Philosophy Research Papers/Topics

Assessing Sustainability Of Smallholder Dairy And Traditional Cattle Milk Production Systems In Tanzania

ABSTRACT Sustainability of smallholder dairy and traditional cattle milk production systems in developing countries, including Tanzania, is limited by a number of constraints such as low cow productivity, shortage of feed, limited access to inputs and outputs markets and degradation of natural resources. Efforts have been made to improve the sustainability, but the improvement is hindered by lack of knowledge on how to ensure sustainability of the production systems particularly at the farm l...

Profit Efficiency Of Smallholder Wine Grape Farmers In Dodoma City And Chamwino District In Dodoma Region, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Grape is one of the most important economic fruits crop grown in Dodoma Region - Tanzania. However, grape production faces challenge of low yield of 5.6 t/ha compared to the established yield potential of 25 t/ha under irrigation and 17.3 t/ha under rain-fed in Tanzania. This low productivity was mainly due to rising cost of production, which is coupled with low output prices and an unreliable market. The most cost effective way to improve farm productivity is through efficient use o...

Prevalence Of Antimicrobial Resistance And Characterization Of Fecal Indicator Bacteria And Staphylococcus Aureus From Farm Animals, Wildlife, Pets And Humans In Tanzania

ABSTRACT This thesis is prepared according to “Publishable manuscript” format of the Sokoine University of Agriculture. It is divided into four sections; the first section presents introduction, problem statement, objectives, rationale of the study and hypothesis while the second section is a review of literature in relation to the work performed. The third section contains four manuscripts which cover the research work done, whereas the last section details overall conclusions of the stu...

Impacts Of Climate Change And Variability On Coastal And Mangroves Dependent Fish

ABSTRACT Climate change will affect fishery resources and challenge policy makers to develop sustainable exploitation strategies. However, the information on the impacts of climate change and variability on fishery resources is still fragmentary. The present study gives an overview of literature on the impact of climate change and variability on marine environment and fish populations with a focus on the processes that govern the response of fish to marine environment and climate change. The ...

The models of democracy that can be suitably applied to Zimbabwe school education system

ABSTRACT The study explored the models of democracy that can be suitably applied to Zimbabwe school education system. This was driven by the fact that most African countries have not adopted proper models democracy in their institutions including schools. The study was also necessitated by the fact that democracy has historically proved to be closely to human flourishing. (Glaeser, Ponzetto & Shleifer, 2006; Halperin and Weinstein, 2005; Mangu, 2004; Pinar, 2003; and Carr, 2000). In light of ...

The Use Of Mobile Phones In Communicating Agricultural Information In Tanzania: The Roles Of Different Stakeholders

ABSTRACT The study on which this thesis is based sought to investigate roles of different stakeholders influencing the use of mobile phones in communicating agricultural information in Tanzania. The study arose from the fact that, while information is becoming an important ingredient in agriculture, farmers in Tanzania lack access to agricultural information something which greatly constrains efforts to improve agricultural development. One good thing is that, mobile phone technology which is...

Evaluation Of Lime In Ameliorating Soil Acidity For Improved Yields Of Intercropped Sugarcane And Soybean In Western Kenya

ABSTRACT Farmers in Western Kenya contribute significantly to the Kenyan economy through food and cash crop production such as sugarcane. However, the acidic nature of the soil reduces the yields due to soil fertility problems. Acidity is further accelerated by the long term sugarcane monoculture and long term use of acidifying fertilizers. Cropping systems such as intercropped sugarcane referred to crop diversification is currently advocated and practiced by smallholder farmers. The producti...

Member Ownership And Democratic Sustainability In Primary Agricultural Marketing Co-Operative Societies In Tanzania: A Case Study Of Bukoba And Moshi Districts

ABSTRACT In Tanzania, member ownership in primary Agricultural Marketing Co-operative Societies (AMCOS) is imperative to ensure democratic sustainability. Various efforts have been made to ensure primary AMCOS are governed by democratic practices which are based on member owned practices. But such democratic sustainability is still far from being realised. The general objective of this study was to analyse member ownership factors that influence AMCS practice in Tanzania to attain democratic ...

