Social Studies Research Papers/Topics

Integrating Renewable Energy and Livelihood Sustainability: A Case Study of Decentralised Watermill Upgradation Policy in the Himalayas, India

Livelihoods have been a prime concern for rural areas in the geographically difficult mountain ecosystems of Himalayas. Watermills (Gharat) have been the lifeline of the people in these areas for time immemorial. They use water, the abundantly available Common Property Resource (CPR). The present paper deals with the watermill-based enterprise programme in Uttarakhand, India. The study collected primary and secondary data from various sources including watermill owners, household survey, FGD,...

Old Age Homes in India: Home Away from Home or Last Resort of the Helpless

Consequent to the changing demographic scenario and social mores, the condition of the elderly persons in Indian society is becoming more critical, and the abuse and neglect of the elderly in the family is assuming serious proportions. The earlier notion that the elderly would be able to live peacefully in their own home amidst their family members receiving their care and love is getting shattered. Due to industrialisation, urbanisation, globalisation, privacy, and migration the families tra...


Abstract Social studies is a course of instruction which has pragmatic social relevance. The socio economic, political and technological transformation of society is the primary focus of social studies instruction. The manner in which corruption is spreading in Nigeria society and how social studies education curriculum can provide solution to the problem is the epitome of this paper. The paper therefore seeks to conceptualize social studies, corruption, and further investigated the evoluti...

An Assessment of Charity Home Activities, Needs and Excesses: Impact Factors of Reduction of Child Neglect and Abuse and Re-integration into Society

ABSTRACT This study assessed charity home activities, needs and excesses: impact factors of reduction of child neglect and abuse and re-integration into society. Descriptive survey research design was adopted in this study. The population was drawn from  Blessed Assurance Orphanage Home. 65 respondents participated in the study. The research instrument used for the study was The Multidimensional Neglectful Behavior Scale (MNBS), Child Abuse Potential Inventory (CAP), Orphanage Adolescent S...

Incidence of Early Marriage in Ghana

TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTENT                                                                                                    PAGE DECLARATION      iii DEDICATION      iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS    v TABLE OF CONTENTS    vi LIST OF TABLES    ix LIST OF ACRONYMS    x ABSTRACT    xi CHAPTER ONE:INTRODUCTION   1 1.1. Background to the Study  1 1.2. Statement of the Problem   4 1.3. P...


POPULATION MOVEMENTS Types of Population Movements Consequences Of Migration On The Country Of Origin Economic Impacts Social Impacts Political Impacts Consequences Of Migration On The Host Country Economic Impacts Social Impacts Political Impacts Classifying Population Movement



Public Perception of Employees’ Performance In Social Welfare Agencies in Nigeria: A Study of Enugu State

ABSTRACT In recent times, the performance record of the employees of Nigerian public social welfare agencies has been a catalogue of disappointment and failure. This situation has, therefore, called for a drastic intervention through public perception to draw the attention of the employees to their responsibilities of providing services to the people in the most satisfactory manner and move the country forward in the attainment of the millennium development goals. This is the major premise of...

Increasing Wave of Violent Crimes in Abia State: The Role of the Church

ABSTRACT The search light of this research is beamed on the increasing wave of violent crime in Abia State. The intentness is to highlight and underscore the role of the church as a fundamental institution for inculcating principles and virtues of proper moral conduct as well as foremost agent of social welfare and human development. This has been done by approaching the research in an objective and orderly systematic manner. In fashioning the approach, primary and secondary sources of data c...

Challenges of Human Capital Development in Nigeria’s Federal Civil Service Under Goodluck Jonathan Administration: 2010-2015

ABSTRACT The study examined the challenges of Human Capital Development in Nigeria Federal Civil service under Goodluck Jonathan Administration (2010-2015), the study reviewed the contributions of Scholars and literature in fields of human capacity building; with particular attention to the training and capacity building in Nigeria Civil Service of the Federation, human capital theory was adopted for the study. Questionnaire were distributed, collated and analyzed with percentage and likert s...

Designing A Web-Based Database System For Students’ Results: A Case Study Of Uganda National Examinations Board

Abstract In this technological explosion today, large amounts of funds are being directed towards information technology (IT). Despite the enormous advances in the IT industry, there are still many organizations that have not embraced it. Several factors contribute to this state of affairs. One of these being the management factor. This research was focused on the accessibility to online Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB) results which is non-existent despite the presence of a sta...

The Role Of Organic Farming In Improving The Agriculture Of Small-Scale Rural Farmers. Case Study: Bwera Parish Kicheche Sijwcounty Kamwenge District

ABSTRACTThe study was carried out in Kamwengye district Kicheche Sub County in the westernpart of Uganda to assess the role of organic agriculture /farming in improving theagriculture of small scale farmers.It focused on the farming practices, potential benefits of organic farming, level ofawareness and the factors constraining the adoption of organic farming.The traditional practices that characterize the farming systems of smallseaie farmers andland size in most developing countries due to ...

HIV/AIDS and Mental Health of Nursing Mothers in Karudandara Subcounty, Kasese District.

ABSTRACTThis study focused on HIV/AIDS and mental health of nursing mothers in Karusandara sub county, Kasese district, Uganda. The three specific objectives were based on to collect data, these included; to assess the prevalence of HIV/AIDS in Karusandara sub-county, Kasese District, to examine how WV/AIDS affect the mental health of nursing mothers and to suggest ways of improving mental health of nursing mothers in Karusanda subcounty, Kasese district Findings of the study showed tha...

Factors Influencing the Prevalence of Hiv/Aids Among the Youth in Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTSDeclaration .Approval IiDedication IiAcknowledgement ivList of Acronyms ViiiAbstract XCHAPTER ONE 1Background of the study 1Historical background of the study 1Statement of the Problem 3Purpose of the study 4Objectives of the study 4Hypothesis of the study 4Significance of the study 5Scope of the study 6Maps of Kampala District and Makindye Division 7 & 8Research questions 9Limitation of the study 9REAL1Ti’ ABOUT HIV/AIDS 10VCHAPTER TWO .12LITERATURE REVIEW 12Introduction 1...

The Role Of Television In Conflict Management In Kibera Division, Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTAPPROVAL .......................................................................................... iiDE CLARA TI ON ..••...•...................................•....................................... iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................ ivABBREVIATIONS ....•...•..•........•..•....•.........................•.......•...•............... vTABLE OF CONTENT ................................................

1 - 15 Of 158 Results