International Affairs Research Papers/Topics

Navigating the Transition Tightrope: Challenges Posed by African Union Mission in Somalia Transition on Kenya’s National Security

Abstract This study examined Kenya's national security threats resulting from the withdrawal of the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) from the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM). This was in light of previous Peace Support Operation Transitions (PSO) in Iraq and Afghanistan, where regional instability resulted from troop withdrawals. Therefore, it analysed the impact of PSO experiences on national security, aiming to identify potential threats to the national security of Troop-Contributing C...

South Africa’s Leadership Role in Africa: A Critical Appraisal

Abstract: South Africa made history in 1994 with its successful transition from apartheid to democratic majority rule. Building on this success, and the stature of Nelson Mandela, its first President, the country's profile grew globally. The expectation that the country would do more to stabilize the African continent also grew. The country, in its foreign policy, and discourses relating to its international relations has sought to situate Africa as a priority, with clear understanding that ...

Counterterrorism as Foreign Policy: Linking American Security in the Horn of Africa to Democracy in Uganda

Abstract: Since the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, the U.S. has focused the majority of its foreign policy on the threat of terrorism’. In the Greater Horn of Africa, Somalia’s increasing radicalization and 20 years of chaos has placed the nation and its growing class of young fighters at the center of U.S. strategy in the region. American support to Somalia’s regional neighbors has therefore been tailored to combat the Somali threat more readily than internal issues within thos...

Customs Union Theory and Economic Integration: Towards a Contextualization of the East Africa Community

Abstract: Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania have engaged in various forms of integration since independence. This led to the inauguration of the East African Community in 2001. Today, the EAC has enlarged with Rwanda and Burundi as new members and a customs union established (East African Community-Customs Union) which has further led to the creation of a common market. This study aims at contextualizing the EAC and examining the trade effects of the customs union using a quantitative model of East...

Pastoral Conflict in Chad

Abstract: Chad has been known by reputation as a home of bloody civil wars. Widespread of complex political issues have obscured form of conflicts. However, one of these bloody conflicts within the country known as pastoral conflict is also one of the violent conflicts within the country that seems to be ignored or not addressed by the government. One of the basic factors in conflict between pastoralists and farmers and among pastoralists in Africa is the access to natural resources. This is...

Language As A Tool For Cultural Diplomacy: A Case Study of Kiswahili in Kenya

Abstract: Kiswahili language as a tool for cultural diplomacy has been viewed an important strategic direction in the foreign policy discourse of Kenya. The Foreign Policy of Kenya and the Cultural Diplomacy Strategy provide the policy and the institutional framework’s implementation strategies. The study investigated whether Kenya has invested in Kiswahili, as its recognized national language, and how it has been used as a tool to enhance its foreign relations through cultural diplomacy. ...

Implementation of Nelson Mandela Rules in Penal Institutions: A Case Study of Prisons in Nyeri County

Abstract: Incarceration was introduced in the human society both as a punishment mechanism for offenders and as a mechanism to protect the society. Overtime, societies became sensitized on the concern that extreme punishment measures such as executions that were being used could only be equated to ‘judicial murder’; therefore, informing the need for correctional justice reforms. Consequently, with modernization, the contemporary international community has formulated standards such as th...

Securitizing Health: An Analysis of Kenya’s Response to Covid-19 In 2020

Abstract: The study’s focus was on how Kenya responded to the Covid-19 pandemic in the year 2020. The objectives of the study were to understand how the country securitized the pandemic, the public policy options that supported the response and to examine how Kenyans perceived the countermeasures fronted by the government. The securitization theory was employed in analyzing Kenya’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic after the first case was announced on 13th March 2020. The mixed method r...

Dilemmas of Securitization in a Pandemic Crisis: An Assessment of Kenya’s Response to Covid-19 Pandemic

Abstract: In the recent past the definition of national security has moved past traditional and state-centric concepts which have made it necessary to re-examine the state and accommodate both national and human security. Military strength alone is increasingly becoming less relevant due to the evolving nature of threats to the state. Thus, the importance of securitization in contemporary security studies is to expand the security agenda to include all threats that threaten the wellbeing of ...

Assessing the Contribution of Universal Access to Electrification on Rural Socio-Economic Development in Kenya: A Case of Wote Ward – Makueni County (2013-2019)

Abstract: Rural Electrification Programme is one of the projects the Government of Kenya has invested deeply in rural communities with the objective of improving the social and economic development of those living in the rural areas. One of these areas that has been set aside by the government is Wote ward in Makueni County. However, little is known of the socio-economic impact and do these projects deliver the expected outcome given that they are costly both in design and implementation? Th...

Examining the Prospects of the Continental Free Trade Area in Facilitating Free Trade in Africa: A Case Study of Non-Tariff Barriers in the East African Community

Abstract: Efforts at promoting free trade in the continent, and thus boosting intra-Africa trade are aimed to be achieved through the various regional trading arrangements. In the East African Community, the six member countries (Burundi. Kenya. Rwanda. South Sudan. Tanzania and Uganda) have ratified a set of protocols and treaties and thus committing themselves to progressively eliminate all bathers to trade. However, intra-regional trade remains significantly low as a result of persistent ...

International Funding Mechanisms for Kenya’s Big Four: The Case of Food Security

Abstract: A vibrant agricultural sector is very crucial and critical for alleviating Kenya's food security problem, poverty alleviation, and for laying the foundations for sustained future economic growth. Indeed, food security is one of the Big Four Agenda that should be the plan to take Kenya across the frontier into the next development level. Efforts for food security growth and recovery, often through structural adjustment lending, have suffered from inadequate information about country...

An Evaluative Analysis of the Compliance with the EAC-CMP: The Cases of Rwanda and Tanzania

Abstract: On 7th July 2000, the East African Community Treaty entered into force. Inherent in the Treaty was a call for the contracting member states to establish among themselves certain frameworks that were deemed necessary pre-requisites to boosting the much-desired intra-regional trade. Among these necessary pre-requisites was the Common Market Protocol (CMP), which came into force on 1st July 2010. Almost a decade since its establishment, there is lack of targeted literature comparing t...

Assessing the Effectiveness of Refugee Settlement from Dadaab Refugee Camp in Kenya

Abstract: Civil war in Africa has brought about a huge influx of refugees into the neighboring countries including Kenya; specifically Dadaab and Kakuma refugee camps in Kenya host about 630,926 refugees and asylum seekers with most of them residing in these two camps. The number has never been this high since the fonnation of the UNHCR in the 1950s with the African continent having about 16 million people either displaced or forced to flee from their country of origin. The study focused on ...

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