Social Studies Research Papers/Topics

The Role Of Television In Conflict Management In Kibera Division, Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTAPPROVAL .......................................................................................... iiDE CLARA TI ON ..••...•...................................•....................................... iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................ ivABBREVIATIONS ....•...•..•........•..•....•.........................•.......•...•............... vTABLE OF CONTENT ................................................

The Role Of The Media In Eradicating Female Genital Mutilation Among The Kish Community Of Kenya In Kish Central District A Case Studyof The Abagusii Community

ABSTRACT This dissertation demonstrates critical analysis of the research findings on Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in Kisii !entral District with special a~~ media. Three research areas were accessed: la report on harmful traditional practices that affect the health of the women and their children in kisii1 the large span of the media and its coverage, from this report, the findings were discussed under selection criteria while p1aying a large concern on economic...


ABSTRACTThe research focused on creating a mobile and web-based application to enable Peopleaccess reservation services for Gagga bus company. This shall help people avoid time wasting asthey could plan their journey well with no risk of missing a seat in a particular bus.Constant missing of buses travelling to distant places across East Africa due to poor timing of thepassengers was the major problem that led the researcher to conduct this project. Theresearcher created the Traveller mobile ...

The Impact of Drug Abuse On Academic Performance of Learners in Secondary Schools In Roret Division, Getarwet Village, Roret Zone Of Bureti District Of Rift Valley Province Inkenya

TABLE OF CONTENTDECLARATION ............................................................................................................................. .iAPPROVAL .................................................................................................................................. iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................... vTABLE OF CONTENT .......................................................

Attitudes, Knowledge and People’s Perception On Female Genital Mutilation in Kapchorwa District: A Case Study of Kaptwanya Sub County

TABLE OF CONTENTSAPPROVALTHETABLEDECLARATIONLISTOFOFCONTENTSACRONYMS.ivLIST OF TABLES viiABSTRACT viiiCHAPTER ONE 1THE PROBLEM AND ITS SCOPE 11 .0 Introduction 11.1 Background to the Study1.2 The Statement of the Problem 41.3 Objectives of the Study 51 .3.1 General Objective 51,3.2 Specific Objectives 61 .4 Research Questions 61.5 The Scope of the Study 61.6 Justification of the Study 61.7 Operational Definition of Key Terms / Concepts 7CHAPTER TWO 8LITERATURE REVIEW 82.0 Introduction 82.1 PE...

An Assessment of Solid Waste Management Practices of Residents in Abuja Municipalities Nigeria

ABSTRACT For many developing countries, Solid Waste disposal and management remains a serious problem. Under research problem, Case study of assessment of solid waste Management practices of residents was undertaken in Abaji, Kuje, Kwali, Gwagwalada, Buhari and (AMAC) Abuja Municipal Area Councils Nigeria. Solid Waste disposal practices were investigated through structured questionnaire, Personal interview in the study area. Findings indicated that poor funding, absence of any recycling prog...

The Causes and Effect of Drug Abuse Among Adolescents in Selected Secondary Schools (A Case Study of Patagia Local Government Area Of Kwara State)

TABLE OF CONTENT Title page                                   Approval page                                                             Dedication                                                                   Acknowledgement                                                        Abstract                                                              �...

An Examination of Parents and Teachers Perception and Attitude Towards the use of Corporal Punishment in Secondary Schools in Irepodun Local Government Area

ABSTRACT          The research work was set out to find out the Examination of parents and Teacher’s perception and attitude toward the use of corporal punishment in Secondary School in Irepodun LGEA.          Data were collected from two hundred randomly selected students through influence of an examination of parents and teachers perception and attitude towards the use of corporal punishment in secondary schools questionnaire. Data collected were analysed using frequency,...

Assessment of the Effect of Parental Status on Academic Performance Business Studies Student in Ogbomosho, Oyo State

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1       Background to the Study              Education is a fundamental human right, the key to sustainable development, a crucial tool for effective participation in societies and it enhances peace and stability among countries (Ninomiya, 2003). Posse and Melgosa (2002) identified three environments that must come into play in the educational process which include; the family, the school and the community. The researchers opined that for a succ...

Influence of Social Media on Performance of Secondary School Student as Perceived by Teachers in Ilorin West, Kwara State

TABLE OF CONTENT Title Page                                                                                     i Certification                                                                                  ii        Dedication                                              �...

Influence Of Home Background on Students Performance in Social Studies in Selected Secondary School in Oyun Lga, Kwara State

TABLE OF CONTETNS TITLE PAGE                                                                          I CERTIFICATION                                                                   II DEDICATION                                                                        III ACKNOWLEDGEMENT...

Impact Of Poverty On Refugees Settlement In Kyangwali Settlement Hoima District .The Case Study Of Kyangwale Refugee Settlement

According to World Bank (2002), poverty is defined as inability of a person to live on 1 U$ per day which is equivalent to 2000 Uganda shillings Poverty has also been defined as the inability of a person to meet the basic needs such as food, shelter, education, medication and clothing. Mean while refugees are people who flew away and settle in a particular area because of wars or insurgency, diseases such as landslides, volcanic eruption among others. When they are seen in an area they are kn...

Continuity And Change In The Indigenous Therapeutic Systems Among The Abagusii Of Nyamira County, Kenya, 1880-2010

ABSTRACT This study is an historical exposition and analysis of the developments of indigenous therapeutic systems among the Abagusii of Nyamira County, Kenya, between 1880 and 2010. Abagusii belong to the Bantu communities of western Kenya, including the Luhyia, Kuria and Suba. The study traces continuity and change in indigenous medical practice among the Abagusii. The study has examined the status of Gusii herbal medicine on the eve of British colonialism; the encounter between Gusii indi...

Religious Approaches To Peace Building And Reconciliation In Areas Affected By Ethnic Conflicts Within Kuresoi North-Nakuru County, Kenya (1992-2008)

ABSTRACT In Kenya, the issue of ethnic related conflicts seems to be very prominent. Its effects have been felt both at local and national levels. Religion represented by religious individuals and organizations is often at the heart of rural communities involving many people. Guided by the biblical principles of peace, love and justice, religion has an important role to play in peace building and reconciliation. Religion has the theology and language of healing, forgiveness and reconciliatio...

Tales Of Accountability: A Q-Method Study Of Discourses Amongst Tanzanian Members Of Parliament

Abstract INTRODUCTION Accountability is an essentially contested, and hence thoroughly political notion: an umbrella concept touching upon almost all facets and aspects of the drive for ‘democracy’ and ‘good governance, in developed industrial countries as well as in emerging economy countries like Tanzania. It has become a buzzword in the Washington Consensus ideas about economic development through improving competitiveness, and in concomitant funding programmes by the WB, IMF, OECD a...

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