Effects Of Compliance With Food Safety Standards On Costs, Benefits And Organization Of Nile Perch Export Supply Chain In Tanzania

ABSTRACT Trading in high-value agro-food and fishery products like Nile perch represents one of the main possibilities for reducing poverty in Tanzania. Nile perch earner foreign exchange and provides employment to communities around Lake Victoria. However, Tanzania has experienced challenges in maintaining and expanding her share of global markets given stringent food-safety requirements in the European Union (EU). Following the three EU Nile perch export bans in the 1990s, several efforts h...

Institutional Determinants Of Food Security In Tanzania: A Case Study Of Singida Region

ABSTRACT Food insecurity is relatively high in Singida Region although there has been an influx of development related institutions, some of which deal with food security. The extent to which the two were linked was empirically unknown. Therefore, the research for this thesis was conducted in Iramba and Singida Districts of Singida Region to determine the role of institutions in improving food security. The specific objectives were to: (i) to appraise qualitatively the role of institutions in...

The Impact Of Land Size And Farm Fragmentation On Household Welfare: The Case Of Kilosa District In Morogoro, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study on which this thesis is based investigated the impact of land size and farm fragmentation on household welfare in Kilosa District. The specific objectives were to: determine factors affecting household land size, assess the effects of farm size on household income, determine the causes of farm fragmentation, and assess the effect of farm fragmentation on agricultural productivity. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire, which was administered to a random sampl...

Governance Effectiveness On Capitation Grant And Education Outcomes In Primary Schools In Tanzania: A Case Study Of Morogoro Region

ABSTRACT The implementation of strategies to improve the academic performance of pupils varies around the world. This could be due to variation in available resources and their utilisation proficiency. In Tanzania, primary education accounted for over 40% of the national education budget from 2008/09 to 2012/2013 Financial Years. The governance of capitation grant (CG) in Government primary schools (GPS) in Morogoro region, as in many other regions of Tanzania, is under school committees (SCs...

Soil Organic Carbon Accumulation, Climate Variability And Crop Production In Tanzania’s Semi-Arid Agro-Ecological Zone: A Case Study Of The Kongwa District

Abstract Various ecological and environmental indicators including climate change, soil fertility, water availability and proper agronomic practices that form optimal agricultural systems are needed to be integrated for increasing agricultural productivity in the Tanzanian semi-arid agro-ecological zone. Among these indicators, climate change and soil fertility are the major limiting factors to affect crop yields in this semi-arid agro-ecological zone. To improve crop productivity, this study...

Studies On Epidemiology And Socio-Economic Impact Associated With African Swine Fever 2015 – 2017 Outbreaks In Tanzania

ABSTRACT African swine fever (ASF) is a highly fatal hemorrhagic disease of domestic pigs caused by ASF virus (ASFV) that can cause mortalities reaching up to 100%, depending on the virus strain. There have been sporadic ASF outbreaks in Tanzania that have affected food security and the livelihoods of pig farmers. Previous studies have reported the genetic nature viral strains that caused ASF outbreaks in Tanzania. The present study was conducted to investigate whether new or already describe...

Economic Valuation And Green Accounting Of Wetland Resources Of The Kilombero Valley, Ramsar Site, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Wetland ecosystems in Tanzania are historically important for the well being of human communities, biodiversity conservation and other environmental values. These cover about 88 300 km2 which is about 10% of the land surface. However, in recent years, they have gone through ecological changes. The major reason is increased unsustainable utilization of wetland resources, which may result into losses of livelihoods. Under Ecosystem Services Framework (ESF), the role played by healthy e...

301 - 315 Of 571 Results