Peace and Conflict Studies Research Papers/Topics

Ethnic Conflict and Living Conditions of Displaced People of South Sudan

ABSTRACT The study was conducted on ethnic conflict and the living conditions of displaced people in South Sudan. The study objectives were: to examine the causes of ethnic conflict in South Sudan; to identify the challenges faced by the displaced South Sudanese as a result of ethnic conflict, and to analyze the effects of displacement on the living conditions of the people of South Sudan. The study was guided by two theories: the theory of Protracted Social Conflict and the Instrumentalist t...

Avega Agahozo Women Association on Reconciliation and Peace Building Among Genocide Victims in Rwanda

ABSTRACT The study intended to establish the relationship between activities of AVEGA AGAHOZO Women Association and reconciliation and peace building in Rwanda after the Genocide. The study employed a descriptive correlational, expost facto and cross sectional survey designs. A sample of 346 respondents was taken. The questionnaire was used to answer 4 research questions which included; profile of respondents; degree of activities of AVEGA AGAHOZO Women Association; level of reconciliation an...

Media Challenges in the Post- Election Violence in Kenya. A Case Study of Nairobi.

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to establish the media challenges faced during the post election violence in the city of Nairobi. The research was cross-sectional with both explanatory and descriptive approaches. The target population was the women, youth, middle aged and elderly, besides politicians as a special group. The population of the study was 300 residents of Nairobi. Key informant interviews and questionnaires were used in collecting data. Data analysis method was based on qu...

Terrorism: A Major Cause of Insecurity in Nairobi, Kenya

ABSTRACT The study was on terrorism: a major cause of insecurity in Nairobi, Kenya. The study was descriptive in style because it outlined the nature of the actual situation just as it exists. It tried to explain the relationship between the impact of the terrorism and the government response to keep security. The design shaped by the responses obtained from the interviewees and the extent of the data collected from the sample population The objectives of the study included: Reasons for the c...

Congo-uganda Conflict and International Relations

ABSTRACT The study “Congo-Uganda Conflict and International Relations” was undertaken with specific objectives to finding out the causes of conflict on international relations; assessing the loopholes in the measures adopted to resolve conflicts; and highlighting alternative perspectives, policies and institutional requirements to cover existing gaps. Literature review from different authors was explored in a bid to comprehend how conflict impacts on relations between nations. The study r...

Conflict Between Wildlife and Communities Living Adjacent to Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda

ABSTRACT This study sought to assess the relationships between wildlife and communities living adjacent to Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda, in order to evaluate actions that have been taken to make it easier for people and wildlife coexist and those that should be envisaged to ensure their sustainable coexistence. A questionnaire survey was conducted within concerned communities. Both qualitative and quantitative data analyses were presented. Findings showed that there are conflicts between...

Boko Haram Insurgency and Western Education in Yobe State, North Eastern-Nigeria

ABSTRACT The study is aimed at assessing the effects of Boko Haram Insurgency on Western education in Yobe State, North-Eastern Nigeria. Three objectives were formulated as study guide that included; to examine the causes of Boko Hararn insurgency, to establish how Boko Haram violence has affected western schools, and finally to examine the effects of Boko Haram violence on standards of western education in Yobe State, North Eastern-Nigeria. The study used descriptive survey design with both ...

Wetland Resources and Livestock Availability in Armed Conflicts in Baringo County, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study focused on the relationship between wetland resources, availability of livestock and the conflicts in Baringo County, Kenya. The study had four objectives and these were; to find out whether there is availability of wetland resources (water and pasture) in Lake 94, to find out whether there is armed conflict between the Pokot and the Njemps communities who live in Lake 94, to find out whether there is availability of livestock (cows, sheep and goats) in Lake 94 and lastly,...

Customary Courts and Justice Delivery in Western Equatoria State, South Sudan

ABSTRACT The study titled “customary courts and justice delivery” conducted in Western Equatoria state, South Sudan aimed to investigate the importance of customary courts on justice delivery and assess the current structures, capacity of chiefs and lack of ascertainment of oral customary laws and the degree of their influence on the performance of customary courts in delivery of justice among the South Sudanese society. The study examined various related studies and found that the contri...

Resettlement and Gender Dimensions of Land Right in Post Conflict Northern Uganda

ABSTRACT The study intended to correlate between the current resettlement and gender dimensions of land rights in Amuru Sub County, Amuru district. The study employed descriptive correlation and retrospective survey design, using both qualitative and quantitative approaches. A sample of 187 respondents was taken. A researcher made questionnaire was used to collect data which was used to answer four research objectives which included determining; (i) the profile of the respondents in terms of ...

Civilian Disarmament and Security Enhancement in the State of Jonglei, South Sudan

ABSTRACT After signing the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, South Sudan is facing a set of problems. The Government of South Sudan has yet to establish security throughout the South and to address internal challenges to its authority, including various militia groups and inter-communal conflicts. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between civilian disarmament and security enhancement in Jonglel state. But more specifically to (i) establish the causes of civilian armament;...

The Influence of Poverty on Crime Among the Abanyole of Emuhaya District, Western Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to establish the significant relationship between poverty and crime. The research design used for the study was a survey research design in which questionnaires were used in collecting data from the respondents. The sample for the study consisted of 124 persons (Male 90 and Female 34). Data collected was analyzed using the chi~square statistical method, Results indicated that there was significant relationship between poverty, (financial standing, employm...

The Impact of Karamojong Incursions on the Socioeconomic Development of the Neighbouring Districts; A Case Study of Bunambutye Sub County, Sironko District

ABSTRACT This study examined the impact of the Karamojong Cattle rustling on the Socio Economic Development of Sironko District, taking the case of Bunambutye Sub County. Development was treated on four dimensions of primary school education, Health service delivery, Agricultural Productivity and Infrastructural development. Using semi structured questionnaire, key informant interview and Focus Group Discussion, 205 questionnaires were recovered and interesting results were found. The findin...

The Role of Religion On the Stability and Development of Uganda: A Case Study of Lutheran World Federation

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ............................................................................................................... .iAPPROVAL ...................................................................................................................... iiDEDICATION ................................................................................................................. iiiLIST OF TABLES ....................................................................................

An Impact Of Institutional Conflict On Labor Relatio~~ And Employee Perf.Ormamce: Case Study Of Mubende District Local Government

ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study was to examine the impact of labour relations and employee performance in organizations with specific reference to Mubende district local government Headquarters.The objective of the study was to examine the impact of labour relations and employee performance, to establish the relationship between labour relations andemployee performance and to find out the major parties involved in promoting labour relations.The researcher used questionna...

121 - 135 Of 210 Results