Bomet County, 1954– 2002

ABSTRACT Tea is grown in estates mostly owned by multinational companies and smallholder tea producers. This study investigated smallholder tea production and its effects in Konoin, Bomet County in the period 1954 - 2002. The objectives of the study were: To investigate the factors that led to the introduction of tea growing in Konoin, Bomet County; To analyse the effects of smallholder tea production on food crop production and to examine the role of KTDA on the expansion of Smallholder tea...

An Integrated Approach in Records Management at Sable Chemical Industry (2008-2016).

Abstract The study presents an integrated approach in records management for Sable chemical Industry during the period of 2008 to 2016. An integrated approach is a system used in records management in which the combination of paper-based records and electronic records work hand in hand in records keeping. The study however established that there is seemingly misplacement as and missing of files in the presents of an integrated approach of electronic and paper records. The study, therefore, i...

Perspectives on the Origin, Genealogical Narration, Early Migrations and Settlement Morphology of the Tiv of Central Nigeria

This paper presents some reflections on the origin, genealogical narration, early migrations and settlement morphology of the Tiv of Central Nigeria. Tiv people of central Nigeria today inhabit a substantial part of the Middle Benue Valley of Nigeria. In the various works of scholars of Tiv historiography, there has been an on-going debate on the origin, genealogy and migrations of the Tiv people. This is possibly because of lack of adequate archaeological, anthropological and historical r...

The Mystery of Yam

It  locates the place of Yam in Nigeria Society in general and Igbo society in particular. It shows the stages of human development from early time and how these stages evolved with change in human environment. Finally it dealt on state formation which is the super structure of the base. 

Thoughts on Historical Explanation

This work attempts a conceptualization of Historical Explanation, and discusses its variants. It also attempts to solve the problem of significance of historical explanation by discarding the methodological view according to which the natural sciences have been solely subjected and also dispels explanation from the realm of social sciences as based solely on understanding. Rather, it supposes that an employment of both cores would produce a balance