Humanities and Social Science Research Papers/Topics

Influence Of Political Culture On Intercommunal Cohesion: Case Of Migori County, Kenya

Elections remain high-stakes affairs across the world. Studies indicate that often social cleavages – religious, gender, racial, ethnic and tribal lines among others – are exploited by politicians as a means to acquire and retain power. The objectives of this study were to establish how ethno-political identity and political patronage influenced intercommunal cohesion at the subnational level and explore corrective measures to address the divisive elements of political culture so as to en...

Factors Influencing Implementation Of Sustainable School Feeding Programmes In Public Early Childhood Development Education Centres In Marani Sub County, Kisii County, Kenya

Food is essential in the holistic development of young children, without which retardation and stagnation may occur. Success in academic performance depends on the way the young children are nurtured in preschools. Food is a crucial basic need which must be met before other high needs. Despite, the underscored importance of food to preschool children, most school feeding programmes in public ECDE centres in Marani Sub County are dysfunctional .The study was guided by the following objectives,...

Contribution Of The Multiagency Approach To Security In The Fight Against Terrorism In Kenya: Case Of Disciplined Forces

Countries throughout the world are struggling with the threat of terrorism that has devastated many states, leaving in its wake many casualties and destruction of unquantifiable proportions. In the wake of devastating acts of terror between 2013 and 2015, Kenya adopted the multiagency approach to security in the fight against terrorism to prevent, counter and respond to acts of terrorism. However, since the adoption of the multiagency approach in the fight against terrorism, little is known a...

Factors That Influence Provision Of Early Childhood Education In Matungu Sub County, Kakamega County Kenya

Provision of early childhood education is influenced by a number of factors. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of selected institutional factors on provision of early childhood education in Matungu sub county, Kakamega County, Kenya. The objectives of the study were to find out how school levies influence provision of early childhood education in Matungu sub county; to establish the extent to which the academic and professional qualifications of ECDE teachers influenc...

Influence Of The Government Returnees’ Amnesty Programme On Terrorism Activities In Kwale County, Kenya

The return of former foreign terrorist fighters to Kenya has increased terrorism activities in the country. The National Government had initially employed counter terrorism measures in dealing with the returnees but in 2015, it rolled out the returnees’ amnesty programme. However, terrorism activities continued to rock Kwale County, which has the highest number of returnees, even after introduction of the returnees’ amnesty programme among other interventions. The study sought to assess t...

Brits – Kaffraria 1853 - 1866

ABSTRACT In Die Behandeling Van Brits-Kaffraria Va,N 1853 Tot 1866 (Dit Wil S~ Vanaf Cathcart Se Skikkinge' Tot By Die Bekendmaking Van Die Anneksasie Van Brits-Kaffr~Ia) Is Die Bedoeling Nie Gewees Om 'N Volledige Opgawe Te Gee Van Al Die Besonderhede In Verband Daarmee Nie, Omdat Di T Die Per·- Ke Van Tn Skripsie Te Ver Sou Oorskry. Daar Is Alleenlik 'N Poging Aangewend Om Tn Duidelike Beeld Te Gee Van Die Belangrikste Geski Edkundige Gebeurteni Sfw En Ontwikkelinge In Brits-Kaffraria Tyde...

Socio - Economic Study Of Parkwood Estate. Cape. Flats

Socio - Economic Study Of Parkwood Estate. Cape. Flats

Assessment, Equity And Language Of Learning: Key Issues For Higher Education Selection In South Africa ..

Assessment, Equity And Language Of Learning: Key Issues For Higher Education Selection In South Africa ..

The Impact of having a Choir in the Community

Table of contents Acknowledgements 4 Chapter 1 1.1 Introduction 5 1.2 Research background 6 Chapter 2 Literature Review 8 Chapter 3 3.1 Nature of the research 12 3.2 Research ethics 12 3.3 Methodology 13 Data collection 14 Data analysis 15 Chapter 4 Description 4.1 Choir manager 16 4.2 Community member 19 Chapter 5 Analysis 5.1 The choir and the community 20 5.2 Challenges 21 5.3 Achievements and Expectations 22 5.4 The importance of music 23 Chapter 6 Discussion 24 Chapter 7 7.1 Conclusion 2...

Effect Of Land Use On Ecosystem Metabolism And Decay Rate Of Eucalyptus Saligna And Neuboutonia Macrocalyx Leaves In Streams Draining Upper Mara Catchment, Kenya

ABSTRACT Replacement of native vegetation by exotic species of higher economic value has a potential ecological impact on detritus-based stream ecosystems. Litter processing and metabolism in streams can be used as an indicator of the functional status of streams. This study was conducted in the upper Mara catchment with a sole objective of determining the effect of land use change on leaf litter decay and metabolism in six first order streams namely: Sambambwet, Mosoriot and Chepkosiom that ...

Effect Of Net Mesh Size, Exposure Duration And Net Positioning On Macroinvertebrate Drift Densities In The Njoro River, Kenya

ABSTRACT Macroinvertebrate drift is a phenomenon that has fascinated and occupied ecologists for a longtime and has produced varied results. Drift samples were collected in a riffle and pool biotopes in the Njoro River between 3rd January and 28th March 2017 with a sole objective of determining whether drift net mesh size, positioning and variation in exposure time could have significant influence on drift densities. Purposive systematic random sampling was employed to collect samples using s...

Studies On Occurrence Of Protozoan And Helminth Parasites In Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus L.) From Central And Eastern Provinces, Kenya

ABSTRACT Aquaculture is an important food contributor to the global and local economy. Diseases and parasitic infections have been recognized as one of the detrimental and limiting factors in the development of aquaculture. No research has been carried out to study the occurrence of parasites in Oreochromis niloticus cultured in pioneer integrated cage fish culture in shallow and temporary water bodies (BOMOSA cages) in Kenya. A study was conducted with the aim of finding out the occurrence o...

Applying Climate Analogue Concept To Assess Adaption Of Friesian Cattle Breed To Changing And Variable Climate In The Kenya Highlands

ABSTRACT Compared to other dairy cattle breeds, Friesian is considered more sensitive to climate change induced stresses of thermal load, feed and water scarcity and disease outbreaks in the tropics, but it is a popularly utilized dairy cattle breed in Kenya highlands across the production environments. This study applied climate analogue concept with Njoro being the reference site and its 2050’s climate analogue site identified on criteria of similarity index of 0.8-0.9. The study projecte...

Effect Of Water Quality On The Parasite Assemblages Infecting Nile Tilapia In Selected Fish Farms In Nakuru County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Aquaculture has been documented as the most developing food industry in Kenya with increased production since the Government initiated Economic Stimulus Programme (ESP) in 2009. However, the production has not been to a maximum level anticipated in the country, particularly in Nakuru County. This is due to the uncontrolled addition of inputs (Inorganic fertilizers, manure and fish feeds) that deteriorate pond water quality. Poor water quality is one of the most common challenges face...

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