Migration Studies Research Papers/Topics

The Politics of Migration and Development: Conceptualizing the 'Diaspora' and their Impact on Kenya’s Political Economy

Abstract: Issues of migration and development have taken precedence as far as discussions on the Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) is concerned. Increase in migration around the world as an attribute of globalization remains one of the main global phenomenon that continues to shape the world in the 21st century and beyond. There have been consolidated efforts to come up with an action plan that will closely reflect the common and diverging concerns and aspirations of African g...

The Effects of Italy’s Securitization Policies on Irregular Migration from Africa

Abstract: This research investigated the effects of Italy’s securitization policies on irregular migration from Africa. In Italy, migration has bred controversy due to the complexity of migrant sharing across European union states. Additionally, Italian politicians and the media have shaped the conversation around irregular migration from Africa, resulting in the public opinion that Italy is threatened by allowing thousands of refugees through its borders. The issue has become central to t...

Consequences of Rural-Urban Migration of Street Vendors in The Accra Metropolitan Area and The La Nkwantanang-Madina Municipality.

ABSTRACT Rural-urban migration has resulted in rapid urbanization with attendant problems of urban unemployment leading to increasing street vending which invariably is a source of livelihood for many street vendors and their dependents at the destination and the origin. In their quest to eke for livelihood and survival on the streets, street vendors tend to have confrontations with the Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA) city authorities who on one hand have designated the activities of the v...

West African International Student Mobility to Pentecost University College, Ghana.

ABSTRACT  International student mobility has become a topic of interest in recent migration literature. This is probably because international student mobility has considerable implications both on economic and academic sphere and has rapidly grown across the world. Many tertiary institutions in the world today have interest in recruiting talented international students to ‘enhance their academic reputation, enrich campuses and programmes with cultural, social and academic contributions. M...


ABSTRACT The main aim of the study was to assess the implementation of the ECOWAS Protocol on free movement of persons, rights of residence and establishment. For this, the mixed method of data collection was used which formed the basic design for the study. Using the convenient method, 84 travellers and 30 officers were sampled to respond to structured questionnaires and semi interview questions respectively. Data was analysed using quantitative and qualitative methods and the results triang...

Conflict-Migration Nexus In Ghana: A Case Of Bimbilla Conflict In The Northern Region Of Ghana.

ABSTRACT The study examined the relationship between conflict and migration. Specifically, the factors that influence a person‟s decision to either stay or migrate during the conflict were the focus of this study. The study also analyzed the challenges and opportunities encountered by victims of the conflict and the reasons for their return to Bimbilla. Using both qualitative and quantitative research techniques, a total of 226 questionnaires were administered to persons who fled during th...

The changing role of the family as a source of social capital among Zimbabwean migrants in Johannesburg

Abstract This study analyses the changing role of the family as a source of social capital in aiding migration, settlement and social integration of Zimbabwean migrants. The study is based on qualitative interviews with 58 Zimbabwean migrants in Tembisa and Kempton Park in Johannesburg metropolitan city. The article makes an important contribution to literature revealing how as a result of decreased chances to get a good job, pressure to remit back home and expectations to look after newcomer...

The Nigeria Immigration Service and the Challenges of Immigration (1986-2012)

ABSTRACT What informed this study is the changing trends and developments in international migration and its challenges to the Nigeria Immigration service whose institutional role it is to manage international migration as it concerns Nigeria. In its efforts over the years to control criminal activities associated with international migration, the Nigeria Immigration Service is yet to succeed. Nigeria is an important destination country for migrants in the West African subregion. The latest ...

The Effects Of Rural –Urban Migration On Agricultural Development: The Case Study Of Two Farming Communities In The Tolon District

ABSTRACT This study examined the effects of rural-urban migration on agricultural development in the To District of the Northern Region of Ghana. Many studies in Ghana have focused on the causes and consequences of rural-urban migration on the destination communities with fewer emphases on the effects on the non-migrants left at the origin. The framework for analysis of causes of rural-urban migration was the push and pull theory. Non-probability sampling was employed in this study because i...

Migration Intentions Of Health Professionals: The Case Of Final Year Medical Students, University Of Ghana

ABSTRACT The continuous migration of health professionals, including medical students after school has negative effects on the health system in Ghana. The role of doctors is very paramount in health care delivery as it is reflective in the quality of services given. It is in this vein that a study was conducted to examine the migration intentions of final year medical students and the factors that influence their intentions. The research design that was adopted for the study was mixed method...

Trading activities of Chinese migrants in the central business district (cbd) of Accra.

ABSTRACT This study investigated the impact of the Ghanaian investment law on the operations of Chinese trading activities, especially in the wake of protest by the Ghanaian traders leading to the amendment of the law, which now makes engagement in trading in the central business district by foreigners more stringent. Despite the amendment of the law, some of the local traders are still having issues with the presence of the Chinese traders in the market. The study sought to examine the impa...

Migration And Changing Food Habit Among Ghanaian Migrant In London

ABSTRACT Migration and food habits are two areas with commanding interest and analysis in contemporary society. There are often many new experiences to deal with when arriving in a new country. In addition to coming to terms with a different monetary system, social stratification, language and also changing in food habits. Emigrants tend to miss their country, specific food and dishes and their taste for their traditional food following migration and together with many other aspects, the foo...

Experiences Of Left- Behind Children: The Case Of Foreign Service Officers’ Children In Ghana

ABSTRACT Transnational migration has become a reality and is on the increase globally. Most of the parents travel to provide economic and other support for their children and families. As a result of this, millions of children are growing up with single or no parent staying with them. However, children’s wellbeing is very dependent on parental care. The roles of parents are delegated to caregivers when they migrate. These have necessitated the concern about the effect of migration on left-b...

To Move Or Not To Move: Students’ Perceptions About Embassies, Travel Constraints And Migration Information Channels On University Of Ghana, Legon Campus

ABSTRACT Migration takes so many forms and all these have their own challenges, constraints and motivation. In view of this, it is important to identify some of these travel constraints and also further identify the information channels used by some of the migrants and their perceptions about embassies. Against this backdrop, this study examined students‘ perception about how embassies influence destination choice, travel constraints and migration information channels on University of Ghana...

Effects Of Rural-Urban Migration On Socioeconomic Status In The Accra Metropolitan District

ABSTRACT Rural urban migration has been a phenomenon that has gained world attention due to its associated challenges. This study sought to find out the effects of rural urban migration on the sociodemographic characteristics of migrants living in Abossey Okai Zongo. Using a mixed method approach, both qualitative and quantitative methods were applied in the administration of 100 semi-structured questionnaires. The questionnaires were administered using a multi-staged approach. Respondents ge...

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