Humanities and Social Science Research Papers/Topics

Religion: A Widget of Culture in African Societies

Abstract Culture is a total way of life of everyone in a society. Every human in a society is under a set of rules, regulations, behaviour, mindset and even materials for a way of living. The concept of culture is a debatable discussion among many scholars but every society and scholar agree on the existence of culture. Thus culture is a universal phenomenon found everywhere but in different formats, thus culture changes over time and the causes of its changes usually account for the extern...

Elucidating the Certainty uncertainty principle for the Social Sciences: Guidelines for hypothesis formulation in the Social Sciences for enhanced objectivity and intellectual multi-polarity

This paper is the second in our series on scientific method for the social sciences, and is presented in relation to what we call the “Globalization of science”. It is like our earlier works, designed to provide multi-vocality and multi-polarity to the sciences, and discourage Eurocentrism or any other form of ideology or centrism. It uses existing theories on uncertainty and incompleteness as a starting point and further utilizes them to construct an approach that can be used chiefly in ...

Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanism for the Settlement of Environmental Disputes in Nigeria: A Study of Ojodu Community, Lagos State

ABSTRACT Environmental degradations are the aftermath of human intrusion into nature. Disputes arise due to the impact of degradations that affect the ecosystem’s continuous functioning. Research has shown that most environmental conflicts are resolved through litigation with attendant drawbacks in achieving a resolution. Some drawbacks include legal technicalities, the time taken in litigation, the victim’s inability to discharge the evidential burden revolving around the issue of expert...

Human Trafficking

This paper identifies human trafficking business and investigate whether there is human trafficking business model. It equally identifies various players in human trafficking business. The paper clearly details the organization of human trafficking business with a description of the various elements of human trafficking business model. 

Nurturing the Youth into the Kingdom: A Case of Music Ministry at Christ is the Answer Ministries (Citam) Karen.

ABSTRACT The youth are known to be the most dynamic group of people in any given setting. They keep the church vibrant and energetic through various activities. One of the major activities is music. Music is a very important part of Christian worship. It is the one major way that Christians communicate with God. Through music, many have come to the saving knowledge of Christ and had their lives transformed. It is therefore paramount that musicians in church be firmly grounded in God‟s word ...

Financial Management in Nigerian Tertiary Institution; A Case Study of the Kogi State College of Education, Ankpa

ABSTRACT This study examined problems of financial management in Nigerian tertiary institutions with particular reference to Kogi State College of Education, Ankpa. The study used both primary and secondary sources of data collection to obtain relevant information for the research work. Oral interview, participatory, observational methods are used as primary sources, while documentary instrument information from the school payment vouchers and receipts constituted the secondary sources. The s...

Technical Change And Productivity in the Manufacturing Industry in Imo State of Nigeria

ABSTRACT The subject of this study is the impact of technical change on the productivity of the manufacturing industry in Imo State of Nigeria. The manufacturing industry is the leading sector in the industrialized countries. It is expected to stimulate and sustain the growth of the Nigerian economy. The Nigerian economy is in dire need of development but the sectors that should produce this effect, particularly the manufacturing industry, has exhibited disappointing performance. The Nigerian...

The Military In The Promotion Of Human Security In Conflict Situations: The Case Of Uganda People’s Defense Force In Gulu District.

ABSTRACTiman insecurity is one of the problems facing civilians in conflict affected regions besides physicalcurity. Various organizations and actors intervene in such circumstances by carrying out varioustivities to try and promote this situation among the affected people. In spite of such interventions, muchstill desired. from the actors in terms of freeing people from the fear and contributions made by the military has however never been appreciated in as much as they try tovolve t...

Effects Of Social Media On Students Academic Performance In Institutions Of Higher Learning In Makindye Division -Kampala District

ABSTRACTThe study was carried out with the aim of examining the impact of use of social media onstudents’ academic performance in institution of higher learning. This research adopteddescriptive and explanatory research design. It also employed the use of cross sectional surveymethod using survey questionnaires with a Likert Scale. The of sample 102 students fromselected secondary schools selected using convenient sampling method. The data collected wasanalyzed using description means and r...

Good Governance And Service Delivery In Kiruhura District Local Government Uganda.

ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study was to evaluate and examine governance structures and practices andservice delivery to provide comprehensive understanding of governance and service deliverysituation at sub-national levels in Uganda. Public service agencies are presumed to lack goodgovernance practices which adversely affect service delivery. It was argued that goodgovernance practices improve public service performance and ultimately enhances servicedelivery. Furthermore, the study noted th...

An Assessment Of The Impact Of Road Construction To The Socio Economic Welfare Of The People In Uganda A Case Study Of Sironko-Kapchorwa Road

ABSTRACTThis research report is about the impacts of road construction to the socio-economic welfare ofthe people along the Sironko-Kapchorwa roadThe study was conducted in Amukol sub-county Kapchorwa district eastern Uganda. The three villages of Chesongok, Kumoi and Kapnangore were purposively selected for the study. The targeted population comprised especially of those who lived near the constructed road and thus were directly affected. A final total of sixty (60) respondent...


ABSTRACTThe purpose of this research study was to assess the effects on Non-Governmental Organizations oneducation service delivery in Uganda, focusing on the contribution of UNICEF. Specifically, this studyaimed at achieving the following objectives (i).to determine the various contributions laid by the NGOtowards education in Uganda; (ii) to examine the future prospects of the NGO in enhancing qualityeducation in Uganda and (iii) to find out the opinions of the NGO on the efforts made by t ...

The L Pact Of Child Abuse On Pupils’ Academic Performance A Case Study Of Kibuli Demonstration School In Kampala District

ABSTRACTThe research focused on the impact of child abuse on pupils’ academic performance. A casestudy of Kibuli Demonstfation School in Kampala District and was guided by three objectivesnamely;to establish the effect of Physical abuse on pupils’ academic performance ,to find out theeffect of Sexual abuse on pupils’ academic performance and to identi& the effect of Emotionalabuse on pupils’ academic performance. The study used quantitative research design. A sampleof 1 95Orespondents...

Challenges Of Regional Integration In Africa: The Case Study Of The New East African Community.

ABSTRACTThis research study aimed at the assessment of the challenges of regional integration in Africafocusing on the New East African Community. The specific objectives of the study were todetermine the political Factors Promoting EAC Growth and Development, to examine the extentto which the East African countries are prepared to achieve full integration and to identify thepossible solutions to the various constraints. The research adopted the transformative mixedapproach. This provided for...

Fiscal Decentralization And Health Service Delivery In Iuira Town Council, Wakiso District, Uganda

AbstractThe study sought to examine fiscal decentralization and health service delivery in Kiira TownCouncil, Wakiso District, Uganda. The study objectives were; to establish the level of fiscaldecentralization in Kiira Town Council, Wakiso District. Uganda, to examine the effect of fiscaldecentralization on health service delivery in Kiira Town Council, Wakiso District, Uganda andto determine the relationship between fiscal decentralization and health service delivery in KiiraTown Council, W...

271 - 285 Of 601 Results